Janet is really trying hard to keep everything in perspective--as far as what's happening here with her and her kids and then there's me--always a spark plug around the edge--waiting to be ignited for some reason or other--a fuse lit and going down to the mother load...
Dogs and cat who got bit by copperheads have turned out O.K. but it was slow go at first--just goes to show the bodies do have good resistance--can't say what would happen if it was a human--one man was getting wood from his wood pile and a copperhead got him and he died--they found him at his wood-pile don't know the whole truth of that but it sounded good coming from the person who told it-
it happened a good many years back but at least I knew of the guy--and had seen him several times before his death--he lived down the road we turn in on to get to our place..going to try slow down my intake of beverages--like coffee, cokes, and liquid to see if that will stop me from having to get up at all different hours of the night--usually about three or four times a night--I going to slow down starting round 5 in the afternoon--this will be my first try tonight--we'll see
This has been about the fourth or fifth day it started out looking like rain--cloudy today and chilly after all those warm days last week--kids started back to school after their spring break--
A neighbor came over to tell me he was selling out--leaving after being my neighbor for at least 30 years--didn't ask him why--didn't ask him anything really just sort of sat there and waited for him to say it--but he never did he just said he came by to say he was leaving and enjoyed living here and he was gone--I don't think we ever had any cross words--or bad feelings toward each other--and when you have that in a neighbor it has a good feeling to it--you know he's over there and if you wanted or needed something--you could call on him--he sold over two hundred acres for a little over 9,000 dollars an acre--most real estate people try to sell the land as close to 10,000- dollars an acre--so he came out pretty good --I think but really i don't know where he was going and if his life there is going to be better off--he's been a good soul a little off sometimes because he drank--but he never hurt me or mine and he did help me out just like I did help him sometimes...
Outside my window the leaves are moving can't see the rain but when the leaves move it tells me some of the drops are hitting them--did my exercises this morning and my knee seems to be hurting when OI stretch out my leg wonder which exercise is bothering the knee--will have to take it easy until I do find the one irritating it--can't have anything hurting at the moment--to busy and gardening season is coming down on me--have to use a shovel--and dig some to plant--not going to be getting down on my knees --get my grandson to do that...
Have this new cat --well he's not really new but we haven't had a cat in a while--he's a go get her--and we call him Oliver--don't ask --cause I don't know someone told me the other day what his name was-he been running around like he owns the place and I guess if you're a cat like him you probably think you do--we do everything for him--and feed him rotisseriare chicken when we get it and we do a lot--he's gotten huge and he isn't slow--but he likes to sit on your chest and be smothered in kisses and rub all along his jaws and face eyes--included--
Had a friend come out today unannounced--just dropped in--there's nothing big happening around here no big deal--he stood right outside my back door where he parked his automobile and took a whiz--not uncommon way out here sort of made him feel right at home--he use to come out and hunt--16 years ago--long time for not seeing someone--but I tell he was a fast talking man--nervous, from the city and had lost everything--this happened a while back of course he was just bringing me up to snuff--felt for him--could see the pain in his eyes--and the feelings were very tender--at certain places in the conversation--but he kept on keeping on--until he told me his wife couldn't remember anything--wanted to know if he could come back up and start hunting again--I just sat there we--were outside--sitting in two old lawn chairs--I started noticing things about him--he had gained so much weight--not losing any hair--but wow-did he have a problem with his finger nails--there were no finger nails--they were down in the quick--I don't mean --what I do mean is there was absolutely no finger nails at all--gone na-da--they had been eaten down so far that they were gone--don't believe I've ever seen that before--made me re-evaluate his whole being--as far as he and I were concerned--scary--the pace out here to people who don't know--is a little off setting--
Meditating into reality--I went up to the mountain top I yelled: I love you--
there was no "echo"
Anger robs the individual of the ability to concentrate...
You only get on someone's nerves when you're asking questions...
Genius is the power of lighting one's own fire...
The truth was coming, slowly into focus out of the mass of disconnected detail...
I was to become involved in an event that would test my soul as it had seldom been tested before...
Real life is neither neat nor comprehensive...
I am always thrashing around in the toils of circumstance and can't seem to understand how I get myself enmeshed in them...and when I finely see some light--I tell myself never again--but before long I'm already mixed up in one again---the nemesis has found me ..no matter where I'm located...a
Routine helps people cope...
Chatter, or blather--dense word play---
All situations in life are lulu's---
I'm always having to rescue myself from the consequences of my repeated follies...
My mind has the concentration of a butterfly, fluttering inconsequentially over every possible thought that comes to mind...
No values can be accepted on faith and relied upon...
Spot of conversation
Magic is no more than the product of knowledge others don't share...
There are no flukes in war--trickery is a legitimate principle of warfare...
At peace with himself
You earn respect by giving it to others...
Marriage means commitment...PERIOD
Words were a disguise for thought for intentions and to hide behind
They were laughing at their own weakness, their defenselessness under the grip of emotion
"Whenever I hear the word culture I reach for my gun" Goering
Some say there's a knife edge between genius and madness, others that it's an infinite capacity for taking pains...
Why is it she wondered, the older a women becomes, the more she regrets not having gone to bed with more men...
Repetition breeds routine...
You must not turn your back on old friends
Some of my memories may not match up with some of the memories you want to remember...
Fate deals honestly with all . She will not compromise though she may delay...
Talk about not getting frustrated I've got 6 dogs--none of them actually mine--except one --all the others were left out at the top of my road or left stranded cause people didn't want them--threw them out--discarded like old shoes or clothes--of course they are sweet and handsome dogs because all dogs unless hurt or ill are wonderful--can't help but be--and what did I do--took them in--now I can't get rid of them unless I do the same thing--in other words pass them on--but every time I go and feed them their eyes say hey you can't do this to us look how sweet we are--last night for instance--I came home after a harrowing trip to the grocery store--I'm old O.K.--and I had to walk all over Wal-Mart--trying to find certain items--which to my knowledge has never been in the same place twice--and still I had other things I had to do--to make all trips to town count--we pile on all the things needed in one trip--well when we came home--the dogs had gone in the garage and pulled some old sacked up clothes in plastic bags and strewn them here and there and everywhere--I was tired and mostly livid--thinking I can't even get in the back door--cause I'm so tired-- well I had to pick all the trash(which it was now in small pieces) up and talk about cold--coldest night yet--I finally made it to the back door opened it went into the kitchen and found the Boxer--had torn the Cat food bag to smithereens--I had had enough--I took my walker and forced it into her-- mad-- I couldn't see straight and my grandson--said yelled actually what are you doing and thank heavens I came to my senses--and I've been apologizing to Sammy ever since--where do we lose it--why do we lose it--can't we accept what happens as something that happens and go from there--I use the words GD a whole lot and I'm trying to hold off using it but frustration gangs up on me in piles--I guess I feel I getting more than my share--what a fool--I know the word frustration--but when it backs up and rears it's ugly head I'm usually to far gone to stop myself from cussing or reacting in some stupid manner--I'm going to say again after the 100 time--I will be calmer--and try to act with more aplomb--grow up--not be as stressed--in the long run what does all this matter--
The world has some problems all of them make individual problems seem minor--or of no importance--but small individual problems mount up just like a ticking bomb--where do all these problems come from--inside people--there like someone lighting fuse--and standing back and watching the fuse go to the source--I don't know whether to talk to people or not--whatever you say may ignite what ever the problem is--how do you find the sources of these problems and alleviate what seems to be the problem--who knows--I certainly don't--and I don't know if I've ever really tried--
Just watch a video that showed three grandmothers smoking pot for the first time --at different time intervals they would go back--eating , talking, and the red eyes--the getting comfortable,,the stupid questions--the answers having to be thought about--and the long stares--all of it caught on tape--wonderful--I got up early this morning thinking I had some things I needed to take care before the house got rolling--you know before the grandkids--got up , the cats and dogs started moving around--the coffee made--the dogs let out and let in--dogs fed--coffee ready--getting going--turning down the heat many and varied are the things that need doing before one can start doing what they need to do...got some of those small tangerines--they call some sporty name now--I noticed there's no big fruit in the stores not here in the southeast--I think the fruit people are holding out this year for stocking stuffers--they can make more money with that in mind--they ought start sending out packages for stocking stuffers--only--
A walk in the woods for the soul--also for the express purpose of seeing what out there the little jewels season--not forgetting the big stuff--but--ever thing seems so much clearer--small 5" hemlocks--moss of all kinds--the clear stream--the cold stream--the rocks that stick out of the bank--a sound that can be heard so clearly--small ferns--a hong Japanese. maple seedling--sedum ternatum--Galax aphelia ,it's all so gray and brown--the crisp air--not many leaves on the trees--most of the time I don't think I may see anything I want to bring back so usually I don't take any digging tools with me-and end up digging with my fingers--putting what I find in my pocket or in my hand-the soil is cold--and I always say next time--I'll bring what I need--
I can't ever remember thinking that something was going to be easy and it was...it's always just a little bit more than I thought it was--like I've been without pain medication for at least three days--and to- day I'm back on them-- what a difference--the only thing missing is the get and go I use to have--it isn't there any more..it just gone--by the wayside--out side it's 15 degrees--and all the plants have shriveled up and are hugging themselves close--the sun is coming through the trees--and I can see how some the plants aren't going to like all that sunlight on themselves--some old fashioned boxwoods--seem to be loving it--I can hear them talking to the other plants--hey passes this ain't nothing --wait till the snows comes--all I can think about is brunswick stew that combination of chicken, tomatoes, lima beans,and corn simmered with all those seasonings in an old iron soup kettle-and an abundance of cornbread---

No body ever knows the whole of everything...
Caution and non-intervention are the arthritis of patronage...
My daughter is a person that's lives in a minute and the minute is going to be her last one so everything is on the spur of the moment with her--then and there and done it--because there is no reason to postpone joy--yesterday she didn't pick up the kids at the bus and it was just below--30degrees--they walked about a half mile--they came in and I could tell they were first off cold--and then after I felt their cheeks and hands--decided I wasn't going to worry about it--when our kids were growing up--there were times-when ours had to walk--now that I can look back on it--what could it have hurt--the walk--is absolutely beautiful a country mountain road--Forrest right down to the sides of the road--and very few driveways--and hardly anyone ever on the road--yes I do worry--but with Ethan with her--I feel somewhat better--not completely without concern--I have my doubts about my daughter--but what can someone do--have her followed--take the car away--stop the gas tickets--tell her she can't do this and she can't do that--afraid--my timing is a little on those kind of things--like that girl killed in Virginia--who knew--it drives me batty --just thinking about our young--people especially with all these wars going on--big and little wars--but it's drying up two major things--our Youth--and our Treasury---all the stupid stuff we get blamed for just for helping out--something is wrong folks--sounds kind of stupid when you say it that way and then write it out--
Lets not delight ourselves with bitter sweet pleasures of renunciation...
Be not another if thou canst be yourself
Faith has almost been refined out of existence...
Don't chew eh ? Don't know what yuh're missin !
Nothin' like a cud o ' good terbacy
t' tone up a man's system, is what I allus say!
You are your own mountain but you grow up in reverse--there's "nothing" equal to what you are--you don't start off with a broad base a pin prick wouldn't even cover it--think of a flash light--on a foggy or smoky night--the flash light casts it's glow --the beam from your hand grows--
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma...
In other words, the Greeks brought their Gods down into their daily life and by so doing added dignity to its most commonplace details...
Stem cured feed
Science is a process
We attract what we are...
I have had too much experience of life to attempt to tell a really rich person anything...
One cannot live on essences...
Facts not dialectics are weapons--truth not emotion will keep us free...
Well I made it through another Christmas--and through the bowl games--both are becoming a horrible experience--what to do about it--ha--when something gets started there's hardly anyway you can stop it --now-a-days--you can start a grass roots thing--like old time politics--by standing outside you door and screaming your head off--you can call all your friends --you can tell everybody you meet--you can put up posters--you can write it on all writeable surfaces--you can buy up advertising space--in a bunch of magazines--