Wars Debt-- It is not the individual that matters; it is the plan and the incredible potentialities within him...
A dollar saved is better than a dollar earned; for it is not subject to income tax...
Sure is better than sorry...
Here below to live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often... Cardinal Newman
Everyone is here for something...
What we're watching is a series of mistakes compounding other mistakes--in the American foreign policy...
Our fear creates what we want to avoid...
Bad habits frequently express unconscious ten denies which cannot be mastered or suppressed...
The willful and impatient impulse scoffs at maturity…
There would be no vice if there were no striving for a better life; no suffering except on the basis of our longing for happiness; no deviation without the existence of the right way...
The positive is always the one found at the bottom of the negative…
Every special application means a new decision and therefore new responsibility, and every new understanding of a given statement means creativeness...
The more eagerly a person wants to avoid a mistake, the more he is bound to make it
All fear is founded on trying to believe that you are something you aren't in other words--you are trying to believe an illusion is a reality...
Fear is part of every negative emotion...
The collective Unconscious is the sediment of all the experience of the universe of all time, and is also an image of the universe that has been in process of formation for untold ages...
The conscious contains the recent object-images; the personal Unconscious, the object-images of the individual past, so far as they have either been forgotten or repressed; whilst the absolute or collective Unconscious contains the inherited world-images generally, under the form of primordial images or mythical themes…William McDougall--Outline of Abnormal Psychology-Page195
Disastrous instability…forerunners--sense organs--idea succession--variations...
You can't always go by what a man or woman says…
To live effectively is to live with adequate information
There is no way to determine the motions of ideas of thought through individuals...Historical hindsight is rarely unprejudiced...
It's not really new ideas that are needed so much as a new way of looking at yourself to get out of old ideas...
We have tacitly given the power of decision over to our adversary…Rollo May
Knowledge is the observation of a fact
Knowing is the inward experience of that fact...
Your level of mental awareness attracts the habitual life you lead...
When we have seen the vision of reality our world is changed, utterly and almost beyond recognition, and yet nothing has changed in things as they are, it is but that we have gained a new vision…It is the new vision , which is born when man is freed from the tyranny of illusion, that the whole world is changed and appears radiant with love and beauty, apparently utterly changed, though the change really is in man himself alone…J.J. Van Der Leeuw (The Conquest of Illusion)
To overcome every obstacle, to unite our beings without loss of individual personality, there is a single force which nothing can replace and nothing can destroy, a force which urges us forwards and draws us upward: this is the force of love..Teilhard de Chardin--The Divine Milieu
Status Que--good old boys--comfortable--and you are in a hell of a fix--
A few words to the ones wanting to be otherwise--
She was also the embodiment of a cold time Logic--a independent silent type which made me think of strength--I think of our sex life and am sad--What I liked most about herself, what I held fast to, she liked least…
An era of fulfillment
Is land a good investment---
Supply and Demand
"They ain't makin' any more of it---Will Rogers
Filling in-- the ocean--Ocean Villas
Most of us are busy covering up, pretending to be great pretenders--of being somebody or someone else, often somebody important or special or intelligent or the good person, putting up with another's facade…who do you think you are--huh--this fallacy in your life is a big hole"the Black Hole"of your human existence--lighten it slowly--discovering--we build or form ideas one step at a time into our reality of our social congeniality--+++ remember===aren't we after comfort and fulfillment=== security, safeness, and familiarity--fear--my friend is hidden near your soul--truth sits on the right hand side of fear--and to learn of your fear you have to be on the right side also--we cling we avoid issues--especially those pertaining to ourselves--as an individual you have no restrictions--I said as an individual--we let it appear so--hold on to your identification and what have you got---let that go and you will be full of comfort and fulfillment--simplest is best--
To deny truth of your reality
is to miss truth of your reality
to assess goodness in life
is to find your truth in reality…Corkster
I been close to a hundred years really I'm quite a few years short it doesn't matter--I still know less then ever--my feelings are still mixed and my mind can be changed at the drop of a hat or by word out of someone else mouth--follow the leader--right off into the unknown--talk about wishy-washy--no opinions--no ideas--truth is not a hidden diamond--it's not meant to offend--harbor horrible memories--or be the enforcer --it lays there waiting to be brought into your focus--guilt will stop--pressures will dwindle from a mountain to an ant hill--you'll lose weight--you'll look better--you'll feel like a million dollars--and you'll breath easier--and your smile--will be remembered--
True compassion means having the trust to remain completely open in every situation and the confidence to respond freely without fear of hurting yourself or others…
The truth is the simplest thing, yet were always looking for bigger and better ways to embellish it…
What I believe is I need to practice being--when I allow my mind to exist in it's natural way--I can relax sit calmly and breath--being--in the moment--anything that can be done to let the body and mind work their naturalness together will only benefit-- your being
Evolution cosmic doodling what Henri Berson called +++'l'elan vital+++ which can not stop itself from infinitely producing novelties--change and modify
"I did it myself." My voice was rising higher and faster, grabbing after my own private danger "zone"
Education is a part of your resources--no-one else can answer your questions-to be or not to be that is a question --let your world collapse--I can smell this conversation something hot and humid--damp--sweet, overripe banana type, overwhelming her breath…I backed up--stared at dark, black dangerous thoughts, perhaps with claws and big shiny teeth, and threatening growls--I thought I was protected by my diploma--and my going to church every Sunday when I was a kid--I brushed my teeth morning and night--even got down out of bed sometimes and said my payers on my knees when I was really, really serious…I only stopped being myself when hard evidence was before me--and I realized if I didn't act up I probably wouldn't ever be allowed to be involved with collective human society…I was a hard case--one not expected to finish--or come out of my shell--to withstand what ever came my way--I needed liquidity and diversionary tactics--if I could fly on a cloud--I might have been undamaged wearing white and blue I could have been invisible--I wanted to shake rattle and roll--I wanted to find the position any position--especially one near all my self interests--where my selfishness could be the interpretation and I could hide under the rocks located where I could see what I needed to observe with my own eyes the inflammation when it started to rise--I knocked on this green door--and my memories answered--something was not right and change was necessary--before I could enter did I know my own password--it had some thing to do with convenient grooves--and foreign worlds--perhaps this is not like I thought
full of chaos--as I imagined--perhaps there are others ways--plastic or real--I knew one thing for sure--I had to go to the bathroom…subduing the brute instincts of the beast in me--gaining confidence I realized I'd never known submission in the my wild state…fate as a special tidbit--I knew there was no other like me in the entire world so I entered all my affairs with mis-guided self- confidence…momentarily I was lost in the sheer beauty of the living brilliance of this idea and I thought how great it was that I could play my part…but I was the soul of determination when I set out on a device of my own choosing…cold in my thoughts of utter exhaustion..night came --I felt I'd earned the rest--and the fiends in my dreams came out laughing…in the morning I was ready to pit brain and patience against the days prime moments…I always been one for the singleness in purpose toward having my own way..getting my day started is like moving a limp loosely packed sack of sawdust--nothing seems to be of any use--the only way I care to get up is slowly--it always boiled down to leaving the bed with the idea in mind I'm tired of laying here--it then develops into trying to see how slowly I can become alert--without acting like a fool--I tied a string around my finger to help--I'm playful and have a good sense of humorI usually wake early thinking my brain stays focused longer if i get up before the confusion of the day set in--but sometimes I don't want to do anything except have a day of my own-- it's on days like this that I learn the value of goals--and my purpose for being who I am--and getting to know all my contradictory habits--and wanting more of the solitary life..where I could breath real air--and not think every breath brought unclean atmosphere into my lungs…I have this bottomless bag of tricks I play on myself to keep from wandering away from home--like raining even if one drop falls, like I might have a flat, like I don't have any money, and why am I going I don't need anything, I remain obstinately individualistic…provocative, perverse, and persistent with my mind definitely on doing nothing but staying at home…I have pets--mostly dogs and have been trying to train them so they don't have any bad habits--but unfortunately I usually end up trying to stop them from just being who they are--it never ends well--a lot of shouting, threats and commands--sounds like I'm talking about children--but dogs right--animals--I had a boxer named Harvey--like all boxer heart and soul filled with so much love..they can so excited their tails wagging so hard they can hardly keep their balance--one day we went walking down toward this pond we have and before we got their we ran into a copperhead snake--I tried to keep from harms way, yelling at him, threatening him, and hoping I could find an old shovel or large stick--I had to move away in order to find what I needed--but before I could return he charged the snake and been popped--at first when I returned he acted the proud boxer--jumping around--showing me he'd saved my life--then he slowly began to fade--the joy seemed to go from his eyes--his excitement had speeded the venom to it's goal--He knew he had done something wrong or something he shouldn't have--and he couldn't seem to understanding what was happening to him..I talked to him in a soft I usually used when I didn't want to get him excited; I looked carefully at his leg when we got home I smeared it with "Calazime" and gave him one and half aspirin brought a box in from the garage and put him beside my bed where I could lean over at night if he needed anything--I didn't know if he'd make it morning--he looked to me like he was fading fast--I finally fell asleep reading late in the night--I woke up the next morning and he wasn't in the box, I got to up to go look for him, he was in the kitchen and when he saw mere came running and actually jumped for my arms. I caught him and was slathered with kisses of love and gratitude and told me he thought he might live…then he wanted to be fed..I usually kill most of the poisonous snake I find--no thoughts or question in my mind there are always children around and I have a lot of junk--which seems to be what snakes like--So I'm aware--and the snakes know me cause they usually never encounter other snake on my land--they think they've found virgin snake heaven--but soon learn otherwise--cause I 'remade all the dogs aware also--they let me know when and where snakes are available--or sneaking and sliding around when they shouldn't be--the only way a snake gets one of the dogs now is carelessness, old age, or just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but most of the dogs I pretty sure that they want be fooled again into a snake biting them--I let them watch me as I kill snakes.. they understand---Harvey could express disgust better than any human I have ever known...
I never leave a stone unturned--looking for insects--creepy-crawlers just to see what may be living around me--I didn't really like anything sneaking up on me while I relaxed in my favorite outside lounge chair--bark, rocks, firewood, old piles of humus, bricks, used lumber,, it all got moved back nd forth depending on the season and how rambunctious I was--but I usually got around to finding black widows, snails, slugs and what ever little creature was available--I'd get my books out and start looking at what I had before me--I wanted to know the little buggers habits--didn't want him running around in my underwear--looking for things to sting
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