Mad at everything daughter has been telling one thing and here comes another--yet here I am--can't do a damn thing--old and stupid--and can hardly get around--but so what--if I get around it has to be slow and patient either with a walker or or a cane--and it doesn't seem like it's going to get better just damn worse--lifting weights to try and get some strength back--but it seems to be helping make me feel better but not leaving me much aid--as far as walking again or--gaining the strength to walk by myself without cane or walker...frustrating to say the least--I might as well be doing something in some old folks home--like sitting in a chair or rocking and doing nothing else--but maybe sucking on my thumb--can anything else be done--I don't want to do anything else--but hey seems like I'm going to have to--take back over everything--control which is what I don't want to do--

Got up when I heard everybody else getting up--Kids have to be at bus stop at 6:15 and they are carried down there by my daughter--who is an angle as far as I'm concerned taking them--long way to walk--kids now a days if they had the choice of going to school--and having to walk to the bus would stay home all the time walking is a no-no--as far as they are concerned--can you imagine anyone going to school walking two or three miles like it matter--like Lincoln or some of those other folks who thought education was everything--no way--when I got up I went in to get some coffee--and yes there was some left--so I hadn't gotten up for nothing so I started getting me a cup and thought I might as well add a few other things with Yogurt--toast ham and french bread--with some Harvarti cheese--so I'm sitting in front of the computer stuffing myself--oh yea coffee--coffee is out so I'll probably go back and make some more--wrote son an e-mail--and started thinking about my day--several things are going on --need to get some prescriptions refilled--and check on truck and it's cost--got an appointment to have a scan done on my legs--to find out why circulation is poor--have my own ideas about it but will wait on doctors and doctors input...also a friend is coming over today to look over some items I been wanting to get rid of--old antique bunch of tools--sort of help clem up things around here--notice a weed coming back from last year--that I must do something about or it'll take over...for sure..went and fixed last pot of coffee--not that I plan on dyeing or anything-- last one for this morning-- want fix any more until late this afternoon...

Kids stayed home during their spring break well sort of --one went and stayed with grandmother--and the other decided to stay home--of course I had to spend time off the computer--the one who stayed home plays games on my computer--says she can't play them on the other computer
There is no creation by degrees, only an actualization of what has always been a link into a positive frame of reference... a thought that seems to realize and create itself only in our mind...
In all its creating, nature favors the simplest, most straight forward methods...
Environments are always relative--never absolute..
I can pen any animal on the face of the earth if I can get him to depend on me for a free handout...
Nothing is more wonderful than waiting for a happiness you can be sure of...
I added some more things to think about--Self control--self restraint--self contentment self containment and respect--a friend told me respect and self control could be considered the same thing--I've been wondering all night about it--I just looked them up and I don't feel like they encompass what I feel like I mean by the words--explanation may take some thought--I'll come back to it--
Reading William Shawcross's book "Deliver Us From Evil" seems to fit right into today's time--one part seems very appropriate about the Clinton's which makes me dislike anything to do with them and I wish someone would ban them from having to be seen on T.V.--on a trip the Clinton's took to Africa involved fleets of planes and 1300 fellow travelers U.S. Officials and "others" It cost U.S. taxpayers 42.8 million dollars--just this trip alone-- this at a time when he was going to save us money..yea I've heard enough about the Clinton's and I hope she does run and gets stomped...

There is urgent need for frank intelligent appraisal of factors which others in our day are exploiting.. Some of us have been more than a little surprised at the admissions made recently by certain government politicians...We are not in control...the world wasn't made just for us...and we've paid enough in lives of our young---we don't need others to survive--I'm not saying to be mean--what I'm saying is they need us--for they're survival--we are what they hate--we are who they hate--we are the ones they are teaching their children to hate---just because of the way we are...
It is obvious to "all" who studies our scene carefully that there are factors working deeper in our minds than just our powers of bombs, death and destruction...We can and do observe humans all over the world exhibiting irrational prejudices, favoring certain things without knowing why, and being instinctively "drawn" to certain folks while reacting from others...What has humanism to say concerning these problems that have grown up through all our humanest ever since we were babes in arms...How can we accept and know we are after the correct evolutionary steps leading us and others in the right can we control those who are exploiting the situations for their own selfishness.. How can we be sure that this part of our nature shall express itself to the glory of all...
There is abundant need for a selfless intellectual investigation here...
We know we are not cheap optimists--we know that obstinacy in war can bring very, very severe punishment in its train, and that a man who parts with the integrity of his soul--even though he gains the whole world--is a tragic fool...But war teaches that we are only punished for --and actually punished by our own mistakes; and it teaches that every man or woman, no matter how steeped in death and destruction, has always direct access to an all powerful mind that will straighten him out, and supply from his own inner strength to again find what's needed to go on and find himself again...

Another thing maybe for gun control enthusiasts'--how about a little thought--when you have a gun aren't you more than likely to use it--take for example a scorpion--he doesn't pick and choose who he uses his weapon on--he carries it around on his back--you think if someone comes near his prize possession he want pop you a good one--sort of reminds me of those people over in the East--riding around in their Toyota's with those huge guns sticking out of the back of the pick-up trucks--are you telling me that if they don't like your looks--they want pop you--your last--goodbye see we're talking about self-control--using what God gave you up there between your ears--I see all these women on T.V. now all those high powered skirts which by thee way are getting to where they aren't skirts anymore--what does one call them--maybe less skirts--anyway they are just men with less skirts on--they've become so aggressive and forceful that they believe they are in control--which they maybe on their shows but wow what a way to go--most women are good as gold--I'm not talking about women of old--ones who faked thinking that men were the end all--I thinking about women who think for themselves and have pride in the way they can look--if you've got it show it--I don't know about that kind of "fe--male" but sometimes hey why not--but how about in the right places--whose to decide I guess you are--and anyway I seem to be getting way out of my range here..but believe me I think women are...the best...and wish they haven't got it their heads that the only way to success was through the paths of man--because in time they will see what man has being a tough ass...

Again under whatever circumstances it's still war--how about us bombing and let the people who live over there do the ground clearance--see anything wrong with that--how about letting all the war mongers from over here do the aiding and abetting over there--you know like advising...I hate to see us always in the lead--on everything--where the hell is China--or Russia--it seems like France has always got to complain first and bitch but eventually they scramble--and do the good thing...watching news --those guys know when they have a good thing--bleed it to death and then some--don't get me wrong I believe in fighting for what is right--I believe in fighting to save out homeland--and I hate to see any American treated like dirt--but I also feel when you go somewhere you know what you are doing and should be prepared to deal with prepared somewhere that was a motto for some group like hey Boy Scouts--can we keep doing these things when will we give out of money and boys and girls for war--can't you get over extended--look what happened to Rome-- you say that was along time ago--doesn't that still make it a good one of the earliest--Duh

President made a speech today had a whole room full of all kinds of servicemen and he had them laughing and he was joking and telling how good they were and how much the world would respect them when their jobs were done--he had them clapping and ranting and raving about what a good guy they were listening too--the only thing he lacked were the Dallas Cheerleaders..or a bunch of college girls swinging down on a pole half naked...probably would have caused

What are we doing out of our own country--we are disliked--not trusted--and people actually hate us-but does that stop us from interfering getting involved in "their" affairs --it's like getting involved with your next door neighbors sticking your nose in where it's not wanted--hey we are not the world police--the only way that could happen is if---and a mighty if it is--when there are no borders any where--where the world takes on all responsibilities and every country pays it 's dues to be of these days it will happen it has to --cause all things will eventually effect every body else...over 200,000 people from the Ebola nations have passports and can enter the U.S. frightening maybe so--but now we're sending 3000 troops in harms way--I don't know about you folks but all I know is we're in for a hurting--and everyone involved should have had some say so in the matter--before one man took it out of our hands---my feelings on the matter...self-control--has an awful way of creeping in on your self if you aren't paying attention...and realizing what effects you are going to have to pay for---there's a lot of folks in the U.S.of A and I'm beginning to realize out side of us--there's not to much affection in my heart outside the U.S. period--not from all I've seen and heard of the way they feel about us...I think whatever we've done and whatever we're planning on doing has got to be stopped--and reevaluated to the degree we take care of what our problems are now--get our feet back on the ground where we can see a little clearer and act in a normal, natural way--where we have more co-operation and not always try being the leader into where we are not wanted...

My God I heard on T.V. the other day someone yelling no more war...who can stand up to that--it was like I thought I heard but I didn't it for sure--I was channelling surfing and I had to stop wait on the damn T.V. to catch up or what ever it has to do--and couldn't find it--again -- what a concept especially to the never ending idiots--who base everything on force and violence...but beyond that I was shocked...after the politicians get the baby boomers and Vietnam folks gone --there's no telling what they'll be able to do---raise more hell all over the world--the leaders of death and destruction--at it
We keep everything in front of us--by showing it over and over on T.V. and the internet--sometimes
I get so tired of seeing the same pictures--and hearing the same old things--why do they show it over and over --I guess the shock value--kids in school shooting--others--Ebola another dis-ease plastered all over the news--and how it should never have entered our country and how it did--people starting to shoot policemen and army personnel, and every problem that exists has to be blown up, and shown any number of times--until something else comes along that can take it's place and then for days and days is played over and over and talked to death--every thing becomes an event--it's like waking up to the morning horror show--what gruesome event is out there next--I getting where I care to leave the house more and more--I even starting to look at guns--wondering if I should invest the time and effort to buy and learn--how to operate lone--but they you have to get in the spirit of the thing--isn't there any other way around it--lie maybe every body else start thinking in different terms--maybe thinking in purer terms of kindness and lets end the horrible days--

I 've been bored lately looking for something to distract my brain--pull it out of where it seems to be stuck--can't get myself in gear--to try and get anything started makes me wonder why I want to do anything--like I'm no self-starter--just one to hang around on the outside waiting for someone to need help--and I just follow around--like some friendly puppy--
it's saturday and I'm blogging well that ought to tell you something--T. V. has gone bust--and the base ball season has no promise in it for the Braves who are struggling from the bottom up and the signs of going anywhere in an upward motion--is them just getting up to bat so they can sit down again...the batters even tho it's preseason--are still swinging at the first pitch- no discipline at all