Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I--mag--i nation--disposes of everything; it creates beauty,justice, and happiness,which is everything in this world (Pascal)

Most of my day is spent alone except when someone decides that I should have someone with me--the only thing I have every day is pain--trying to come up with some meds that will let me function--without aches and pains--I must have made my body pretty damn sore for what I'm paying now--knees--hips and general lack of enthusiasm--is a hard way to have to deal with daily life--plus staying home limits any connections that may cause problems--Teeth--breath, hearing and seeing are steadily going to the dogs--my glasses always seem to be sliding down my nose or moving some way I can only see by refocusing my glasses--I hate to have to go and have my eyes checked--it's so far and it takes a while to get the glasses--if I don't do it soon though I want be able to read at all--my daughter has gone to get groceries--and to bring a pizza--back for us her daughter and me to eat--it's been a while--she said she was going to stop and get gas----she just called and said she forgot to get the gas and will be back 15:00 minutes later-- so she could go get the gas--her timing is always off--she can't tell you a time that she'll be anywhere and be there--she still smokes--almost as bad as a smoke stack at a never closing plant...

Wisdom of a serpent and simplicity of a child...

Bride's Cup
Ye Bryde whose lippes kysse myne
And taste ye water an no wyne
Shall live an herself see
A happy grandchile on each knee...These lines were surrounded with a wreath ans surmounted by a knight's Head, visor down, and the motto:  " Semper Fidelis. "


Imagine, that you could
Where, would you be, If you would
Or had it done, the way you should
Now think of all that good,
That you stood for, when you stood
And see what you would
If, at last, you took off your hood
Or imagined that you could....

" ' Those whom thou spak'st of are no visionaries.'
   Rejoined that voice, 'they are no dreamers weak.......
                                          thou art a dreaming thing,
   A fever of thyself; think on the earth;
       What bliss, even in hope, is there for thee.......
    Only the dreamer venoms all his days,
     Bearing more woe than all his sins deserve. ' "(Fall of Hyperion)---Keats
I usually walk around my house barefooted--and lately I been having to turn on the lights so I can figure out what that big thing is on the floor hoping that it isn't a scorpion--the cave spider can get quite big and a lot of cave crickets are coming up from the basement--looking for food and nourishment--cause the basement must have run out--In the basement is where I keep the hardwood ashes--the fireplace has a dump in the back where you can let the ashes drop into the basement--I use it all the time and don't always use all the ashes--so I always have plenty for the garden and plants..I use it also to keeps slugs and snips from crawling all over my house plants and garden vegetables

.....the beauty, the wonder , the humor, the tragedy, the greatness of truth....
Of course all who hurt people with their words hurt through thoughtlessness

Visitors--sounds foreign--I live believe me I do live in a strange place--an island in the promised land--secluded from people, sounds, harsh noises, Jimmy Buffet--I can't explain how I got so lucky --at this time I have tears in my eyes --I never in a million years thought I would be alone--without
a person I only learned to appreciate when she was gone-- a person whose heart was good as gold --HER thoughts bang from every vacant space, her smells, hurt to the point visions that can never be again--I know death took her away from pain of being something she never could stand -a person dependent--I've always been selfish where my time with her was interrupted-- time with her ended--the ways and the means of it--but hey I was in love--and to a great degree still am--missing her greatly--not all the things she did for me--just her being around able to talk when we did--she was a bigger person than I could or would of wanted to be...

The purpose of this writing is to say something that I feel must be said--and I hope it's said with simplicity--the expression about not only a women but an individual who was dear to me--and even in the middle of sleep --still effects me--the not being able to touch, or smell, to hear her voice, to share a ride into town, a diary queen, --or hell just an afternoon ride--oh god--the things one wishes--the time calls for simple statements and restatements of simple feelings What I'm trying to say includes warnings--if you love someone--tell them every day or hell--

our problems are a problem as old as man and women decay--the slow progression of getting from one point to the next.. from a handful of words beginning with  "I do" --at first those words --are full --faith --love--smiles--all good things not worn down by time and selfish feelings of not being as important as I wanted to feel --I do not know how to impress these things on someone --to make them aware--time passes--Is honesty still in vogue?  the thoughts I want to convey for expression from head and heart--the honesty I'm trying ton speak--is it touchingly worth while--I'm one voice coming to you from "God Knows" a heartfelt painfulness a communion of spirit--a fireside chat --where being relaxed one person reaches --a point where what he reveals --is simply--what at last has to be touched on--where reaching his heart--he can't hold it in any longer--the fireside , the warmth of the camaraderie--at a fireside chat many things come out that would never have seen the light of reasonableness--Persons willing to let go are sire to be understood--The plain simple--through reveals to the other--that friendships reached through plain speaking is the only one worth having --My wife and I had that--and more--confession time--since May 7th 2013 I have been living in a daze--like I've been under immense pressure with a stone press over my heart--troubling under the questions of brutal honesty-and what if anything is wonderful anymore- these questions are not whether it's worth while to myself but for the answers--they are one sided of course--and prejudiced but hey--I'm here --look at night-- I don't reach conclusion only--more questions--fusing at everything imaginable --the why, the wherefore, and what the hell have you--thinking, thinking, how to break back thru the years--of our togetherness--what I guess I want to say is love the one you're with--it's never to late to say--those corny things--that seems so simple that they make you feel vulnerable--get out while the approach to them is possible--cause heartache--is a lonely road to hoe--and all the simple things you say to the one loved--take root in kindness and believe it does grow --thank you

" How calm and quiet a delight
  is it, alone,
To read and meditate and write,
  By none offended, and offending none!
To walk ,ride sit or sleep at one's own ease;
     And, pleasing a man 's self, none other to displease. "--Charles Cotton, a friend of Izaak Walton

If our government turns out to be as bad as everyone thinks then the Americans will bail us out..They always have, and they always will…

You can never go wrong--when you follow nature…

We are immersed in beauty, but our eyes have no lear vision…Emerson

Many times hope has triumphed over the warning of personal experience...


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