March 11, 2014--unbelievable--10 week of this year--almost
What a different world this would be if people would only magnify their blessings the way they do their troubles….living and writing in heat--
Yes, I feel quite certain there is to be a Heaven and a Hell because I've seen signs of both on this earth…
Life is response to the order of Nature--W.K. Brooks
Wishes--" we had always dwelled together, beneath a tropical sun, in the valley of the Many-Colored Grass. No unguided footstep ever came upon that vale; for it lay far away up among a range of giant hills that hung beetling around about it, shutting out the sunlight from its sweetest recesses. No path was trodden in its vicinity; and, to reach our happy home, there was need of putting back, with force, the foliage of many thousands of forest trees, and of crushing to death the glories of many millions of fragrant flowers. Thus it was that we lived all alone, knowing nothing of the world without the valley " "Eleonora"…Edgar allen Poe
1.) The tops of trees are hazy pink with swollen buds..
2.) Robins and Bluebirds and Cardinals sometimes as early as this date are already around about
3.) If warm, more robins, perhaps small flocks eating the Berries off the American holly outside my bedroom window. Bluebottle flies appear in sunny places. Midges appear and dance over melting snow…
4.) English Sparrows commence to build..peepers are heard as early as this date on rare occasions..
5.) Snow sometimes halts the awakening of things or occasional cold freezing..
6.) A Red-backed Salamander may be found as early as this date..
7.) Crocus two inches high…
8.) Jonquils with big buds..and colorful flowers…Hemiptera(bugs) appear in protected places…
9.) Insects start moving around and become more prominent…
10.) Red-winged Blackbirds appear in their usual haunts, only males being seen at first…Vanessa antiopa, the Mourning-cloak Butterfly, appears at noon if the day is warm…
11.) Water striders come out of the mud.. Grapta comma Butterfly appears…
12.) Rhubarb well up…Downy Woodpeckers drilling holes in my front yard Sugar Maple drilling for future nests..Red-Backed Salamanders with well-formed eggs..
13.) Stickleback (two-spined) courting in coves of pond…
14.) Newts gathering in my pond…Small ant colonies with first batches of spring eggs..
15.) Spiders moving around in and outside house on warm days…
Noticed first blooms on Mahonia haven't seen many insect activity on blooms yet outside my
window but I just noticed the blooms and they must be 2 and 1/2 to 3 inches long--
***observation is important at this time of year
July 23
I f you want a thing done, go
if not send... (Benjamin Franklin)
Not once or twice in our
rough island story,
The path of dumping was the way
to glory ( Corkster--the Charge of the ugly mind)
July 24--2013
God defend me from myself----Montaigne
It is so hard to conquer when the prestige of former victories is all against one. It is so hard for the cock who has once been beaten out of his yard to resume his courage and again take a proud place upon a dunghill......
He knew that he was acting the recognized principles of his life, against those laws of conduct by which he hoped to achieve much higher success. But as we have said, he could not help himself. Passion, for the first time in his life, passion was too strong for him....
And what will make you happy-- Is it a search in which every human being spends an existence....
"Most of the Nature books tire me. They are sensational, or written to meet a supposed want. Our popular periodical publications and Sunday papers seem trying to compete with the moving pictures shows, or to give their readers something that will make as little demand upon their thinking powers as do the movies. The movies are the pest of our times...They are a part of our hurry and shallowness. Look back in our periodicals 10 years ago and see how much more solid matter there is in them than at present...The monthly magazine vies with the weekly for the ephemera of the hour and the weekly vies with the daily paper--so little is there in any of them that a reflective man can sit by his own fireside and read." John Burroughs
Ideas and inspirations must be examined on the strength of the results to which they lead...
"Cumulative power" while truth is with you--oh--B-- won-- Ka--no--be...inner strength develops and outward prosperity in every "living " gesture consequently follows--only when a human being looses "truth" will inner strength wither and outward prosperity declines.. the opposite to truth is a lie masquerading as an "untruth." Anyone developing on this path --life begins a " cumulative wither"(adds up) it's the start of the 'Negative Way".. There is so much force in this that it can only relate in itself being true...
Corkster wonders(one of many of his wonders) Who were the people that when I was young and impressionable taught me the wrong things--why did I let them --how did they do it--and why did it happen to me at that particular time--was I bored to death or what cussing for instance...
To him that has truth it's always a given--everything going in or out is abundance--but from him that has untruth everything going in or out is receiving nothing or giving nothing,,, When the ideas of truth and lies (untruths) are analysed they are much in accord with where lives begin to unravel ---the truth is man's spirit-- this comes upon man to make him "self-confident" to do what needs to be done--what leads "life"--it inspires understanding and wisdom--your get up and go--your "valor"
Valor--The mean of true valor lies between the extremes of cowardice and rashness...Cervantes
receives it's strength from "Truth" ........
life is not meant to be so difficult
I'm sick of problems--I'm tired of hearing about problems--Problems --what are they--somebody screwed up --we've been dumped on--somebody at one time or another--got away with something-- you get away from simplicity--and of course will slowly decline--come on people--drink more water..
Life doesn't need your help in killing you--it can do it all by itself one step at a's waiting
We begin to die as soon as we are born, and the end is " linked " to the beginning---Manilius
7--25--2013 Sighs are the natural language of the heart
A goal is something you intend to accomplish---
A value is something you believe in...
Surely there comes a time when counting the cost and paying the price aren't things to think about anymore.. All that matters is value --the ultimate value of what one does...James Hilton
A good lesson cannot be taught if the teaching is accompanied with any emotion or feeling that is not good...Good can be conveyed only truthfully, and truth teaches no one a lesson with intent to make it bitter...
As I work with natural laws, I find that when I obey them they always work for my good...
People may be divided into four classes; 1) Those that know and know that they know; 2) those that do not know and think that they know; 3) those that do not know and know that they do not know and are afraid to admit it; 4) those that do not know and freely admit it....
Rotation is motion around an axis within the body...
Revolution is motion around a center usually outside the body...
he western scientific achievement, great though it is, has not concerned itself enough with the creation of better human beings, nor with self-discipline...It has concentrated instead upon things, and assumed that the good life would follow. Therefore it hungers for infinity. Outward in that infinity lies the Garden the sixteenth-century voyagers did not find. We no longer call it the garden. We are sophisticated men. We call it, vaguely , "progress" because that word in itself implies the endless movement of pursuit. We have abandoned the past without realizing that without the past the pursued future has no meaning, that it leads, as Morris has anticipated, to the world of artless, dehumanized man...Loren Eisely
Men increasingly are the victims of what they themselves have created...
July 26--2013---****Friday**** Solitude: A good place to visit but a poor place to stay--sounds like New York
But we always see her as she seems, never as she is....
Fact is unstable by it's very nature....
After college--I became "tired-listless " from not being able to make satisfying contact with others through my imagination like I was on some hideous diet of inter glow--when you can share without holding anything back--letting your hair down--then it becomes so quickly dog eat dog--seriousness sweat equity time--points to prove--primitive or corrupt--responsibilities of life--cuts the quick whether you're enjoying your life or have no idea what is happening here--like why not turn back to some primordial knowledge type of thing--is there some secret here that remains in the " to be continued " of the universe...
As I deal with natural laws, I find that when I obey them they always work for my benefit
Remembering pure substance "even " in the case of humans...
And although a physicist may temporarily " forget a law or two " nature does not and like a master storyteller, she always remembers where every character belongs... This miracle is the very reason that inspired Fredkin to assert that the universe functions as if it were " a giant computer " .All too often we do not give nature its awesome due, that the regularity of our lives is indeed in the benevolent hands of an incredible ministry of different equations...
The creative principle responsible for this fact does not matter, for the amount of organization inherent in this flawless drama is mind boggling...
No scientist working today can deny that aesthetics, something that is purely a product of the inward reality of our consciousness, also provides us with the ways for the discovering the workings of the outward reality of the universe...Michael Talbot *(Beyond The Quantum)
July 27 2013---Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Men Hunt foxes by the aid of dogs, and are aware that they do so by the strong organ of smell with which the dog is endowed...
The organ by which women instinctively as it were, know and feel how other women are regarded by man, and how also men are regarded by other women , is equally strong, and equally incomprehensible...
July 28 ( to be continued )
July 29 No two men can be half an hour together but one shall acquire an evident superiority over the other.......Samuel Johnson
(9/12/2013) On one of my sites it says History behind Obama's speech--the only history behind any politicians speech is whatever makes the boat float--their way--or whatever way makes them look better for their next successful attempt at trying to stay in favor--so they can get more yeses from the congress or people--
I woke up this morning thinking it was one time and yet it was another and I was several hours off way behind considering it wasn't important anyway--except I had taken a cold remedy pill and I overslept--and on waking I was disoriented--couldn't quite figure on what I wanted to do--so naturally went to the coffee maker--checked on my dogs--made the morning rounds which means wandered around the house for five or ten minutes--I've had this horrible coughing spell--for about a week now--not wanting to go to the doctor--not wanting to see anybody--I've been bearing with it--coughing anytime I stress myself--or at the least little exertion--I start this hacking I can't quit--at night I wake up coughing my head off so hard I think I'll never stop--drinking some ice cold water and it calms down some unless I'm hot--not worried just wondering how long this will last--don't smoke, don't chew, and only have a bunch of old books laying around--started thinking I had something from the mold on the books but I keep them wiped clean from whatever gets on them that's all I 've been doing that's different--also I have a dehumidifier in the room with my books...nothing seems to be loose in my chest--only small amounts of mucus--so I'm still wondering about where this came from--do have grand children--and have caught things from them before but seldom exposed to them now but they did stay around me for several days before I came down with this whatever---my coming and going is seldom--I don't like leaving the house--so the only reason I would leave would be for groceries and that's it--so communication with others is limited--and I prefer it that way--not anti-social--but just prefer my own company at this time--as I look out window all I see is woods--deep woods large trunks of hickories, oaks pines--deep forest--no sounds--once and awhile a dog barks--or a woodpecker hacks on a tree trunk--or maybe a truck passes on the small undersize road which leads around the horseshoe...which I live off of--but seldom does a car come up the road unless it's the postman--idyllic--of course--but it's been a lifetime process--one which I have been heading for since day one I've worked and loved this place--so I could keep it the way it is now--some say I did nothing and I love that the best--because if I did anything it always seem to mess it up--so I stopped doing anything and let it do it all itself--what changed nothing--it only added to itself--more weeds more trees more nature except it seemed to be controlled--as if naturalness piled on top of itself--some would say it's crowded--some would say that the trees are to close to the house what if they fell on the house--all I know--is it's quite and that seems to bother some folks--I couldn't live like this they say--it's so quite--it is and at times I see the start of leave fall and I actually hear the leaves as they fall through other leaves as they brush buy them on the way yes it is quite--there's a highway 53 a good ways away leading to Amicalola Falls--some say it's beautiful but they don't know about another falls that was beautiful until the college kids from Oglethorpe College found out about it and changed it totally--for the worse--I'll get some pictures--stayed tuned--it'll take awhile cause it's hard to get to--and there have been several kids hurt back there--even with warning signs put up--got to go feed my dogs--will return--shortly--it takes on the average of about twenty to forty five minutes to feed my dogs not like I have a hundred or so dogs--I feed them dry food and cooked food--mixed--pork chops sometimes and rotisserie chicken all missed with dry food--Diamond Lamb and Rice, Chicken Soup, and a food called Nutri Source (expensive but you can feed them less) anyway that's the way that goes and time wise I go at it easy to make sure I've got it right--it's hard for me to read one book at a time cause I may lose interest or something comes to mind-- and I start another one-I have a lot of book marks even have to make my own--torn from all kinds of things--toilet tissue--Kleenex, matchbook covers, old maps, whatever's handy--example of books by my bedside or a desk on the front porch or where I sit in the living room or at the kitchen table--Chance and Necessity (Jacques Monod), Second Thoughts On: How to Be as Terrific as Your Dog Thinks You Are! (Mort Crim), Xala (Sembene Ousmane), to live forever (Jack Vance), Buffalo Medicine (Don Goldsmith), Valley of the Sun (Louis L'Amour), Black Spring (Henry Miller), The Jacques Barzun Reader, The Portable Chekhov, the conquest of illusion (J.J. van der Leeuw), A House in the Country(Jose Donoso) , Adventures in Nature (Edwin Way Teale) that a taste at every spot I sit a pile begins to grow with bookmarks so I can return to the same spot each time--I advance slowly--a squirrel the window is sneaking up on a food source I guess but here comes a dog heading towards it and off they go--the squirrel up a tree and the dog standing at the bottom raising sand--looking upward like he's getting ready to climb after it--one of my dogs didn't show up for breakfast--worrying when they don't show--I going to look for her--
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