Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Garden Questions--(Sawdust in Garden)

I'm not going to put these in any kind of order if you want to know something get in touch with me--other wise here goes--a friend from my "Hippy Days" writes out of the clear blue sky--what do you think about sawdust in the garden--he informs me he's now a cabinet maker--and I would bet he's a good one--so to John Lapone--here's my answer after checking with Guru Sammy

Certain plants do well planted on a wall or near a wall with a north, or west aspect--because the early morning sun would not get it after a frosty night…this is an important point to remember when planting things affected by frost and by a warm morning sun which comes as too great a shock after the chill of the night

March-- Prune all early flowering shrubs example--forsythia--when they finish blooming and before new growth starts and they will not suffer any setbacks...

Hardwood ashes from the fireplace makes excellent fertilizer for grapes, irises,delphiniums, and roses..keep the ashes dry and apply them as soon as cultivation begins

When forcing spring blossoms put pieces of charcoal in the container and it will keep the water sweet--

As you can tell I'm hard on work on my next years resolution--I'm getting in touch with many new surprises which will only come available when the time is ripe for them-- they just evolve from out of the blue--after millions of years of thinking---plop---oh I think I'm going back to sleep--wake me when normal and natural are somewhere in the vicinity of Truth,Justice and the pursuit for happiness are back in vogue…

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