Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A little help from your friends---There are three friends: an old wife, an old dog, and ready money… Franklin

Iced Coffee

8--cups of a fine coffee,brewed double strength--(4 ozs. coffee to 48 fluid ozs. of water)
1  can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1  can of evaporated Milk
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt

Open both the condensed milk and the evaporated milk and pour them into a large container... Add cinnamon and salt...Brew coffee and pour onto other ingredients...Stir to blend... Refrigerate for a few hours or over night... Serve over crushed ice...and enjoy-- hereafter add a little or subtract to your liking...

The light is coming through the trees the green leaves are black-- the sky a gray lightish shade--opening in the canvas of leaves are see through areas--where my imagination can touch the skies openings..you can say it almost 5:15 and I'm up and at them

Do be bullied by pride..

Life is often about what happened before you got there--whether you like it or not

The brain has 100 billion nerve cells--where consciousness inhibits--and awaits activity

Sighs are the natural language of the heart -- Thomas Shadwell

Another early day--couldn't sleep so got the hell up --the sleep part --I went to be early--something that's been irritating me is I saw where someone on the  internet was trying to get people to write in about Hillary Clinton for President --I'm sick of hearing about the Clintons can't they just go away--
quite putting them selves out in the public life--can't even want to imagination her in the White House--please let's not let this happen--

A family is laughingly settling the question of whose turn it is to wash dishes, and a brand of selfishnessis grown… (fostered)

…in the early 1950's, the pendulum swung from emphasis on natural products to a stress on finding analogues…The result was a unique era in medicinal chemistry, characterized by product profusion and eventually, by public confusion...

I am going to introduce you to an herb punch--try it see what you think--this makes a pretty good beverage and will serve about twenty-five people-

Mrs. Smiley's Recipe

Pour three cups of hot tea over the leaves from a large bunch of lemon balm and a large bunch of borage and a bunch of mint..Add the juice of nine oranges and six lemons, and a sirup made of two cups of hot water and one of sugar.. Let the above steep for two hours… Then pour into a punch bowl in which there is a large lump of ice, and add two quarts of ginger ale and one of white rock.. Sprinkle the blue starflowers of borage on top…

Can you picture what I'm saying here--without me having to stoop to any other way of trying to approach--there are things in your life that you are building up to--I don't want you to recent the way I come at you--I'm not trying to communicate to get rid of you--I trying to communicate to see if there is anyone still out there who has any semblance of sanity left--how is it we can seems to realize we can't keep going this way unless we excuse on now ineptness--I'm not a father figure--all my guesses about fatherhood came from a bunch of step fathers--and I only heard from one of them --the rest of my life--so please think nothing more of me than a friend trying to reach through the portals of friendship--some way we must not think in terms of one up man ship--and stay focused--on the improvements that can be brought to the fore front--to get ahead of this " messing around " we're doing as a country--we need to start thinking in terms of globally--which some say we are doing--but only if America leads the way because of all the money they have--let's make sure they go first--and then they'll owe…when are we going to stop being the suckers of the world--the big teat--so to speak..I mean as much as we've paid in the depth of lives of our young people--and get what respect you'd give to a street urchin--how wide does one's eyes have to be opened to see where we're going is not where we want to be--

well here goes--I am not opposed to weather but here in the South snow was not meant to be and I certainly recent when it shows it's head--I found a picture that actually expresses my feelings pretty well
I sent a copy to my sister-in-law and she was not totally shocked so I guess i can let it express my feelings to you guys
 women--every guy who cheats on his wife tells his girlfriend his marriage is over,his girlfriend is the best human being he's ever met, that she has nothing to do with the breakup of his marriage, that she's the most beautiful and loving and has no reason to feel guilty, about anything--he also says he's not sleeping with his wife--and he tells everybody he has an affair with the same line…where does all this lead to no where--I just sometimes have to get things off my chest and this doesn't mean I'm doing this now but it also doesn't mean that i've never done it before -- I'm just balancing out the equation--

The individuality and uniqueness of a human being consists in what he perceives and how he perceives...

Memory and evaluations are used for adaptation---without memories it would be impossible to exercise any precaution for the future…

Not trying to be a smart ass--but hey I'm sick and tired of politicians and all there know how and if they were so great how come we're up to our asses in such a mess--I don't want people to think I want their job--because I don't--I would like to see a little blue sky in the future though and as far as it's going all I'm seeing is more dark clouds hanging over future generations--and I don't like thinking how people in the future are going to think I'm one of the causes--letting these jerks do what they are doing--what again ever happened to the idea of cleaning up your own backyard before getting involved with other's problems--is that a figment in my imagination or was that ever some thing someone said--I know I keep mentioning it but hey who am I--right--who is any body unless you're somebody…like some great sports figure or some great movie star--or television figure--or past great moment in history--is there anybody else out there that's great that I forgot to mention--sorry--I sit out here in the woods doing nothing not bothering anybody and I feel like I'm being screwed and being taken advantage of --just trying to enjoy my self and my retirement from the world--but sitting here watching the world go to hell in a hand basket is ceased being fun and it calls for involvement by those who helped cause all this trouble in the first place--allowing who we did to get in the offices that they were in--

Tears and laughter are the language of the heart---you go through life hoping not to step on others toes--but on days when it's raining in the your soul and your daily life is in the pits you don't always worry about others around you--and under certain circumstances--you might encounter--problems which cause you to neglect those you love most and then you might injure them in ways that you did not want -to happen--things can get out of hand --if you're aimless--why do you think people who like shooting are good shots--they take aim--they don't go around shooting at just nothing--they take aim at the target they want to hit--and start zeroing in on it a little at a time--until they accomplished what they were doing--rutterless is not the kind of boat you want to have fun in--life is not easy and there are many paths--so you have to pick and choose--narrowing it down to paths best suited to you and your development and temperament as a human being that you want to be…otherwise you are living in the shoes of somebody you know nothing about and your aiming at nothing in particular--which can be very wasteful and time is not on your side--you have very little that you can waste--it just seems so vast because you think you're no where near the end but wake up--you don't know that for sure--so why waste one precious moment--life by the way is not fair--the depth of everything is beyond infinity and you can keep going into nothingness as far as your time on earth will allow--don't do it--stay aiming at your finish line whatever it is--life is an experiment--take it and don't leave it--stay focused--count your blessings--and don't go with the flow--go with your instincts and you'll be on the right track--
Home made socks--not the most exciting thing in the world--but I can be proud of them--boys use to complain when my wife would make me a toboggan--they always wanted the same thing or wondered why she wasn't making them one too--then it got to where homemade stuff was out--you were poor if you wore stuff that was hand made--so the things that meant a lot to the person who made it because it was made with love in mind--went by the wayside--now I'd give anything to have the person who made things do it some more but to late--so life goes on--and time passes--and I sit outside and watch the dogs play--and think about all that's been in the past--and dream of events that have made up my life--even homemade socks--God Bless you Trudy 

Got my tomatoes planted today--and some herbs--really feel good about the day when I get something in the ground--that may get us some vegetables in here--some good from the earth--today seem as far away as I can let it get--had a pretty good night sleep when I wasn't worried about my daughter--she said she was going to do somethings--and of course something came up and her words she said tome about what she was planning--went right out the window--kids just say anything to get themselves off the hook so to speak--words mean nothing anymore--just say whatever you want and go about your business--doesn't matter that people think you're doing what you said--waste of time listening to what other say--when you're alone--it's all you--you can lie to yourself--you can say one thing and do another--but in the end you know what you're about--got up this morning and tried too get back what I had lost yesterday being so mad--come to think of it I'm mad now--that's two days--I've been mad--in a row--why-- I ask myself and it could be pills--aspirin--or the use of steroids--or it could be I'm annoyed by the situation--I'm in-- feeling sorry for myself--all I know is the last  couple of days have been irritable--notice I blame the days--not what I've done to cause my irritation--yelled at my daughter--to because--I was worried about her last night--she said she was going to be home at a certain time  she didn't get back til late--way later than she had estimated--she was going by and pick up her daughter--didn't do that either--just out wondering around after 12:30 doing God knows what--in my truck--where should I let this thing go--anyway how far do I want to be involved--is this any of my business-she over thirty for Christ sake--when can parents call it quits--and why does it matter to me so much--can I not live the rest of my life--in some quite zone--here we go feeling sorry for myself--calling it off for the day---
What i put before you is in a sense an essence of my life--short cuts to an easier life for you or for someone you may know that wants to get out of the rat race--hey I'm not here to play the blame game--in today's time you can have your cake and eat it to--work in the city but leave the city at the end of the week and go relax where the air is pure--the eye's can rest--the brain can calm down to less than fever pitch--by the time the weekend is over you'll be ready to take up whatever is in your path--and move onward and upward--rest, contemplation, and relaxation--will make you a person you can live with the rest of your life--facing things--not running amuck is where it's at--and if you have a significant other--  there will be a strength there which will surprise you and whomever--I'm actually talking about a place in the woods--a place where you can come back in contact--a place and an area where--outside the bounds of where you work--by the work will mean so much more at the end of each day also--and you can always see that what's happening is for a purpose--
I've got a bunch of poetry books--mostly by guys and women from the past--why back yonder--some were or were not on drugs--I don't know and really don't care if they were or not--or which drugs--some I'm sure were heavy duty--but to each his own--the never ending story of getting into other peoples business--how can some states ban pot and others consider putting your ass in jail--beyond me-what one does to his body seems like it should be no-one else's business as long as no-one else is hurt…well getting back to poetry--what is poetry--it has to come from within--you like gushes out--as far as putting it in some kind of order--like rhyming it or like even trying to make it make sense--I can't see stopping and saying look brain--let's just see--how we can make this sound complete for others to read--in simple terms and not in feelings..a way to communicate with the soul--I don't feel it can be done--when the urge to relate inner feelings --they should be able to come out--almost like rap singers do--just let it flow 

in general

We are our language, but our real language, , our real identity, lies in inner speech, that ceaseless stream and generation of meaning that constitutes the inner mind---( L.S. Vygotsky, Thought and Language) 

Any belief, which tends to produce passiveness, negativism and complacency, is debilitating...

Expression, never repression, is the function and life of man...

Mental quality, not material appearances, determines validity and reality...``

I'm taking a drug for pain--it's supposed to be a replacement for Bayer Aspirin--cause I don't want my stomach to rot out on me--until I'm finished with it--you know like using  it--I usually get about 60 at a time..with two or three refills--it has removed the pain--it hasn't given me what I really need --some more get up and go--power or the will part that gets me up off my ass--because I have something to do--if I make myself do something--I get upset easy--mad like because some little mishap--or having to stoop over to pick up something I dropped--

Have you ever wondered what it is your kids do that let's them do what it is they want to do--I mean if your kids look profitable--and really you never have discussed what it is they do--I 've got a doozie--he want even tell me what he does at home all day--you can't get squat out of him--clams right up--like I'm the police or something--and checking him out--going to clean his greens--he's says he's coming out to the house today--can't wait to see if he does what he says he's going to do--usually doesn't do what he says-
-harmless--but the way he dresses--pants half falling off--butt half way out--food stains all over his front--coffee--sort of slouches around or walks around like your words are going to sneak up on him--and bite him--I've been thinking of ways that I could probably talk to him and get him to come straight--and get out what people ask him and say it straight--out--is it any of my business--both of us are old--not dead but I'm close--he's got some time left--the scene below Goldenrod
Sort of mad daughter know I wasn't pleased with her performance yesterday--she was supposed to do something for me and she didn't and I was pissed--how can one show someone they are displeased--and make it count--does it really matter in the long run--

Bounty...from the French bonte, meaning goodness in general; an act of generosity, a gift...

I had a choice between watching the braves notice the little letter "b" I can't believe someone let's the braves exist the way they do--how sorry they are and when they do win I feel it's the luck of the draw--no skill involved--anyway and watching the Little League World Series--and guess which one I watched…Just get up there and blast away--home runs they don't even try to walk even if they can--thank heavens they got rid of Uggla--hate some of the ones they get rid of though--the coach has his problems..not like Bobby Cox--I understand--and I know every individual is different--but from where I sit he's a little unconnected like he let's his team members decide how they are to play and not him deciding to make them into a balanced club.. determined to better each and every player let's them be to individualistic… the Upton brothers every body is swinging for the bleachers--not a good idea--doesn't hurt when you're way ahead though--but when you need men on base there has to come a time when you either get a walk or a base hit--and the swing has to be a little more controlled…brief but it the truth..

Distinguish between good and bad company…

Don't be a slave… Make your possessions serve you, not the reverse...

Having my morning coffee and trying to think of enjoying my day--Robin Williams thing sort of blew my mind--can't say we were best friends--but he had been in side my mind once or twice as in thought when I was younger--of course we'll never know why he reached such depths as he did with loved ones all around--can't say I ever reached the depths he reached in drug use, friend use, or loved ones use--but we're all human at times and even tho I didn't know him personally I will miss him in a way you miss some-one not seeing them around…you know this thing about being popular--and you know he was--but hey how can anyone as seemingly as popular as a funny guy--not be happy--are the out side and inside of humanness so out of touch--I guess could get all over that statement--but where are they gone into other parts of the mind--or other fields--they just sort of dropped off--the face of the earth--mental hospital--where did all those people that were in those places go--h-mmmmm-
I can't believe all the killing and maiming going on in the world--it isn't getting any better--it just seems to get worst as far as the news is concerned--no one cares what or who's injured--my whole computer front page is totally full of bad damn news--and I have to sit through it--and see or read death and destruction--no way am I going to put up with that--I'll just get rid of the damn computer…of course I'm sitting in the U.S. and have not a care in the world except what I'm going to have when my next meal comes up--they show these war torn areas and these kids are standing around like they don't have any parents and their parents haven't got a clue as to where they are..what's happening people…I'm just flabbergasted --can't even imagine where this world is headed...

Well another hot day in the old town tonight--yesterday my daughter and her kids son and daughter-left here to go to Methadone clinic in Gainesville to do her bit to get off the ugly drug--they went ,she did her thing--as usual I was waiting around for the time she would get back--middle afternoon--but she had told me that they were going to try and go play tennis in the afternoon--kind of a shock but hey two kids--they'd never played tennis in their lives--but hey we have a park and I guess they have tennis courts--I can get into that--it started getting a little later than I'd feel comfortable with but she aaas doing O.K. and so I was giving her the benefit of the doubt--about this time the dogs started going nuts--my warning signals--I didn't really think anything about it--cause earlier the dogs were barking outside where I usually sit and when I got up--they had cornered a big King snake--and of course the Boxer and Dachshund was going after it raising all kinds of hell..I watched for about fifteen minutes and finally the snake moved o off into the higher grass and there were a few barks after that but the thrill had apparently worn off--and all got back to normally quite--well this next situation--when they were barking sounded like the kind of bark --hey there's someone out here and we're going to keep them in the car until you come out here--so up from my chair (lounger) I got --it's really getting hard for me to do things out of a chair--My legs and lower body just don't cooperate like they use to--so it really takes a lot for me to go to the backdoor but I did it--some man was sitting there in a black car-- I can't hear good either and some times when I alone I take out my hearing aide and just dwell quietly--so this was one of those occasions and so he had to yell but the dogs were barking  (I talking 6 dogs now) and he was shouting finally I heard him say are you Corky and I said I was then I got a little closer--without my walker and it was tough but he said he was here early and George and Robert were bringing the truck--I had no idea what was going on--so I said thank you and came on back in the house--a little later maybe ten minutes--Ethan (Janet's son walks in and puts the keys of the truck back in the rack by the refrigerator and says he doesn't know what happened but Papa George was coming in and he would tell me what happened--Papa George is this huge guy--over weight about 110 pounds and he does come in and try to explain my own daughter to me…she told him she needed some gas and that she was supposed to meet a guy at Bojangles cause he owed her some money--well when they got there she let Papa George out at food Lion and then went on over to Bojangles--got her money and exchanged some pills for the money she was headed back over to pick up Papa George and all hell broke loose--three Police cars two separate Detectives cars came rushing in--and surrounded her in my pick-up truck--and she in the caboose as I write this--we're talking about a minor incident--drugs involved of course--and now after a night of tossing and turning I'm left in an after math--that has my attention--she is my daughter--the right and the wrong thing to do--drugs are here to stay--they are not going away--no-matter what the drug informant people think they are doing--but their has to be a distinction of the real drug dealers and their occasional sellers of drugs--because there is a difference--mainly in a minor category--and little drug dealers are not usually going to be big drug dealers--they don't have the connections--unless by some jump in their imaginations they get connected to the big boys and then it's a whole different story…the whole thing is history-- the part I don't particular care for is the lying and the deceit that she has to go through or should I say put her loved ones through--or are we loved ones…the craving for the drugs…the getting them…I not sure that it not like when I was young that I tried to buy pot--the same type of situation..the sneaking around..the meeting and the exchange.. of dope and money--the reality of which led to a high-- 

Getting ready to feed dogs my only job of the day--other things have dwindled down to nothing because I just don't want to do anything else but sit around and contemplate--you might say I just want to stay around and see what happens--like seeing what comes up--I think my whole life has been that way--I don't think I'm the type to go out and start something up--like generate something from nothing there's more here than meets the eye--
Usually around the house it's quite--but recently we had visitors--the natural kind ones that live on the outside periphery of my dwelling--being more specific timber rattler--was on my doorstep--a groundhog which was somehow in my garage, and a seven foot king snake--the biggest I've ever seen around here--just because a snake isn't poisonous doesn't mean you can go right up and look at it--and be friendly--cause when they rear back they will pop you--and it will leave a mark--that hurts--the ground hog was in the garage like I said--how it got there I have no idea--but I usually sit in the front of my garage--out just a ways from being inside it--adjusting my self where the sun hits my legs--and I can read or write--or sit there in contemplation looking out at the trees or the woods--but when he came I was shocked by the ferociousness of it and the same about the dogs--the racket made from both of them scared the heck out of me--well I couldn't sit there and listen to the growling and snarling that went on--finally I got up and found out exactly what it was--cause at first I didn't really know what it was--I just heard the dogs raising sand and the thing what ever it happened to be --going nuts--but if six dogs were after me I'd be going nuts to--I finally found it in a corner and it was not very friendly and wasn't going to be anytime soon--I decided to take all the dogs inside that night thinking with them not around the bugger would haul his fat butt out of there and go somewhere else--you know like give him an opportunity to get he heck out of there--next morning I got my notepad--books I wanted to look over and headed for my spot in front of the garage--well within two or three minutes the racket and noise was again unbearable and I realized the bugger was still there and didn't go anywhere--so I went back in the house--well to make a long story short the Dachshund got a hold of the groundhog and the other dogs joined in and that was that..I hate digging holes to bury animals so I cremated him--

Watching soccer on T.V. and wonder how they do it-- in such hotness--there are no fat people around soccer except in the stands--like in baseball you see these huge people sitting there watching stuffing--the soccer players in the foreign countries are great--yet in some of the countries I wonder how they got to be great cause I know there eating habit were controlled by how much money their parents had--but when they got into soccer I'm sure the coach and the league watched them carefully…I'm enjoying the playing and worrying about certain teams and feel sorry for others--when a team player gets a red flag--and the whole team get down one player--wow--it's hard to believe that they have to cover the whole field with only ten players--and in that heat--I can't believe that they don't try more shots just out side the box--maybe it's so congested--they can't--but it seems to me the header on corner kicks is the shot of choice--Americans want be playing much more not the way they played the last game--really disappointed--in what I saw--and with this new coach--I expected a hell of a lot more--the players did seem like they were in shape--but their thinking (or not thinking) and some of the reaction were bad--the shots on the beach and around the town I felt they were being censored--on the very first shot of the start of the programs they showed a beach shot with the bathing suits worn by the young ladies with their asses exposed--then there were no more of them--not that I wanted to see them but hey--why not--why have they started using more women on sports shows and talking sport shows--what are they supposed to add--what are the dimension they're supposed to add--football, baseball, men's and surely they can cover they're own sports and do a creditable job--without having to be involved with ours (men's)--next they'll be adding them in the booth...

Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises… Demosthenes

The secret of life is not to do what you like but like what you do…

In youth we learn, in age we understand..

I keep imaging that we as a nation are the best at what we do--then I'm always seeing on T.V. or the news how we've blundered--made mistakes--whose in charge here--the President--or whom--this prisoner exchange--5 for one--and now there's something stupid going wrong about this exchange--who is advising the President--what is he watching the finals in basketball and not paying any mind to what's going on--now we've got all kinds of complaints going on and another investigation--I'm sick of hearing about the Clintons--I sick of hearing from John McCain or whatever his name is--someone told me the other day what we need is another great white hope--and his suggestion was another Dwight Isenhour--I don't care whether I spelled his name right or not--yea all we need do is start going bass ackwards--great--some where accountability is going to have to come back in this world--the whites the blacks, the orange, the yellow, all colors--no matter the color, are going to start from scratch and be mature in what ever is going on--forget color--that can't be done--when you walk up to someone--and if you have eyes you know right off--but what can be done about it--nothing--just let the situation dictate--and move on--and go for whatever is needing attention…how in the name of heaven we've got ourselves into everybody thinking we are their saviour--I noticed where the President is asking for money so we can put more of our soldiers in Europe--great--another a "Billion" dollars--for starters--are we not over extended already and now here we go spending and spending…have the banks gone crazy--letting someone like us go on another spending spree--as individual spenders would or could you get more money if you owed as much--no--something is wrong here and we as a nation are still letting it happen--we are responsible even tho these idiots that we voted in are carrying us not forward but backwards…I'm disgusted, I'm sick of being thought of as a big somebody and really not even being stand up guy--talk about ripe for stopping all this--and face up to what we've got ourselves into..each politician has a plan--and once he gets in office--he's just another one of them--behind the eight ball--and glory bar the door for he just out there getting all he can get--staying low creeping around looking for whatever he can get away with--no matter who it hurts--especially if he can get involved with an interest in another country--cause he can hide whatever he's got involved with…and spend on whatever humanitarian project that pulls on the heart strings--whatever groups that get involved from the U.S. are also on the big payroll..sucking the tit dry…Rome--and the Romans taking care of business--all of it has just gotten to big and there's no-one trust worthy enough to watch over it all--with the right kind of attitude for our needs--and the people we are trying to help…we are going down hill at an alarming rate--we don't see it--but there are a lot of people who are beginning to feel it from the bottom up--what does that mean only time will tell and it want be good--

Natural objects make a kindred impression, when the mind is open to their influence…

Yet my purpose in writing (one purpose), like the purpose of talking to people, is to demonstrate to myself that I'm not crazy...

Some arts cannot complete their destiny until they are exposed to the enemy…

Experienced man has no nature excepting the road he has traveled...

I turned on the computer this morning and there was a recall list on Dog treats--turned to the site was led on and on to no site in particular--after about five sites I got pissed off and said heck with it--I knew this was going to happen--you can't do anything in this world anymore without people who are after money trying to take advantage of every little incidence.. no mater what it entails..now they don't have to wait they are on your door step--next their 'll be a company saying they can put a stop to that for only  x amount of dollars a month..so hold on to your wallet--cause it's on it's way...
I'm not telling you what to read--I am giving you suggestions--why--Gosh I don't know except I'm a reader--not all things I read mean anything but they will lead you to where I want to be--and just where is that back to myself--to where I can feel good about myself in any situation--especially those where life and reality get back together--I've been so far from my life and reality getting together--I feel like everything has been one big lie--one lie following right after another--it's has invected my whole life--so when you see book I suggest it's not one that I don't have and haven't read it's one that out there and when you lay awake at night --no matter what your situation--i'm a human another one--who thinks if you're reading what I put down--you must have a reason for reading someone like me--so give a few of these a try--it may be a link you have touched on--and of course it may open another door or window of opportunity--that you've lost touch with--you have to start gibing and getting rid of a lot of stuff--before you can get back to yourself…this is not self help book--it an eye opener--hopefully--

Expect everything, I always say, and the unexpected never happens...

Now we're talking--can I believe what's going around --we can't keep our fingers out of other folks pie--do we as a nation have to get involved in everything that's none of our business..I don't care if a bird farts we get involved trying to figure if the wind made by that extra gust will make a difference in the over all involvement of wind channels in the Philippines--Have you noticed how yellow journalism is creeping into your homes already--Have you noticed how T.V. is adding more time on commercials--Have you thought about how watching sports is getting away from you--without paying the big bucks--and if you haven't noticed it's going to become less--in the fall--we're talking about what you aren't going to be involved in seeing--cause the SEC is getting it's on channel and guess whose going to be in charge--of it's pricing--with the internet they have waltzed right into my living room--and taken over--all I can do is watch--channel 420--is showing thou the way--when I got my package from the phone company--420 was included--and then when the Braves started playing all of a sudden special games were withheld and I sitting there waiting to see the Giants and Braves play--and up pops--you are not able to see this program because--which wasn't mentioned when I purchased the 420--channel--well folks it ain't over yet--it's going to get worse--I just can't wait to see how much more screwed we're going to get--anyway the T.V. companies can reach into your pockets is what's going to happen--they aren't through by a long shot…

I got up this morning after the night before was very exciting I didn't sleep a wink--all night long I was at them--what I was at--I have no idea just rambling--all over the bed , the house, and even outside, now you are probably in a neighborhood--whereas I'm out in the woods--I mean like when I go outside the woods are alive--creepers are crawling--night buggers are moving around--the skies are putting on there nightly show--and weird noises are bounding around--little owls are hooting and other little crawly creatures are busy with there general doings out there in the dark--and believe me folks I've got quite an imagination--especially when there's darkness around me--well anyway--I survived--but just listening--was about all I could take with my imagination going wild--with the wild--my trusty dogs were all around but they weren't much help all tangled around my legs and wanting me to pet them because there's no one out there with them at that time of night--and they thought I had come out especially for them--and their comfort--night time is still the right time--after I came back in-- at least-- I thought I had accomplished something--I could breath again--so I got back in the sack--and tossed and turned--got again had some cereal and strawberries--and oh you know that helped--boy did it get my digestive juices flowing and there was no hope for the rest of the night…I just put on my clothes and sat up thinking..one reel after another..with no hope of letting up..like I was on LSD and the trip wasn't going away…trying to stop it was impossible..free wheeling--and going somewhere fast--day time sure takes it's time when you're waiting on it to get where you want it to be...

Now what I want you to imagine--is living where I live out--20 to 30 minutes from the nearest anything--some you can and probably live even farther out--so just lay low and think for self and for those who can't even imagine living very far from a street light.. much less where darkness is a major factor…and life creeps and crawls by the slow process of the way it is…time is not of the essence and life is not to be denied… and dogs and your life are where you are meant to be when nothing else matters… outside in your world…cars, trucks, jobs, people, and your happiness are right in your front yard--where trees abound, leaves cooperate, and the wind is the only sound to disturb the contemplation of your existence--breathing, seeing and watching are compatible and the simplest thing you have to do is lift your coffee cup to your lips…move your eyes, and watch as leaves fall, dust moves, and one of your dogs dashes after a butterfly, hoe hum, 

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence regardless of their chosen field of endeavor… Vince Lombardi

In the land of White Death: An Epic Story Of Survival In The Siberian Arctic By Valerian Albanov

The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz------Go figure by me

life is not fair--and if you figure life owes you something--and you don't owe anybody anything--you've got something more up you're ass than what you're worth--cause just you being where you are-- a lot of people before you had a lot to do with it--their death was even your gain--don't think you got where you are by your will and testament--your road was paved by loved ones who had to pay a price--of living until death did them their part--and a path was laid out by every death, every word, every breath, and every soul's worth that never made a sound in your favor…you rich and you poor have all made it easier for the next person who came up the hard way…so be easier on the next person you see..for we are all in this together...
I had the dogs to feed--at first I not the gracious feed--I make sure that the dogs let each other eat we have one big dog some kind of beast from Australia--don't know what kind but he eats anything that stays put for long--and he doesn't wait--he just puts his head down and goes for it--he does that in a fight --if he's going to have a fight--he doesn't wait for the bell he just like bulls his way into it--and no holds barred--if he's going to have at it--let's get it on--that's his attitude--if he's going to get out of the car--he's going out the window--if you can't get the door open hell let me out of here--I never seen anything quite like him..again I live way out so people think no one lives back here so they bring there un wanted dogs cats whatever and dump them--kind hearted me--accepts their rejects--I have a big heart so whenever a new dog comes he's usually starving, sometimes raving mad--and I have to introduce him and his ad ways to the other dogs who are also rejects--from God knows where--but as things do develop--we eventually all get along especially with my input which is mostly yelling until I have them all shaking in their respective boots--I hate it that I'm that way--I wish I could be the soft tempered person where love radiates all around me and they come and congregate around me and have their tongues hanging out wanting to please--but for some reason--I feel I have to be the bad guy or the prison warden  who hands out or dishes out the good food--and police everybody until everyone leaves their bowl--'m sure with me standing around and giving all of them a tongue lashing doesn't help their digestive juices…but that's the way I am and they came here I didn't go out and get them--I do my best and spend quite a bit of money on their food especially since I want all of them to look good--
The books you see every once and while on this sight are not recommendations--they are books that have led me down paths I could never have reached without their guidance--and what I call help--or advice--or eye opening--I'm someone who needed an extra shoulder to lean on--one of those people you could have crushed on your up your latter of sanctification toward your goals of success--I have a small amount of hostility-towards people who--rush headlong into things without thinking about the consequences and caring less about who or what they demean or even destroy as they gain the top rungs of their endeavors--not really-- I wish you luck-- at times I like crushing ants also--especially after I found them in my favorite cookie jar--
Trudy --my wife in the arms Babe--I think this picture was taken in Athens, Georgia--Names Kings and Crawfords
I keep getting these call on the phone--I'll be right in the middle of something and the phone rings--I was brought up when the phone meant something--like whoever was calling had a good reason and it wasn't to sell you something--or give you grief--it was a family member or someone near and dear--so when I get to the phone it's a recorded message and I realize what a fool I've been even picking up the phone--giving up the important thing I was doing in that moment--of course, I have an answering machine--but at the moment my mind was busy doing what I thought was the most important thing but no for some reason I stop what I'm doing and go to the phone--it may have been a slight delay in my mind or it could have been I was thinking about the problem and lapsed for a minute and the phone ringing caused me to slip and let it take over..whatever the reason if you try to stop people from calling it's a whole new ball of wax--and believe you me it ain't worth the effort--just let the answering machine do it's job…and you want regret it-- not for one second…this is what the conversation was about--a gentleman on the phone was telling me that there had been some break ins in my  neighborhood and he was going to have a gentleman in our area in the next couple of days and he could more or less set up an appointment with him so we could get together on a security system that would save me and mine a lot of trouble from the characters that were bothering my neighbors…how about them apples--hey I talking about I live way out--away from what most people would call--safety
again only people come out here and their lost--I'm beyond the woods--not capable of bounding from the tops of buildings cause there ain't any--only trees woods and the big sky---

I was watching a golf tournament on T. V. and as the golfer was taking a shot the camera was focusing on the ball but above the ball you could see a bunch of legs--under the rope that they used to keep people back--my God--I couldn't believe the size of those legs--it looked like they'd let the pigs out of the fat farm--I mean and I'm not just talking once cause that first time I started watching all the time and wow--what do you think I saw the whole fat farm was there--I mean every body I saw was from the waist down nothing but fat people--hey where do you guys get off being so huge--can't you get away from the trough--and how about the clothe's sizes--it can only be in America--then I got to see some tournaments in China--and guess what there was a big difference--next time you see all those rich guys playing golf just take a gander at those folks lining the fairway and see if you don't wonder about our country--and what the fat farm folks are going to do--when something big comes along--are they going to pay there way out of it or what--next thing you know we're going to start having gladiator events and if we haven't already--like fighting with no holds barred--the only thing missing is the thumbs down to kill 'em--

To get out of my house--we call the backdoor the front door and the front door the backdoor--in other words we have to go out to get to our cars and driveway out through the kitchen--our house survives by us going out that way--every time I go anywhere I stop and meander around the kitchen looking for roots and berries one might say--the next time or in my next life I will not have a kitchen any where near or far from the way in and out--it's to much of a temptation--going and coming--you can't go through a kitchen without foraging for something to take with you--it's not possible unless you're some sort of no food freak--also when I drink my coffee in the morning I notice I become very hungry--almost to the point where I fix food before I drink my coffee or I'll drink coffee while I fix breakfast--I'm a breakfast person--if I have a big breakfast and stay out of the kitchen I want eat again until dinner-and since I don't like to go to bed on a full stomach --I'll usually forgo--dinner and just about the time dinner should be over I go in the kitchen and fill up on junk…not enough to keep me awake but enough to give me indigestion…I quit drinking coffee around 3 to 4 o'clock--They say it takes coffee about six hours to get out of your system--so it want bother your rest--Is this true--or just another falsity--
   If you could iron out all these little problems that worry a person--just think how wonderful your life could be--whose to say what's important in your own life--whose to say what you need to become the person you want to be--the skies has clouded over here--and I looking out my front window--as shadows and leaves start to remind me that I think we're about to have showers--haven't heard any thunder or seen any lightning yet but the feeling is here--like they are not far off--cooler temperatures have arrived and the wind is bringing something in--we've got this one dog when guns are being shot or thunder comes roaring in she--wants none of it--let me in the house is her attitude--or I'm coming thru this opened window--and she has come right through the screen once--so I went and let her in…she was just here one day --I have green house sort of--and one day I drove by and thought hey--wasn't that a dog in my greenhouse--or was that something else--I don't really like anything that might dig things up--so I went back and checked and sure enough it was who I call Macy now--but at that time she was just another dog someone let out of their life--and dumped on me--at first I try to drive them off--but eventually--if they have a little guts and stick me out--I end up feeding them and then my daughter ends up naming them and I start watching them and loving them as much as I do the others--it's their individual personalities that get me---I can't for the life of me see how anyone can get rid of a dog after living with them--
I've got all this information that I've been holding on to for years--I had golf magazines I've had for years all the away back to the '60's and stacks of them--I kept trying to figure out how I could benefit by them--you know like knowing something nobody else did--I don't just mean one magazine of one sort--I HAD MANY MAGAZINES --from all different companies--Golf World, Golf Digest, and I can't remember the others --I tried to give them to the library but they knew me and just figured it was another one of those things they could do without--so I carried all them to the dump--it took two truck loads--and I noticed that I didn't take them all--I found more in the back of my library--I think I'll keep these--they are the ones that have all the swing sequences of the best golfers of the times--almost like that book by Ken Venturi where he showed each star and his swing and commented on them and gave his impression of what made their individual swings perfect for there build--I went to my library to find the book by Ken Venturi--but I just been relocating my books and I usually don't go out there unless it's raining or some form of bad weather--and tomorrow it's supposed to be raining so maybe I'll get things straighter out there and I'll come up with the book in question…it still hasn't rained the clouds keep moving in and out--and the skies seem to have decided to not let go of the rain…Macy has not been coming to the back door--and threatening us in any way--so she knows the weather is calming down

We put a mannequin in the garden today--to keep critters from bothering the beans and stuff we're growing down there--one of his arms was broken but we fixed it and hopefully the gentleman his name is Bruce--he's sort of effeminate and we're expecting big thing from old Bruce--the other things we're using is tim tops connected to a wire that goes all the way around the garden--every time the tops move or when the wind blows the tops hit on the wire and make a rubbing sound--last night the buggers stayed away from the garden--we'll see if Bruce makes any difference to the deer--my beans are at least 3 inches high and there at their prime as far as juiceness is concerned and I'm hoping they will be left alone but time will tell--Okra is up and deer and rabbits seem to cherish it--the last couple of years even with fox urine on it they still went for it...

You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live….  Joan Baez

"Young at Heart" readers---Beatrice's Goat  by Page McBrier

I've got to go out to my library--it's out near the garage--I'm looking for a CD that I've promised to mail to a friend in New Orleans--says she would like to hear "Motherland"by Natalie Merchant--what can I say about this CD--I enjoyed it--and do I recommend it--not on your life--reminds me somewhat of another singer--Janis Joplin not in her younger days but later on when one could say she was smarter--but then look what happened to her..

There are a few countries in the world that no matter what happens to them one would do best to stay out of--especially where people's lives are not worth a penny--at some point we're going to have to decide that our people's lives are worth more than the death that will surely follow--in the wake of going in and doing whatever is necessary in a country--that cares less about their people than to let things happen that another country has to come into and solve--where lives don't mean a thing and when boys are given guns and I do mean boys who grow up thinking that the guns in their hands are weapons to there future success in life--have no parents to speak of--and could care less who or what they shoot--only that they are are killing--when will we realize that we are targets for everyone's hate--and of course everybody wants us to come in with our people and all the money that entails--we clean up get our young people killed, pay for what we bombed and messed up and give over millions of dollars--to those who are the worst in their country to start it all over again--when are we going to say enough is enough--am I the only one who sees this--surely the people who are losing their sons and daughters can feel what I'm saying ---and for what do they lose them--it's not even defending our on soil--it's not even on our own land--we're interfering with another countries--business--we're doing our usual--busy body stuff--with no right what-so-ever at the cost of American Lives--mad--sorry

I've never seen a Die Hard movie--or one called Thor--my grandson introduced me to one today from Netflix--boy I thought the Bourne series were wild --Movies have certainly hit the high road--or low road--which ever one you think is best--the books I read are not in the same orders the movies I watch cause my grandson does all the picking and he's 15 years old--I guess we'll move into Iron man,Spiderman,and I haven't looked at our queue yet so I'll just hold on to my breath--and see what happens--he fixed our super tonight also--out on the grill--pretty tasty--of course I had to have several tums---for indigestion--feeling a little woozy now so I think I'll head for bed--

A long time ago my mother was in and out of mental hospitals from Asheville to Milledgeville ,Ga. back then you were talking about some heavy duty places--the dope they used to contain my mother was always in the beginning was so strong like they were experimenting to get the right dosage--but i mean we are talking zombie here--my daughter--is going thru drug therapy now and the way they go about is like she on speed--mother was like depressed--my daughter goes--like a lit firecracker--doing and can't do enough--my mother was lucky if she could walk a straight line without falling on her face--not in a drunken mood but one where she was almost not able to control her limbs-- 

Secrets--there is a skeleton in every house--"The destiny of man lies in his soul"--Herodotus

Eviction notice court date is coming up Tuesday--all I want is them out--they've already messed up the area and I'm going to have to clean it up--they got extra cars down there that need work I assume i'm going to have to move them--there's a shed that's been moved in also--gravel--don't know why they did those things without asking us in the first place--we can't have those things down there--

How can we leave plague spots of "Ebola" in any part of the world without eventually endangering our own children...I feel the idea of no borders if organized and if the organized group agreed that no nation cannot exploit or bully another without involving and injuring all people, everywhere, If this idea, that the world is inextricably bound together, that the welfare of each is the welfare of all---many human ills and problems of mankind would disappear...

"You cannot keep the Negro in the gutter without staying there with him" Booker T. Washington

It is singular how, when a man begins to delve into a subject of unusual, if limited, interest with no motive of money profit attached to it, finds himself being drawn into a delightful fellowship of curiosity.

Most of the things  in life we want most we know very little about, else we might not want them so much...

Is the song of a bird or the flowering of a plant merely a lesser thing than we are capable of, merely an obsolete manifestation of the force which has found its only true expression in ourselves? Or are both quite as genuine and quite as nearly ultimate as our own activities are? Do we have any "excuse for being" more convincing than the excuse everything has which is successfully and joyfully alive?

Like that taste for low company which afflicts some otherwise refined and intelligent people….

A life in which there is not at least some contemplation, a life lived without some awareness of life itself, is not a human life at all….

New ideas are less ends in themselves than they are links in a continuing chain of ideas--new inventions are links in a continuous chain of innovations….

"The Earth reversed her Hemispheres---
I touched the Universe

And back in slid--and I alone--
A speck upon a ball--
Went out upon circumference"--Dickinson

There is another, more insidious misuse of reasoning--often we arrive at a decision by some train of random thinking and then try to make our decision look rational by constructing a plausible explanation...

There is no fallacy in your inference; there is merely ignorance of some important factor in the situation--you do the best you can--what happens is something else--

I have never been graceful with change

Actors and Athletes are neurotic and so unrestrained...

Objectivity needs time and distance to develop--but to come across it when the ashes were cold was a reason for private grief only, and not for a fanning of the embers…

Fate is all about timing…

Recalling the dream was like trying to follow a thought into the pitch blackness of the mind,no color, no light just plain black…

So lets-- just dump-- out of our vision--out of sight and mind--and replaced it with a utopia of one snort or another--one that made our hearts sing "our" plumbing work, and gave enthusiasm to generate enough effort for us to get the job done--It's not whose going to do the work--"but the spirit of the work to be done --needs addressing--in the fact as a total mind set--looking through a microscope and figuring collectively--how to take care of what's confronting "us"--when I emphasize a word it's just for practice--it usually means a wake-up- call--like maybe your stockbroker has some important news to relate--could you call me back--it's a little urgent -and the urgent was emphasized "URGENT"getting back to work--/metaphorically speaking--is there a metaphorical language--work is getting done by a sub-contractor who is to furnish everything to complete what needs to be done "correctly"no phone calls --weekly updates--no additional added--mentally or physically--effort--the person in the upper portion of this is no one less than yourself--the up above"person" is a figment in your imagination--I don't know how far your brain let's your imagination go--but go-- can at some point-- reach "infinities-- End Zone--you're on a magic carpet ride--lost in chaos--grounded means--out-of-control--

Don't run on like that-- it's leading where-- if it's leading some---it's going-- where-- you don't want-- to be--the latest buzz from the mountain to--I've had this song running around in my brain for a long time now it's sort of in the christian category --it's about a mother--this has been little out of the ordinary period in my life--I feel, I see--I know but things that use to be so easy with out thought have become-- important-- losing strength makes one slower---slowing down -- being non-industrious has made changes-- in the way I do things in the way I perceive what I have left to do--slower--I feel through more pain to get to where I feel I can move and go--not delegating responsibility--I hold fast for a full day--and things do change even when you least expect it..there's no way anyone can use every minute--fully--interruptions--even the mind wondering--it's easy for me to look out my window--see one more exposure in my mind of how lucky I am--it's almost a shock--to see someone coming up my driveway--my first thought-- who the hell is that--then another-- they got to be lost--dogs raising hell--6 of them--it's an event when some one drives up to them-- they think-- thank God--there are-- other folks out there-- to give love and understanding--the postman used to come up my driveway and deliver mail when the mailbox got full--I don't check the mail on a consistent basis--sometimes I forget about it--and then he comes up --well he did and "little bit" took a bite--of postman--he lived but I was worried --I watch "little bit"--I feed him more now-- also-- and let him know just a little bit more that he's well thought of--and he's calmed down--the postman problem--I solved it-- I went and bought one of the big mailboxes--it-- lets me stay-- away from outside influences--just a "little bit" longer--

There are times when not thinking requires all of one's concentration...

As one gets older and older--" raw fear "--escapes, the old lies--

So sometimes you can decide to do what's wrong if it would be more wrong not to do it...

Silence is not an embarrassment between friends..

Art does not reproduce the visible..Rather, it makes visible--Paul Klee

Death is under contract the minute we are conceived…

We've taken a wrong turning somewhere, so long ago, that we no longer know "what's the right way"…

Darkness does not develop into light; light destroys darkness…

I was washed in the joy of flesh, blood, and bone a mother's children thing...

Pandora--like all women,was possessed of a lively curiosity...

Men keep the goods for themselves…

The inner warmth of private experiences

Love is a mystery, not a bargain, it springs up, not to answer a need, but to make one…

Categories mislead…

Typical human lungs pack in a surface bigger than a tennis court…

The haphazard process of evolution

God is openness, the faith that if there is a way into suffering there is a way out, even though the exit may lie beyond life…

I have seen that everything man instinctively craves exists…

The world has somehow arranged it so our wishes are never idle wishes, and answers to them always exist… our deepest desires are never mocked…

"Each time that I look at a fine landscape:
Each time that I meet a loved friend,
I raise my voice and recite a stanza of poetry
And am glad as though a God had crossed my path."  Po Chu-i  (written over a thousand years ago)

Let them have their California--I choose my own little space here in Georgia--their own flamboyant California: my own little cracker barrel here in Georgia; no beauty but loved…

The great poets have agreed that anything that distorts the mental vision, anything thought of too much, is a danger to us… Reality, however obtained, is the only cure for obsession"  (From Masefield book on Shakespeare)

Looking over a pile of unnecessary papers on my desk, I reflect upon what anxiety and pain there is among human beings over troubles that may never happen…

Untold motives and ideas are revealed to me in the out-of-doors, not to be copied, because man cannot copy nature, but from which to develop a folk song or a poem… The art of landscaping, like all other arts, is that of a fleeting thought that must be caught on the wing…Jens Jensen

I sink beneath your games like a stone and your wisdom--lays on it's belly like some kind of reptile--I know that people cannot escape themselves without first destroying their lives--Myths are the folk wisdom of the world--they can bring fundamental human experiences to the openness of truth…the feelings of well being to one and all--and to love that gains...

Men differ certain aspects--remain common and we think--survival--we develop--we struggle to become adults--roles and demands--are met--we are--death does hover--above and beyond all humanness-- God's adventure for us--

It has always been true that, in seeking guidance, the many have depended on the few...

Question and answers will change--truth remains eternal

Today was supposed to be my garden day--Rain or thundershowers are on their way--raining or I should say sprinkling--has caused me to sit o my butt and watch the sky from around my computer screen--some high school people got in touch with me yesterday informing of a death of one of our class mates-- a popular guy--nice --and a friend back then--not the best but we hung out in the same group--sad--remembrances--like digging through my past looking for the gold nuggets--or the diamonds-in the rough--it's like death is creeping it's self from behind the big rocks--and starting to point this way and that way--can't believe all the experience that goes away when a person dies--what's it all for anyway--who benefits--or should I say it in another way--what's stopping us from keeping on living--ourselves-- are we two dumb to find out how we can..keep going--any way when i plan on doing some thing and it's cancelled or put off--I get down and out--sort of moldy--and gray--like I need some ammonia--to get the air clear all around me--I got up and opened the window so I could here the rain--trickling down the side of the house…Sammy a boxer is sitting on the couch--Owen a Dachshund is under the covers in the bed--I left a window open and he's disgruntled wanting warmth--and some one to cuddle with...

My daughter was under house arrest and had this thing she had to wear on her ankle--it registered where ever she was or went--she had to call her officer to tell them she was going here or there--and if she didn't tell them the right places the anklet let them know--she didn't always do what she was supposed to do and they came and picked her up-and carried her back to jail--left me with two kids and a world of hurt--old man that I am had to buckle up, she can get out April 6th--and she wants me to pick her up at 12:30 the night of the 6th--she hasn't been able to smoke and she usually smokes at least two packs a day…I don't smoke but I guess she's probably climbing the walls--she not one for holding back

Secrets--everyone needs someone to tell their secrets to…those dirty little hidden secrets--those lies--those little things hidden in shame--and again; somethings you just want to just keep private

Every considerable political innovation must thus effect a portion of the population for men always live to whom a change in what they have been trained to respect is tantamount to sacrilege, thus tempers of mind is conservatism…It resists change instinctively and not intelligent ally, and it is this conservatism which largely causes those violent explosions of pint-up energy which we term revolutions…Still , changes, peaceful or bloody, must come, and it behooves each generation to take care that such as it shall have to deal with shall be accepted without shock… Intellectual rigidity is the chief danger, for resistance to the inevitable is proportionate to intellectual rigidity ..With conservatism populations slaughter is Nature's remedy…Robert A. Johnson

Dreams are the messengers of the unconscious mind… through them the unconscious communicates it's contents and its concerns to the conscious mind… In the evolution of consciousness, our greatest problem is always our richest opportunity…they show us the conflict and illusions, but also the potentialities , inherent in the conscious and the unconscious struggle in our psychological development…Robert A. Johnson

Insincerity is the knell of art…

Western people are children of inner poverty, though outwardly we have everything..Probably no other people in the history have been so lonely, so alienated, so confused over values, so neurotic…We have dominated our environment with sledge hammer force and electronic precision.. We amass riches on an unprecedented scale…But few of us, very few indeed, are at peace with ourselves, secure in our relationships, content in our loves, or at home in the world… Most of us cry out for meaning in life, for values we can live by, for love and relationship…the Child of Sadness--Robert A. Johnson

It is only when a tradition is bankrupt that it's efficacy is unduly insisted upon…

The zeal of learning is never out of date…

Objectivity needs time and distance to develop --but to come across it when the ashes were cold was a reason for private grief only, and not for a fanning of the embers…

Fate is all about timing...