Man cannot change a single law of Nature, but can put himself into such relations to natural laws that he can profit by them…Edwin Grant Conklin
Nature is not at variance with Art, nor Art with Nature…Art is the perfection of Nature…Nature has made one world and Art another.--Sir Thomas Browne--

Ray Coon never met him but I bet he would been a nice guy to know lot of good info. in his books--for some one whose been away from the country or never been to the country--and wants the experience--all you have to do is read the titles and there immediately comes a comfortable feeling and if you plan on going out in the woods and building a house--get ready cause your whole time element becomes more involved-- to the point if you are not organized--you r are in for a lot of trials and tribulations--on behalf of country living--most people come crashing out here thinking what a relief and it is--except for the time elements involved--the faraway shops, the quietness,the aloneness unless you bring your friends with you there are none--not close ones --
When I see these books first I was probably looking for something else--but as i looked through them like you would a comic of long ago--I knew that eventually this would be a good books to have on my shelves even if I couldn't give it the best of care at the time I was hoping that I would have the capabilities some time---when you read a book that touches you I don't mean in some soul searching way--I mean like--you know --he knows--and you both know that together--is a good thing to be a part of--and comfort again rises it's beautiful head--because you get the book
As I look outside the window the woodland is right up next to my door--nothing moving--no wind--the quite--is't almost scary--like a lull before the tornado comes roaring out of the sky--up over a mountain and down towards the valley--where I live on a knoll--sticking out of the side of the mountain which the wind comes down from Chattanooga, Tenn.--
Garden Craft-- Old and New --John D. Sedding
The Shape of the Year--Jean Hersey
Wood Notes
In Your garden--V. Sackville -West
Near Horizons--Edwin Way Teale
Reading the Landscape--May Theilgaard Watts
Grounds For Living--Farnham and Ingham
Hal Borland--Book Of Days
The Inland Island--Josephine W. Johnson
Jens Jensen--Siftings
The Countryman's Year--David Grayson
Nature Notes--John Kieran's
H.A. Hartwick --The Garden
Sally Russell--Shatter Me With dawn--A celebration of country Life
Richard Headstrom--nature Discoveries with a Hand Lense
Backyard Exploration
Exploring the Insect World--Edwin Way Teale
Curious Naturalists--Niko Timbergen
Outdoor Tips--a Remington Sportsmen's Library Book
How to Know The Insects--H.E. Jacques
Handbook of Nature Study--Anna Botsford Comstock--(Portrait Edition)
Field guide to Insects and Spiders of North America--Arthur Evans
National Audubon Society Field Guide To North American Insects and Spiders--Lorus and Margery Milne
Mammals--William H. Burt? Richard P. Grossenheider
Animal Tracks--Olaus J. Murie
The Hunter's Field Guide to the Game Birds and Animals of North America--Robert Elman
The life of the Bee--Maurice Maeterlinck
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians--John L. Behler
Complete Field Guide To American Wildlife--Henry Hill Collins, Jr.
Simon and Schuster's Guide to Butterflies and Moths--MauroDaccordi--Paolo Triberti--Adriano Zanetti
Night Sky (one you can use in the wild)--Mark Chartrand
Professional Fly Tying and tackle Making--Manual and Manufactories Guide
The Official Boy Scout Handbook
Animal Tracks(Petersen Guides) Murie
The Art of Freshwater Fishing--Dick Sternberg
The National Geographic --Book Of Fishes
The Pleasures of Fly Fishing--V.S. Hidy
Trout River--Larry Madison
I live in the woods--in a house of course--but I find living where I do--I have questions on or about nature--I like to have books around so I can find those answers--I use a fireplace and a wood burning heater--so piles of rotten wood accumulate--on and around where I split wood and stir up kindling--naturally creatures surface from time to time--I investigate and learn who and what is around--snakes, frogs, and other living things abound and each one feeds off the otherMy hardest thing to do is not knowing when to stop--I just want to keep it up not in the sense-of taking over everybody's life-just wanting to keep everybody interested to continue what they're doing as in liking --doing what they are doing--
Hey I've got them --I've just got to find them--I been outside digging up in the garden-trying to figure out some good patterns and sort of make things around flow better--when you start getting older and the pains slip down in your joints--the wheelbarrow turns are longer--the wheelbarrow is heavier and if you aren't good on your wheels --your balance can be shot in a hurry little dips--holes--or even the weight of something in the wheelbarrow--can acre the heck out of you especially thinking you're going to fall vower backwards--got some stuff raked up--in piles--and some soil i dug up is ready to use in the planted areas--will be interesting--
I guess one wouldn't think that I would be interested in this type of book--but all books have some kind of reason for being and I like what I get when I feel the book coming to inform me of something almost like a self help book --but more of an enlightenment--I not someone who thinks about reading--I get a book I start looking for it's reason--to be--if the guy has feeling and it's his thing--I'm going to get some good out of it--it's those little bitty parts of someone out there trying to get in touch--with something that is meaningful to them and I appreciate them sharing--or even the thought of trying to touch some part of my soul--with there's--let it be--let it flow--
I showed my grandson a book--by someone who I considered--substantial in the world even today's world--I said this guy knew what it was all about--he poured his soul out in the only way he knew how--you know trying to find-soemthing that would reach through the mind of a 15 year old--to keep him from fingering the old laptop, Apple (whatever) and giving him some space--or different type of challenge--books--right--all my arguments--or better-- my ways of enlightening him seemed so important--but after listening to myself it seemed like I was trying to sell him something--or bargain him into something as for the times--seemed to be out-of-date--digging out a root canal--even to the point I felt like--I was an old relic--how it came back to me all the time--I don't know maybe I was thinking about it to hard and trying to make it a point that we could touch base on--at least if he ever here's the guys name again I'm sure he'll remember it--
It's getting to that time of year when the sky and light changes from the end of summer to the beginning of fall--where I sit on the porch and do my writing is on a southeast I get to see the sun rise and cast it's shadows through the leaves and trees crawling towards me--My closest neighbor are a good ways off--the trees and nature have not been touched up near my house so I'm always looking out from under other words I looking through the woods every time I look out my windows at whatever is happening outside--my driveway comes up a small hill and comes to the back of the house-- one of those houses where the backdoor is the front door--over the past years the forest surrounding the house has grown up and I feel like I peeking out from under things now--most of the tree branches are almost touching the house--but I usually get someone to come and cut them away from the's almost like I set the house down in the middle of the forest without touching anything..just plopped it right down in the middle of a bunch of trees...
I look forward to winter--but not to overlook fall--it's a great time of year--usually my wife and I went on trips during the fall some were long trips like out west all the way to the cost--we were not great city folks so we stayed away from most large cities--unless they had some thing going on that we wanted to be a part of--it could be a show--a trade show--a good restaurant--or a view of something--or a person we wanted to see again..even no reason at all we were tired of driving and wanted to stay off the road for a while so we would drive in and stay for a couple of days...and see the sites and go to old book stores--just staying off the road gave us new get up and go power--a little more incentive to keep the wheels rolling--but when it was time to go home we both knew it.... and head back we would...
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