Iced Coffee
8--cups of a fine coffee,brewed double strength--(4 ozs. coffee to 48 fluid ozs. of water)
1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 can of evaporated Milk
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt
Open both the condensed milk and the evaporated milk and pour them into a large container... Add cinnamon and salt...Brew coffee and pour onto other ingredients...Stir to blend... Refrigerate for a few hours or over night... Serve over crushed ice...and enjoy-- hereafter add a little or subtract to your liking...
The light is coming through the trees the green leaves are black-- the sky a gray lightish shade--opening in the canvas of leaves are see through areas--where my imagination can touch the skies can say it almost 5:15 and I'm up and at them
Do be bullied by pride..
Life is often about what happened before you got there--whether you like it or not
The brain has 100 billion nerve cells--where consciousness inhibits--and awaits activity
Sighs are the natural language of the heart -- Thomas Shadwell
Another early day--couldn't sleep so got the hell up --the sleep part --I went to be early--something that's been irritating me is I saw where someone on the internet was trying to get people to write in about Hillary Clinton for President --I'm sick of hearing about the Clintons can't they just go away--
quite putting them selves out in the public life--can't even want to imagination her in the White House--please let's not let this happen--
A family is laughingly settling the question of whose turn it is to wash dishes, and a brand of selfishnessis grown… (fostered)
…in the early 1950's, the pendulum swung from emphasis on natural products to a stress on finding analogues…The result was a unique era in medicinal chemistry, characterized by product profusion and eventually, by public confusion...
I am going to introduce you to an herb punch--try it see what you think--this makes a pretty good beverage and will serve about twenty-five people-
Mrs. Smiley's Recipe
Pour three cups of hot tea over the leaves from a large bunch of lemon balm and a large bunch of borage and a bunch of mint..Add the juice of nine oranges and six lemons, and a sirup made of two cups of hot water and one of sugar.. Let the above steep for two hours… Then pour into a punch bowl in which there is a large lump of ice, and add two quarts of ginger ale and one of white rock.. Sprinkle the blue starflowers of borage on top…
Can you picture what I'm saying here--without me having to stoop to any other way of trying to approach--there are things in your life that you are building up to--I don't want you to recent the way I come at you--I'm not trying to communicate to get rid of you--I trying to communicate to see if there is anyone still out there who has any semblance of sanity left--how is it we can seems to realize we can't keep going this way unless we excuse on now ineptness--I'm not a father figure--all my guesses about fatherhood came from a bunch of step fathers--and I only heard from one of them --the rest of my life--so please think nothing more of me than a friend trying to reach through the portals of friendship--some way we must not think in terms of one up man ship--and stay focused--on the improvements that can be brought to the fore front--to get ahead of this " messing around " we're doing as a country--we need to start thinking in terms of globally--which some say we are doing--but only if America leads the way because of all the money they have--let's make sure they go first--and then they'll owe…when are we going to stop being the suckers of the world--the big teat--so to speak..I mean as much as we've paid in the depth of lives of our young people--and get what respect you'd give to a street urchin--how wide does one's eyes have to be opened to see where we're going is not where we want to be--
well here goes--I am not opposed to weather but here in the South snow was not meant to be and I certainly recent when it shows it's head--I found a picture that actually expresses my feelings pretty well
I sent a copy to my sister-in-law and she was not totally shocked so I guess i can let it express my feelings to you guys
women--every guy who cheats on his wife tells his girlfriend his marriage is over,his girlfriend is the best human being he's ever met, that she has nothing to do with the breakup of his marriage, that she's the most beautiful and loving and has no reason to feel guilty, about anything--he also says he's not sleeping with his wife--and he tells everybody he has an affair with the same line…where does all this lead to no where--I just sometimes have to get things off my chest and this doesn't mean I'm doing this now but it also doesn't mean that i've never done it before -- I'm just balancing out the equation--The individuality and uniqueness of a human being consists in what he perceives and how he perceives...
Memory and evaluations are used for adaptation---without memories it would be impossible to exercise any precaution for the future…
Not trying to be a smart ass--but hey I'm sick and tired of politicians and all there know how and if they were so great how come we're up to our asses in such a mess--I don't want people to think I want their job--because I don't--I would like to see a little blue sky in the future though and as far as it's going all I'm seeing is more dark clouds hanging over future generations--and I don't like thinking how people in the future are going to think I'm one of the causes--letting these jerks do what they are doing--what again ever happened to the idea of cleaning up your own backyard before getting involved with other's problems--is that a figment in my imagination or was that ever some thing someone said--I know I keep mentioning it but hey who am I--right--who is any body unless you're somebody…like some great sports figure or some great movie star--or television figure--or past great moment in history--is there anybody else out there that's great that I forgot to mention--sorry--I sit out here in the woods doing nothing not bothering anybody and I feel like I'm being screwed and being taken advantage of --just trying to enjoy my self and my retirement from the world--but sitting here watching the world go to hell in a hand basket is ceased being fun and it calls for involvement by those who helped cause all this trouble in the first place--allowing who we did to get in the offices that they were in--
Tears and laughter are the language of the heart---you go through life hoping not to step on others toes--but on days when it's raining in the your soul and your daily life is in the pits you don't always worry about others around you--and under certain circumstances--you might encounter--problems which cause you to neglect those you love most and then you might injure them in ways that you did not want -to happen--things can get out of hand --if you're aimless--why do you think people who like shooting are good shots--they take aim--they don't go around shooting at just nothing--they take aim at the target they want to hit--and start zeroing in on it a little at a time--until they accomplished what they were doing--rutterless is not the kind of boat you want to have fun in--life is not easy and there are many paths--so you have to pick and choose--narrowing it down to paths best suited to you and your development and temperament as a human being that you want to be…otherwise you are living in the shoes of somebody you know nothing about and your aiming at nothing in particular--which can be very wasteful and time is not on your side--you have very little that you can waste--it just seems so vast because you think you're no where near the end but wake up--you don't know that for sure--so why waste one precious moment--life by the way is not fair--the depth of everything is beyond infinity and you can keep going into nothingness as far as your time on earth will allow--don't do it--stay aiming at your finish line whatever it is--life is an experiment--take it and don't leave it--stay focused--count your blessings--and don't go with the flow--go with your instincts and you'll be on the right track--
Home made socks--not the most exciting thing in the world--but I can be proud of them--boys use to complain when my wife would make me a toboggan--they always wanted the same thing or wondered why she wasn't making them one too--then it got to where homemade stuff was out--you were poor if you wore stuff that was hand made--so the things that meant a lot to the person who made it because it was made with love in mind--went by the wayside--now I'd give anything to have the person who made things do it some more but to late--so life goes on--and time passes--and I sit outside and watch the dogs play--and think about all that's been in the past--and dream of events that have made up my life--even homemade socks--God Bless you Trudy
Got my tomatoes planted today--and some herbs--really feel good about the day when I get something in the ground--that may get us some vegetables in here--some good from the earth--today seem as far away as I can let it get--had a pretty good night sleep when I wasn't worried about my daughter--she said she was going to do somethings--and of course something came up and her words she said tome about what she was planning--went right out the window--kids just say anything to get themselves off the hook so to speak--words mean nothing anymore--just say whatever you want and go about your business--doesn't matter that people think you're doing what you said--waste of time listening to what other say--when you're alone--it's all you--you can lie to yourself--you can say one thing and do another--but in the end you know what you're about--got up this morning and tried too get back what I had lost yesterday being so mad--come to think of it I'm mad now--that's two days--I've been mad--in a row--why-- I ask myself and it could be pills--aspirin--or the use of steroids--or it could be I'm annoyed by the situation--I'm in-- feeling sorry for myself--all I know is the last couple of days have been irritable--notice I blame the days--not what I've done to cause my irritation--yelled at my daughter--to because--I was worried about her last night--she said she was going to be home at a certain time she didn't get back til late--way later than she had estimated--she was going by and pick up her daughter--didn't do that either--just out wondering around after 12:30 doing God knows what--in my truck--where should I let this thing go--anyway how far do I want to be involved--is this any of my business-she over thirty for Christ sake--when can parents call it quits--and why does it matter to me so much--can I not live the rest of my life--in some quite zone--here we go feeling sorry for myself--calling it off for the day---
What i put before you is in a sense an essence of my life--short cuts to an easier life for you or for someone you may know that wants to get out of the rat race--hey I'm not here to play the blame game--in today's time you can have your cake and eat it to--work in the city but leave the city at the end of the week and go relax where the air is pure--the eye's can rest--the brain can calm down to less than fever pitch--by the time the weekend is over you'll be ready to take up whatever is in your path--and move onward and upward--rest, contemplation, and relaxation--will make you a person you can live with the rest of your life--facing things--not running amuck is where it's at--and if you have a significant other-- there will be a strength there which will surprise you and whomever--I'm actually talking about a place in the woods--a place where you can come back in contact--a place and an area where--outside the bounds of where you work--by the work will mean so much more at the end of each day also--and you can always see that what's happening is for a purpose--
I've got a bunch of poetry books--mostly by guys and women from the past--why back yonder--some were or were not on drugs--I don't know and really don't care if they were or not--or which drugs--some I'm sure were heavy duty--but to each his own--the never ending story of getting into other peoples business--how can some states ban pot and others consider putting your ass in jail--beyond me-what one does to his body seems like it should be no-one else's business as long as no-one else is hurt…well getting back to poetry--what is poetry--it has to come from within--you like gushes out--as far as putting it in some kind of order--like rhyming it or like even trying to make it make sense--I can't see stopping and saying look brain--let's just see--how we can make this sound complete for others to read--in simple terms and not in feelings..a way to communicate with the soul--I don't feel it can be done--when the urge to relate inner feelings --they should be able to come out--almost like rap singers do--just let it flow
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