Monday, July 22, 2013

Birds (Notes)

Make your own breaks: move to colorado !!!

Insist that no boy or girl destroy a bird or it's nest...

To produce and multiply endlessly, with out ever reaching the last possibility of excellence, and committing herself to any end, is the law of nature  Burroughs, Birds and Poets

Wean them (young children) from their native cruelty by imparting to them some of your own positive sympathy with an animal's inner springs of joy...James Talks to teachers

I promise to do all I can for our native birds by treating them with kindness and by providing them with food, water, and homes...Corkster

The little bird sits at his door in the sun,
Atilt like a blossom among the leaves,
And lets his illumined being o'errun,
With the deluge of summer it receives;
His mate feels the eggs beneath her wings,
And the heart in her dumb breast flutters
       and sings;
He sings to the wide world, and she to her
In the nice ear of Nature which song is the best?  (Lowell, The Vision of Sir Launfal, page 106)

Wild Birds
No longer now the wing'd habitants,
That in the woods their sweet lives sing away,
Flee from the form of man; but gather round,
And prune their sunny feathers on the hands
Which little children stretch in friendly sport
Towards these dreadless partners of their play.
And science dawn though late upon the earth. (Shelley, Demon of the World.)

Alas, dear friend, that, all my days,
    Hast poured from that syringa thicket
The quaintly discontinuous lays
   To which I hold a season ticket,

A season-ticket cheaply bought
  With a dessert of pilfered berries,
And so oft my soul hast caught
   With morn and evening voluntaries. (Lowell, Nightingale in The Study)

Among the dwellings framed by birds
   In field or forest with nice care,
Is none that with the little wren's
   In snugness.

And when for their abodes they seek
   An opportune recess,
The hermit has no finer eye
   for shadowy quietness. (Wordsworth, The Wrens Nest)

This poet, though he live apart,
Moved by his hospitable heart,
Sped, when I passed his sylvan fort,
Ton do the honors of his court,
As fits a feathered lord of land,
Flew near, with soft wing grazed my hand. (Emerson, The Titmouse.)

Further on we found what we were chiefly looking for---a flock of lively little chickadees...They would light on our hands, inspect the pieces of crushed nut there, knock off the ones that did not suit them, and finally fly off with one---usually the largest...(Floyd C. Noble, Aged 14, Bird Lore, Vol. I, p. 58)

On two occasions, Chickadees have flown down and perched upon my hand. During the few seconds they remained there I became rigid with the emotion of this novel experience. It was a mark of confidence which seemed to initiate me into the ranks of woodland dwellers...(Chapman, Handbook, p. 390)

As well suppose the trees without leaves as the summer air without swallows. Ever since of old time the Greeks went round from house to house in spring singing the swallow song, these birds have been looked upon as the friends of man, and almost as the very givers of the sunshine...The beautiful swallows, be tender with them, for they symbol all that is best in nature and all that is best in our hearts. (Jefferies, Field and Hedgerows, p. 100)

Tales of Quails "n Such --A collection of Hunting and fishing Stories--Havilah Babcock

Birds --their life --their ways--their World-- Dr. Christopher Perriris   Ill. Ad Cameron

Song and Garden Birds of North America--Alexander Wetmore

The world of Birds--Gianfranco Bologna

Birds of the South Permanent and winter Birds--Charlotte Hilton Green

A birders Guide to Georgia--Joel R. Hitt and Kenneth Turner blackshaw

Georgia Bird watching  A year round Guide--Bill Thompson III

Backyard Birding--

Birding-- Joseph Forshaw, Steve Howell

Beginners Guide to Birds--Donald and Lillian Stokes

How to Watch Birds--Roger Barton

The Backyard Bird Watcher--George H. Harrison

Attracting Birds Sunset

A Complete Guide to bird feeding John V. Dennis

Familiar Garden Birds of America Henry Hill Collins Ill. John Cameron Yrizarry and Nina Williams

Why birds Sing--David Rothenberg

Birds Do It, Too--the amazing sex life of Birds--Kit And George Harrison

Birds in the garden and how to attract them--Margaret McKenny

A field Guide to Birds--Roger Tory Peterson

 Backyard Birds--An enthusiast's Guide to Feeding, Housing, and fostering Wild birds--Dr. Janann V. Jenner

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