Rome-Megan's son should have been a Prince never had a girl friend--never bothered a soul--just stood around and played with leaves and smelled the flowers--caught a few mice--didn't kill or eat them played and let them go--strange cat--

We live as we do today way out in the woods--a lot of people have let their animals out in the woods they thought to fend for themselves but we were at the end of the road they thought no one lived on--and as a consequence we were left with the problem of their unwanted animals--and so we met a new friend--some were abused--most were definitely hungry--some were in ill health some were pregnant and some needed immediate attention living wise--we took in stride with what we had available at the time--
Honey Bear was the first dog we ever had in the mountains of North Georgia she set the pace for all who followed--she received the brunt of a insecure man who was having his problems living in the land of the free--some times we weren't on the same page or she was just being a dog and at the time I was not in the mood--she ate well--she slept in the house--and she tore things up that weren't in their place and again the man took it out on her--blessed to have ever known her--and sorry for every thing I ever did--to her--talk about a man's best friend--I cry even now after all the years
Now where were we--oh yea I can't list these in any order--I'll take them as they come off the top of the deck of pictures--Moby a pit bull the absolute sweetest dog I have ever known--loved to ride wherever I went--the only problem he wanted to get out and go with me --not to many people appreciated a pit bull around the house --you know like a shark in their swimming pool--he wasn't a fighter but he was a growler--and cost me a deer friend of my wives and I don't think she ever forgave me--she came over when my wife wasn't home--I was doing something nothing bad or uncool--she drove unannounced with her two grand children--she met Moby for the first time--her grandson ran up to Moby put his hand out to pet him and Moby growled and stood his ground--she (a German) screamed and I came running--she said he threatened her grandson and I just arriving on the scene said awe Fredericka he hasn't ever bitten a soul and he wouldn't hurt a flea--you would have thought I slapped her--she looked at me and got her grandchildren and never returned--she laid down the law to my wife said I-- said horrible things to her and all but called her a liar--and folks I liked Fredericka and I swear I would never hurt her in any way--so I can only say sorry--but I don't have any idea to this day what I could have done to hurt my wife's best friend--
and another here with my favorite of Boxers--"Harvey" with a long tail given to us cause we lived in the country--the couch was there's and they only shared it with their favorite cats
we ended up buying another couch which they shared also with their favorite cats--which I happen to have a picture of--the last cat I'll have to think about what his name was--
Where we lived was way back in the woods--you could possibly say we lived beyond the woods--my wife sister hated to come to our house because we lived 1 and 3/4 miles up a dirt road--and they always had new or shiny cars--and our road was not well maintained--so others got the idea that nobody could live this far back in the woods and survive--so they brought dogs, and cats not wanted to let them go out in the boonies--and guess where they ended up after they started getting hungry--and they were always greeted with food and then of course my daughter had to give them a name--did we ever go out looking for a dog or a cat--oh yea after we fell in love with boxers we always went to Boxer rescue when one died of old age--
Yes we had other animals--but not as enjoyable as Cats and Dogs--Cinnamon was a fine horse--Janet was 8 years old in this picture--she always been my pride and joy--as she got older she went her own way--hard to take but there you have life--in all it's different paths
Janet with Rome I guess her favorite cat--I know he was mine after his mother Megan--it's hard to take all these pictures at once--thinking back to all the times and what happened to all these animals
Most died of old age and watching the age creep on them and watch them waste away--hard and sad--but can one enjoy the best and not take the worst--h-mmm I don't know--
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