Only in Life can you
feel so many emotions
all at once
Only in life can you
feel so alive
Only when the sun sits
can you feel so lucky
only when leaves unfold
and the trees bloom
Can you feel the solemn
power of gloom
only when you live
can you cascade in the true
meaning of life
they sent you to me
for a reason
I failed you
and I'm sorry
I'm sorry for all the
illusive sediments
I brought unto you
I'm sorry for making
you live in hurt
while I lived a dream
I'm sorry to have made you feel
Depression can hit hard
when it hits your home
it takes a lot of time
and a lot of good luck
when depression hits hard
comes to close
depression can hit hard
when it comes from your heart
only in a family
can love be so kind
only in a family
can love be so good
only in a family
can love be so hard
and dear
(was it Jimmy Buffet)
Was it for this I
uttered prayers, and sobbed
and cursed and kicked the stairs,
That now, domestic as a plate,
I should retire at half-past eight.....Millay on going to bed
"that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
for by thy words thou shall be justified, and by thy words thou shall be condemned."
what passes beyond "death" is the real soul....
I'm not scared (but this thought) is what made me realize and start thinking about all the wonderful moments that I've missed not being my true self all the time. The burdens and secrets which at the time seemed so important to keep hidden were nothing compared to what at that time I missed--this realization only came upon me as I watched a loved person fade before my heart's soul could explain
all the times I must have let her down----missing her greatly
We need to seek solitude in order to break away from enslavement to the mass society of today--breaking it's power so we can find where we are--getting back to recognize what we are doing and why we are doing it--seeing that we are on the right path for what we want to face at journey's end
In solitude there is something in us which has a chance to develop...this establishes the fact that there is a way of cultivating solitude not for escape, but for re-creation: not to "get away from people" but to be alone long enough to be able to heal and think better of them...said Andre Gide--if people never find themselves alone, they will never find themselves at all...
Science's true place
It exists not to dethrone, but to exalt man's dignity...It should be used to foster not destroy, the soul's side of his being
Man is born into freedom, and the place where this freedom originates and exercises it's force is in the center of his soul...Whenever men rebel against tyranny and authoritarian rule, the soul is declaring itself....
What has been said casually to impressionable people has often gone deep...
Out of the abundance of a good heart the mouth speaketh...
A stranger's eyes see clearest--Reade--The Cloister and the Hearth
People know "you" better than you think, the mask you wear is not all there.. all too often they have got through to motivations we have hidden from ourselves...all through our life we may be unaware of our own motivations.. But be sure other people are not ignorant.. they realize that we are not like the mask we turn to them, by which we actually deceive ourselves...To others, we have been continually declaring ourselves...We know now that we have been doing this in some measure by little tricks of behavior, in our idle words, and chance actions...
One of the disconcerting things about the idea of death and our judgment of ourselves (AND IT WILL HAPPEN) is that the mask is finally removed and our real self revealed...we shall be approved or condemned on our backs--we face all the could have been's and should have beens and know in our last moments a life of fulfillment or one of total disappointment....the horror that can open many doors one way or the other...
O. Henry in one of his stories describes an artist whose work was so wonderful that nobody would engage him: " his brush revealed qualities which his sitters had always taken great pains to hide: his portraits were a kind of mental X-ray...
we may say most when we say least,
and say least when we say most....
Thunder the brave irresistible message,
Life is worth living,
Through every grain of it... W.E. Henley Poems
Joyce Cary--expresses this truth when he writes and believe me he does write--"love doesn't grow on trees like apples in Eden---it's something you have to make.. And you must use your imagination to make it too, just like anything else. It's all work, work."
This kind of true regard for ourselves gives us a proper respect... We seek our own highest welfare...This in turn becomes the guide to what we should seek for others...Cyril Powell--love is the key
I don't know if I should say I have some books or that I have a library when you have books all over every where and I do mean every where--I EVEN HAVE A LIST OF MY LIBRARY BOOKS AT LIBRARYTHING.COM.--it's substantial--and when I go out to my pool room and get tired from the pool table I sit and look at all my books well naturally when you start focusing I zero in on old reliable and start hauling them back in the house to read although I covered up with ones I want to read again next to my bed next my chair--and the only place I don't have them is next to the pot--well why I started this was because I would like to start suggestion books that I bring back in--Books that I picked for what ever reason for the second and sometimes third time--you may have heard of some and some you might have missed--I not suggesting any of these books to make you read them God forbid--I don't read to patterns unless the author appeals to more and more with each book if he or she can keep my interest I seek them out--but once they let me down it's like a friend that lied to you on something very important in "your" life and he acts like it was nothing--well thank you-howdy-so long and what a waste--I like any book which turns me on to insights example (Gateway to inner Space) edited by Christian Ratsch ), I like any book which makes me feel worthwhile example( Nature Study and Life-- Hodge), I'm having my roof replaced so I like to read about the subject roofing :( Roofing The Right Way by Stephen Bolt and Basic Roof Framing by Benjamin Barnow )
get the picture--I try not wasting my time--a suggestion Wise woman by Joyce Tenneson--as a man it gave me a whole new perspective on women-a tender feeling I will try and explain--it's going to be hard--from the stand point that it has to do with a whole lot of tenderness that happened when I was young--Atlanta, Georgia in the 60's I would on Saturday go meet one of my grandmothers when she got work at Davison's Dept. Store--behind which was a Krystal and we would go by the magic store and usually go tom a movie at the Rialto theater--well going to meet her one day --the bus was crowed--a lady got on the bus she was loaded down with stuff packages whatever--I got up and gave her my seat--she thanked me--the next thing I new I was being told by am white man that he wasn't
going to let that happen--he made the lady get up (she was black) and made me set back down--that was my first experience-- all I remember was being like my face was on fire--red--all the way down Peachtree Street till I got off at Davison's--the book I referred to was read a month after my wife died and it gave me a whole new idea about what my wife had been all about and what a shit I was to not think a woman was more than a piece of dirt--how many times I was wrong and would not admit it--how my heart ached by not being in person to be able to say I was sorry for all I had put her through,
and how I missed her greatly, and if this could be one of those times I could have a second chance, we are different but respect, honor, love, trust, friend, joy, and devotion and any thing which I left out you could add--please do--
Whenever is depth and meaning in control...
The traditional task of science has been to simplify nature, expose its underlying logic, and then use that logic as a means to control...
Complicated dynamical systems are indeed determined by their causes...
Because men are still incapable of being angels is no good reason why they should be ants...
" Herd State "--the denial of supreme value to the human individual...
The United States was originally dedicated to the preservation not only of national independence but of personal pre-eminence within the national state. If, however the American can be further bullied or educated or bribed into renouncing his individuality, then it becomes hard to explain his hostility to governments based upon mass anonymity....
In submerged tensions--you learn backwards...
I try not to give the impression that I am exorcising some nameless anxiety...
Like they say, what doesn't destroy you makes you stronger..
After 50, everybody steps through the looking glass...
During my 60 some odd years that I have been able to vote, I have heard thousands of speeches; but few of them have changed my opinion, not one of them has changed my vote...
Every conclusion drawn from " our " observation is, as a rule, premature, for behind the phenomena which we see clearly are other phenomena that we see indistinctly, and perhaps behind these latter, yet others which we do not know exist...
There is no power, divine or human, that can oblige a stream to flow back to it's source...
For All Bleeding Hearts and Hearts of gold
Any bird, bug, or animal including the human animal can be self-serving, cool, and steely-hearted.
It is only the superhuman who can rise to compassion--Chute--(Letourneau's Used Auto Parts)
Come forth into the light of things
Let nature be your teacher--Wordsworth
Were all gonna to be just dirt in the ground--Tom Waits
In these days of wars and rumors of wars haven't you ever dreamed of a place where there was peace and security, where living was not a struggle but a lasting delight--Lost Horizon directed by Frank Capra (1937)
" The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something, and tell what it saw in a plain way. Hundreds of people can talk for one who can think, but thousands can think for one who can see. To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion--all in one." John Ruskin
To day we love what to morrow we hate
To day we seek what to morrow we shun
To day we desire what to morrow we fear
Nay, even tremble at the apprehension of--Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe)
...Heaven did not seem to be home; and I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth; and the angels were so angry that they flung me out--Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights)
"Speak the rude truth in all ways"--Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Daddy," La said.
When she handed him the story, his eyes changed.
"It's about Mom," La said, but she knew he knew...
"Thank you honey," he looked as though he hadn't slept or eaten for days. But he took off his glasses then, and La saw two small images of herself swimming in the tears in his eyes....
A past joy is of no more consequence than a past trouble...
Retrospect is first cousin to stagnation.. think on that after a tall one
If you miss the joy, you miss all...
Anticipation is nine tenths of the joy of life, because anticipation is constructive thought...
Form dictated by an eye to opinion destroys itself....
We wreck the very genius of our children by forcing " considerations " upon them...
Dodging the issue is blinding the inner eye and spoiling the vision...
Remember that it is no part of your job to put in his or her place somebody who disagrees with you...
Remember this---...
You will never find all the truth about the subject that you started with because all the truth about anything leads invariably to infinity...
Emerging from a disciplined home in which acts of defiance were so deplored that the possibility of such behavior went un suspected...well now this was in the 50's and 60's and infinity opened up
They saw as a result of their daily observation and total body receptivity that all things are dependent upon each other. Through this knowledge, the norm of reciprocity in all relationships was raised to the height of sacred status. Balanced reciprocity with all of creation was to be observed at all costs, because , without its practice, the fragile web of life would be irreparably damaged...(Gateway to Inner Space--edited by Christian Ratsch)
A women cannot love a man because she feels for him even the most profound respect....
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