Friday, November 7, 2014


But a virtue in excess may slither into a weakness...

We are the universal provider...

Indigestion is a great begetter of cynicism...

No woman worth marrying is nothing but a wife...

Lies keep the teeth old gypsy saying

The Rich are always envied...

When wine is in--wit is out...

Forgetfulness always leaves a trail of consequences...

Real religion is evolutionary and revolutionary...

Does speech convey intensity of anguish...

If the objective of conscious universal intelligence is to enjoy it's life--one of our would be to improve the quality of our individual life-We can do this by making life more enjoyable , both for ourselves and those about us...this is a process of intelligent growth... -Life's essence

"Living Energy" is not limited...

Affirmative thought has never been put back on the tracks...

A principle is simply a basic rule of law...

Everything has been absolute--

We have our own media " Physical Senses "

Life is a process within an evolutionary process formulating life's essence--Correct--Just checking...

Great connoisseurs and great collectors are not alway nice people...

In short, it was the easiest way out...

A bad reputation without money to sweeten it; is a heavy burden

As you grow old, religion becomes a lonely business...

''Money illiteracy" is as restrictive as any other illiteracy...

Emotions are not principles...

You have abilities, but you have not refined it to the full extent of your capabilities...

Trying to bring order back out of chaos seems to meet like that's what we're always doing--like going back as swards out of just about everything we do--always trying for just a little more--in exchange for what-- only-- God knows ?? one man controlling the whole U.S.of A.--or the world wouldn't make that much difference--always speaking from a distance place--live from....Sammy and Owen must have gone back to bed they haven't bothered me about letting them out--so everything changes--evolves--ever-changing--systems, to the ones now in use--all I can see--cutting down on who can come into the country--not for anything but slowing down growth--and taking care of where we are--and what we've got--taking all do consideration--into where our future is going and are we going in that direction--if not getting on track the fastest way we can before we do any more stupid things--that'll make us regret that we didn't take care of this business earlier..when things start getting out of hand--we usually look who's to blame and by the time we get back to the problem in the first place--it almost doesn't matter anymore--whoever was involved in it better not do that anymore--call it a slap on the wrist--or money under the table--boy has the wind picked up--a big gust long one at that--came down from up the valley--trees bent further than I've seen in a while--just had a call from my daughter--she's at the bank--where she has some check's I asked her to cash--they want let her do anything except deposit them--we were planning on using some cash--but now I don't know--With what pleasurable anticipations the coming year can now be faced...have been relegated to some uncertain future date--why ?  because the outside is to pretty to miss--

Politicians putting forth  critical opinions as if they were facts...

A free man finds his rule of conduct in his sense of honor...

Life is a process--science is a process--evolution is a process--folks we evolve-- but do "we"...

Reality does not yield--you don't have to vindicate yourself by condemning are what you are---and it 's been happening a long time--you are made up over time--building blocks--spite, ingratitude, vindictiveness, secret enclaves in ones life-- are---you are not in a vacuum--all is "you"

well all I can say is I'm back not very proud of myself either--backed a young lady into a corner asking about her past life--not really any of my business but still I had to put my foot in and make a big deal out of nothing----was in my own way trying to learn something about her that would be meaningful--to me--my little selfish self--or was some man thing coming out--doubt if was any of that--I've been thinking about for a good while--she even suggested I was not over my wife yet who a while back but well I'm over Trudy as well as I ever going to be--and it's time I move from a stagnant atmosphere to one with a little livelier flavor for lack of a better word

do I have secrets don't we all--those little bitty things that we do when no one is looking or when we feel the time is right--to do what needs to be done--our own personal hygiene--

Something in my chest reversed itself in sympathetic reaction--but I ruthlessly forced it away...
I wasn't sure I regretted that I had pushed my emotion so completely aside and it was that lack of regret, that caused my concern... Perhaps I had something vital, some spark of life and warmth and empathy that had been extinguished by my betrayal of my vows and the subsequent lies... Could a man's heart, his soul, perish and yet leave him walking and talking as if alive....

Talking about myself when there are so many things going on--got up real early this morning--not for any reason but to think and remember that I am still here--

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