Here it is--April 8th 2015 and I've been running around all morning looking for a W-2 form the book-keeper needed to finally send my taxes in--every thing comes down to the moment--then reusing stop for the next year to get going--I sat outside this morning and took huge breaths not for an reason except to haul in lots of fresh spring air--and then I sneezed and realized I had pulled in with that big breath pollen and about half a catkin from some unknown tree around the yard-=-sitting there I talked to the dogs --they have a tendency to want to come and sit down with you not beside you or next to you but either with your hand patting them or one I call "Tingy" a big dog-- some kind from Australia--sweet but wants for you to pet him but he also wants to sit in your lap while you do it--very uncomfortable--his size--well then I started thinking about all that's going on in the world and wondering if the computer has been an asset of course it's just brought the world and all it's horrible ways right in my front door--but it's here and now how do I get back to my old lonesome self--I'll be thinking about that for sure--reminds me of a story of Robert Frost's it want mean a thing to most people but to me in my quite retreat here at home it meant a lot--especially today--for some unknown reason this story concerned a large bird in a big wind that, looking for a perch, flew to the top of the flagpole of a large building and stayed there until some hunting fool shot him. The building was the U.S. Post Office, the flag was flying, and the bird was an American eagle...beautiful--
we had snow in Georgia no big deal if you live in snow country--but here the little fluffy stuff plays havoc--with all life--especially mine--I've had it up to my ears with this ground cover--take it away--and keep it away for the next couple of years--while I rest from this assault--I don't think I've been out of the house-since it started--friends have tried to come up my driveway only to contact me later and say no-way was I going to try your driveway--and get stuck way out there beyond the woods...
Life is a process within an evolutionary process formulating " life's essence "--
Correct? --Just checking !
I beginning to wonder down that long lonesome road--trying to see the advantages of politicians and whatever they do--gov't. has come a long way--and for some reason I don't give a damn about it anymore--
Now that Ebola has reached us --and the Doctor's don't seem to consider it any big threat--like the President didn't Isis was any big deal--I wonder--with over 200,000 people with visa's from that area of the world capable of coming to the U.S. by plane or any other way--where would you go if you knew you had Ebola--Duh--why are we always the last to know...or why are things always hidden from the government..lies--grow--they spread like a disease--and are fed by a big snowball going down a hill---I guess it's the easy access to news and since news of a good nature is not coming through anymore--we just have to accept the bad...and live with way will I let this keep up--contacted a friend that I haven't seen in years--and he actually seemed interested--and friendly..sort of shocked me--but he was always a good guy--one I'm talking about that was true to his nature--said what he felt--did what he needed to do--AND GOT INTO HIS LIFE--and kept going --I'm sure that he felt it was upward...and from our conversation--I feel he has been blessed...opened all my windows last night--got just a might chilly for me and had to sleep in my undershirt..and with a little heavier blanket and I pulled it up around my shoulders for it's warmth...nice seems early to me to be having this chilled air--in Georgia...
Boy I watched a lot of T.V. yesterday waiting to hear about more war--about what we are going to do as usual I heard nothing but more and more talk--do we always talk things to death...before long I want want to hear another damn thing..about what we were going to do about anything--we just keep passing the buck...we can't even make a decision on what we think we might do--whites and blacks--that inevitable combination waiting for one or the other to come to some conclusion which will never happen...always that suspicion that keeps them miles apart--what is it based on---feelings...the blank face ..the black face--the white face..the doubts-how in the hell can we ever realize we're all in this together--and we can't even get it together...we face each other 's mask and hope something will come up to solve our mutual problems or push us over the edge so we want have to make the final decision it will be made for us...I can see why the black and white issue is so important--when making decisions it gets in the way...we have to think in terms of people--not their color--we have to stand behind each other..we're a group...trying to stand up for what is right--there are so many different opinions...not just ours but from all over the world--how can we attain anything unless we stand as a group...this tit for tat is so common--what we need to do is get rid of this lack of communication...and start seeing what the outside world is rely like..and it's getting scarier everyday--I watched yesterday while a T.V. showed two guys looking at two people in a wheelchairs--and one of the guys grabbed a computer from the wheelchair people...and ran away with it--I ask you where are we going--if all these kids don't have anything to do--what will our world come to--as I've said before--it looks like we're headed in the direction of Mad Max--
I'm a home body--I don't believe there's anything out side of where I live--that could draw me to it--you travel--your risk-- you go somewhere and get in trouble your got yourself there and you need to get your self out of it--you volunteer your problem---listen we all have out lives to live--we all make mistakes--we all should learn the value of those mistakes--by turning over the problem you divorce yourself from finding the answers that you should have considered before-you left home and your next mistake you will be expecting to do the same again--turning it over to someone else--no good folks...that's where we've gotten ourselves into a world of trouble..when all my friends talk about going here or there I enjoy the conversation and when I get home I glad they went and not me...there's to much in the good old U.S.A. to wonder what's in the rest of the world..sorry--but the way things are shaping up now if you go out of the U.S.--you've made a decision and you should stand up to it...I don't care what it's for--hey--I don't care there are enough causes here to try and take care of without going somewhere else--to strengthen your egos--don't like--well think about travel---feeling sorry for others--come on let's think about what we're letting go here one of the best places in the world you can live in...why do you think people want to die to come here...we're letting it rot down to nothing by not-- taking care of our own business...and if I have to tell you what any of this is --then we're just wasteing more energy..which could be spent on time that could save us just a little bit faster...we have to get real...diversification in world affairs is not for now--it will be when we can come up to the idea there are no borders--each and every one of us is encompassed in our only borders--our skin.. outside of that we need each and every one of us to help get us into the next instance of the future (evolution)--we need to focus on problems that confront each and everyone of us--not as separate items we must face in each group when it happens...preventative (think) maintenance..for all--black,white yellow.and whatever other colors there borders...this thing about the strongest are to survive in war and however it comes about has been way to prominent lately...who am I to try and stop or change things..just a grandparent...that's justification--world power--world government--world thought---world adjustment--world stimulation--whatever...
Got up this morning to watch what was happening on the news now isn't that stupid--stuff going on in Missouri sort old hat--the news people--are going full tilt--the blacks are going full tilt--sorry for all the inconvenience--and all that--the way it's shaping up is the white man with a black president can't make up his mind--of course there was excessive force used…I don't want anyone to think I'm taking sides--because I'm not--I just don't want to see it on every channel and every news break--like we're back in Watts…there's so much frustration going on in this place that it could go berserk at any time--people are feeling the crunch--credit, war, police, eboli, soldiers, unrest, news media, and daily lives are reaching points---where few have trod before---and when you see other people living happily--or what appears to be happy living--and you are one of the ones who can't even afford a new pair of shoes for your kids to go to school in--or you don't have enough money for your next meal--it's doesn't matter anymore--about if it's your own fault --it just doesn't-- who cares if you can go out at night and raise hell---and expect to have more than you had before even at someone else expense…all that's needed is an that let's you go for the gold--or what you perceive as the gold…especially in a neighborhood where everybody is doing it---yahoo--better than a footballer shooting a whole crowd a bird---things are happening and people are active and doing what they think they need to do--
I've slowed down on drinking soft drinks maybe no more than and somewhere less than one a day--has to do with a bloated feeling--coffee I drink less also--morning about 1 and a half cups and afternoon about 3/4 cup and it usually around 3 or four o'clock--it causes such a huge craving for something to eat --it takes about 4 to 6 hours to get the coffee out om system so I can sleep--otherwise I lay in bed reading or with my mind going around in circles…when I get to craving food after drinking coffee I go with yogurt--Atlanta (Greek) yogurt--I buy it by the case--have it brought to my door by Federal Express--delivered from the John's Creek Area--
I reading The invisible Man By H.G. Wells an old paper back one from England Dell 269 paperback--also n old western--called The Floating Outfit--can remember who it's by but--enjoying it--stampedes--gunfights and that old western good guy thing--really puts your back up the way they stood on their own two feet--not taking any cep--and the bars, and how most of the good towns always had a bad section where the cowboys could raise hell without bothering the good citizens usually the railroad tracks was the boundary where the cowboys weren't welcome and the sheriff had to keep a tight reign on them--gun play--has come a long way baby--
I glad I alive--re-read what I wrote before was I ever in the funks--but today woke up feeling not exactly on top of the world but in a better frame of mind cause I feel somewhat better--changed feeding habits of dogs you different times just because school started--and everybody has checked what times they do things--Owen a Dachshund is a little funky when things change--he left a small pile of pearls in my room this morning and you can tell he's embarrassed--he wouldn't come get in his place in the bed this morning--he's laying low and wasn't his fault--me feeding them later can cause so much trouble--so I'll try to get back to a close to old times as possible--
Another snake crawled into the garage--we sit out there in the afternoon--enjoying the late sun and the close of the day--when an visitor is around like something from nature all the dogs are on alert--motion wise and restless--ever moving around sniffing, poking into things moving stuff here and there--they uncovered the snake while I was sitting there so I had to get up and investigate--big bugger--maybe it had just eaten but he was huge--I noticed our frog population was way down--the snake was all coiled around inside my junk in the corner of the garage--I've got tools old and fairly new ones propped along the side of the walls where I just happened to pull them out of the truck when I'd finished using them--well of course their still in the same place--not very good at putting things back where they belong--where the snake was coiled--I couldn't get to him--then I got to thinking he head wasn't the kind of head that represented the threatening kind--so I thought well maybe we are down on mice and rats also--could be a big helper--so I decided to hold off--killing the big fellow--I haven't noticed as many rat and mice turds laying around..well see..
Boy have I been in a funk--seems like I belabored with bad thoughts and hidden under some kind of bevy obligations--like the clouds aren't outside but hanging over my brain--inside and the worms are squirming looking for more to eat--or demolish--I've tried several ways that have always worked getting ride of the funks..tried and true stuff--but only to realize I deeper in the funks--
Disclosure of one's being can be therapeutic...
it's not early again which I should be writing some where else--but this is where I stopped and I must have something to say...
I 've lost what I've said or written two times--if I loose it again I quit--here where I live you never know if the power is gonna go or what --especially in the afternoon when showers-- you might say are in effect..this afternoon it's gone off three times in 35:00 minutes--I started writing and each time it was blown away when the power switched off--been out side sitting watching the flowers and beans grow--
Do you think God punishes people--looks after people---has a concern about people--decides what good and bad for people--takes people into his consideration--
you know- if you say something-is it-- recorded somewhere in your mind--or is it just moving air around in the immediate atmosphere--like blowing smoke--does a breeze ever stop--
At the moment I'm pretty interested in what I can do with variegated liriope--mixing with other materials for space and less plants--space coverage with plants should be observed--closely--open spaces between plants if not going to be covered with ground cover it should be covered with a layer of wheat straw--then leaves , a light good covering of pine straw, to just disguise the leaves under neath--- and give the added effect of neatness--it also lets decomposition in a natural way...
A fanatic is one who can't change his mind…and won't change the subject…Winston Churchill
Sitting here watching the rain fall--rained all night sprinkled I better say--but now the rain has started to fall in buckets and the greenery is loving it--I guess you could say it has finally reach it's summer color--green with a splash of gloss--rain has it's big effect--Ilex opaca has new shoots out about 1 or 2 inches long--Japanese maples have seeds coming on--Boxwoods new growth has harden and I noticed the Azaleas are just about ready to take cuttings--the new growth is ready to snap--when bent--moving liriope from san old bed to a new one--while at it--separating them cutting back to one stem--and cutting out old growth--making sure each top has some roots--had to move all dog bowls into the garage--we have some dogs that are outside dogs and some that are inside dogs--the ones on the outside love being outside and hate being held in doors--the ones inside love being outdoors and love coming back in at night--where they can slumber up next to the ones who feed and love them...
It's not early and it's not time for me to be functioning but here I am--it's been cold here 46 last night which feels like 32 cause it's been so nice lately--all my tomatoes are curling up their toes--and my beans have gone in shock--Okra is wondering what nut case planted it--deer and rabbits have stayed away for now--I look out my window and see them racing up and down the garden path--but they haven't been in my garden since I put down the blood meal--and spread the ashes all around the area--I'm not saying this stuff works but I am saying I go check my garden every day and no sign of them munching on anything yet…built another book case yesterday--no books in it yet--just sitting around empty and I'm staring at it--like I know what's going to go in it--I keep getting information I don't want on my opening page--like news--I hear about girls being abducted--Kerry in some place spending money--and offering to stop this or that--and Hillary here and there doing this and that--are we ever going to be rid of the Clinton's--every thing I hear about a politician make's me sick to my stomach--wouldn't it be nice just to go ahead and give the government to the bad guys--and then we'd know everything they did was bad and we wouldn't have to guess whether we were being screwed or not--
I woke up this morning early--I fight for my spot in the bed nearly all night--with a human-- no with my dogs--usually two sleep with me--I'm not a person who demands a lot in the bed as far as space is concerned--they fudge for the earth next to my body even before I get in the bed--they know where I sleep hanging off the bed--the cuddle and some times they are so close if I roll over and inch before I can re-settle they filled that space up--and I'm left hanging even more so--Boxer is one--a Dachshund is the other--this is not complaining it's explaining how I live--I tried one day to explain to a visitor how I felt about things and told her that when I eat around here it's something that tastes so good to me that I would compare it with any where she ate--and I thought what I ate was even better--she said like what--I said it didn't matter--even peanut butter sandwiches-- if I ate them here--were better than any steak house could do--she disagreed--she knew of places better--of course she did she was like maybe all of 23 years old--I wasn't going to argue--have you ever noticed that arguments lead to no where in the long run and if you keep having them it just means you need to be some where else--all people reveal are the things that escape the pits of what-- is on their minds--rarely do you find someone who speaks off the top of their heads--letting it flow--like words to the wise--or precious words from the mouth of babes--or yet pillow talk--the words that are supposed the doors of the exotic person laying next to you
I had to turn on this small heater next to my writing desk--this morning now i know why all the fighting next to me was so important--must be around 38--not cold really but when you've been use to 65 and close to 73 during the last few days and all the windows were left open for the fresh air--well I can say cold--this is an authoress I've been reading lately--one some where I'd consider--way up the line of where women ought to be--expressing themselves to the limit--it's time "man " got back where he belongs--talk about strange bed fellows-- this book is not for rest and relaxation--it's more of an eye opener one to scare the pants off of you if are even remotely interested in our neighbors to the south.
Explanations are not what we want to hear--but in this book even the dreams of these people is infected with the glories of the Americans colored of course by the crustiness of the first real visitors from America--soldiers--naturally looking for the never changing whore--someone to fill the ever present void hidden in their otherwise dull lives--they show you all the goody goody's soldiers in these other countries when we're at war they don't show the horror stories going under our very noises--from guys who are representing us in their countries--and if and when they do it's horrible--and wouldn't stay hidden long--what's the point--well thinking through this--it means the same principle works in our on country--we're being given filtered info. from above--why-- so the rich will think every thing is going as usual…when they look out their chauffeur driven cars--everything is rosy--This soap box stuff--get's me down--but watching what I see from the woods up here-well sometimes I have a go at it--doesn't make me feel any better--matter of fact the coffee I was enjoying has turned bitter--
this is the fourth day I got up and it's still raining--should have got my garden in gear before the rains started but the guy who was to help had other plans--and now I'm avoiding him like the plague--he's the type that act like he would bend over backwards for you but in the end--what is the end--my end--is not his end--he'll do exactly what he feels he wants to do--some of my suggestions are still undone even tho it's been quite a while since I made them--and he still keeps adding his things he thinks up- are more important over what I have suggested many times--At first he looked for all kinds of things to do around here--now that he's seen he can get around what I suggest--he just sees how fast he can do them and get the hell away--so--so--I am avoiding him--no news is good news--not fair--I pay--whose to say what I want done--me mail--I've got this click that happens when email comes through scares me--
Visitors--came and went-- my sister -in-law and her husband from Atlanta--excellent folks-but getting ready to receive visitors is what I'm talking about--cleaning--making place look new for them--I get tired to easily--and almost could care less if somebody doesn't like what I'm doing or where I live or how I live as far as neatness is concerned-I live out in the woods--no-one lives any where near me--
Well my take on visitors--some very dear people came up older than me by several years--maybe 4 or 5--lot more experience in the ways of the world--they drove up from Atlanta and stayed for about two hours discussing various topics--covering kids and whatnot typical conversations you have with people you care about--before they came I was on pins and needles--cleaning the house straightening things moving this here and that there--not realizing why not just be cool--let everything the way it is represent the way I feel at this day and time--what's wrong with that--their visit was the only point of the whole day--that's not right--there was a whole lot of hours before and a whole lot of hours after--basically I wasted a good deal of time thinking that they really cared what my house looked like--but anyway I not regretting the day but to think it matter --bothers me--from now it's going to be like it is or what---we'll see
Trying to communicate with some old school people--can't call people you haven't seen in forty or maybe even fifty years friends--I don't think--I seem to scare people off by my alone type of needs at most fear--it is released every time I think I need to say something--like most things I say are personal--not any bad way--Experience seems to be as transfusable as blood, and it can be as invigorating...
Lots of wild times in the bed at night--thinking wise that is--actually ain't doing anything except reading and playing with which ever dog comes in to visit--eventually one stays thee which ever can again warmth the quickest--started reading Kahlil Gibran--and The Strange Ride of Rudyard Kipling His life and Works well I can't say anything about either--but I woke in tears after reading certain things Kahlil wrote and decided I'd had enough sleep for the night--got out bed went in the kitchen boiled some hot water and put a 1/2 a teaspoon of Boric acid in it and placed it on my eyes--redness and soreness around my eyelids--feel a lot better but will repeat the treatment several times today--gets the red swollen look out of them and cleans the eyelids from crust formation and seems to cool them down--pollen I guess--catkins from oaks are fallen--and dust and debris from the woods areas--winds picking up and i'm sitting outside more--watching--the clouds go by--started putting my golf books on Flickr--sounds simple they're located all through my bookcases and I have over a thousand--all kinds from all old golfers down to the newer guys-- the young guns--I take a big cardboard box and go around looking for them--put them in the box until it gets to heavy--go get another one--and fill it up do the same again and stop my grand son comes home from school and puts the boxes near the computer and I do my thing--afterwards he takes them back to wherever they were and I start all over for the next day--all the old things i doing I feel I'm doing them for what--I feel I want to explain my life but how does all these things I've accumulated do that--it almost gets to the point of frustration--like I making excuses--instead of solving anything--I just compounding them before I give up the ghost--every little peculiar thing that happens in my body now especially around the heart area--I really think hard about--pause and wait to see if the old ticker is looking to put me in some trouble--but after awhile the whatever goes on it's way--and I'm still ticking--watching the dogs is really funny--they all have there own agenda--going their separate ways getting together and going away-trying to get them interested in what they are doing and then if a sound comes from the woods or the road they stop and all ears prick up waiting to see if some fool is lost or will be coming up and visiting…I go in the poolroom after a while and practice some off the wall shots nothing tricky--control--ball speed--straight in shot and little--bank shots and good percentage shots--then I start going through the books I pulled out the day before not on golf but on different subjects--that's where I came up with the Rudyard Kipling book-- just one laying hidden on the shelves that I'd forgotten--

Create your own breaks: move to Colorado
Learning only proceeds when it leads to reduction of need…
Happy Birthday daughter April 25--loved you from the first day
It isn't early this morning I slept weird last night--just like bothered--I kept trying to make my mind settle on something ,maybe something important--but i guess it wondered me to sleep cause I haven't discovered what the heck went on in there--what ever it was--was resisting arrest-- this morning I think the first thing I decided to do was make myself get up--determined to do something with myself--make it happen…push the go button--started thinking of my garden--I can't do it and I have to make someone else be responsible for it--good lick--why don't you just buy it--you got the money--heard that already--don't want to hear it anymore--that's a good title for a sony--Don't Want To Hear It Anymore--
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges…had my window open most of the night
the breezes coming were more than my relaxed body could handle--I'd already turned up the electric blanket--one notch and Owen had moved in a little closer--Dachshund--whose nose can tell in a minute if it wants to be out from under the covers--been spending to much time doing unimportant stuff--sitting on my rear--thinking about this and that--staying put and not doing any exercise--sort of hanging out with myself--the Kwansan Cherry is shedding it's flower petals and they've covered the ground it looks like we've had a Pink Snow Drift all over the front woods
I can honestly say I did not wake with Easter on my mind--very melancholy--rapped up in sorrowful thought--about the past year when my wife died--the space has grown and I don't know what I believe would have happened to change any of it--but--I cried into this morning of Easter--maybe you could say I was feeling sorry for myself--my wife would have--or she could have been very tender--which sounds more like her--Sammy my Boxer just arrived--she comes in after her morning romp to tell me she's thinking if I would get my lazy a_ _ and out of the bed--I could probably help her relieve some of her anxiety over her empty bowl--love this dog--she awakens some thing-- tender-- in me that hardly ever came into existence earlier--I can feel her when I touch her--I even noticed her smell--I was relaxing and starting to feel human after her arrival--so i did just that got up and feed them all--Sammy,Tingy,Mazie,Little Bit, Bo-Bo, and Owen--last but not least--I'm loud--mostly when something complicates what I'm trying to do next--and I do have a tendency to raise my voice--and express my desire that whoever did what was complicating my next move--should here me express my desire that it should be cleared up and not by me since I did not do it--usually the person concerned could be hiding or they could be at the other end of the house and i can and do raise my voice--so they can here me--the Dachshund--resent loud responses of any kind--we've built up a lack of trust--but when it comes to bed time and I'm still the only one using an electric blanket--he's my best little buddy--he thinks--oh yea--he cuddles--he creeps up next to me--and noses his way between the covers and almost pushed me off the bed--I'm so close to the edge--I can't even turn over--I'm a side sleeper anyway--but it un-nerves me that he considers we have a friendship which only depends on whether he's happy or not--h-mmmm--
Rained yesterday--good soaker--not heavy--but long and drawn out--to the point thou knew everything was going to get what was needed form it--opened all my windows last night--mountain air--got down to 48 and I thought it was wonderful--the dogs cuddled up the Dachshund--out it's nose between me and oh yea the electric blanket--the boxer has his own blanket and you ought see him wind herself up under it--from looking at it--you wouldn't even know there was anything underneath--just a blanket mounded up in a pile on the bed--pets--I know some people can't stand them--but to me watching how an animal responds to what goes on around here--well it's this side humorous--communicating with High school friends--brought together by the death of one old high schooler--the looking back is and has dimmed--the shades are pulled and the darkness draws near--memories and camera roll--leaving wakes that I've forgotten--and thoughts that have been under rocks for so long--until now I hadn't stubbed my toe--but looking down or back--the water under the bridge--hasn't completely lost it's meaning for all those days which help make me ...
Is this or that utilitarian, comfortable, or expensive ? Well, is it ? Or it may be reassuring as an old sweater--or rich memories…I be the judge--How can possessions make me feel-- ?
Do you know when to break the rules and when to stick to them ? What are the relative merits of mind over matter ?
Georgia red clay(mud) ia as attractive a building material as its name would indicate..
Light sheds over all human relations--if you want to be interested in somebody else,or to love him or her, do something for them…How many friendships do you suppose would have been prevented being ruined--if people just used this principle in their actions--It is strange, when you stop to all theories, and maxims and rules point back to the same basic principle…The way to receive what we want is o give to others what we should want them to give us…Love is to give--even service--Did you ever have a friend who never wanted to do what you wanted to do--Did you ever know someone who never spoke a good word of anyone he was supposed to be friends with…Have you ever worked for someone you thought the world of--and served like you haven't ever before or since--without coming to like them..believe this-- it's "LAW" we serve --we love--if you are a worker on behalf any thing…you'll love it--otherwise our affections will be to cool to last...
Got up early this morning let the dogs out--and got coffee going took a shower--and when I got out got dressed and made it to the computer without stopping and feeding the dogs--didn't feel guilty until now that i writing about it--now have a small twinge of guilt--they sit out side the computer room rustling the shrubs and making little disturbed noises making for a jumbled up mind--aimless--does that mean the same as goal-less I wonder--last night before going to bed I started thinking about being aimless--like going around stoned all the time--dropping in and out of reality--not caring about your day to day living habits--I started letting my hair grow--not shaving--you know like feeling really grubby--and yesterday I cleaned up my act--got a haircut from a little one room one chair place run by a women who showed up for work sometime and sometime she doesn't--even tho a sign outside gives her hours--their like maybe hours--I told her i wanted a number three haircut she knew what I meant looked through this drawer and extracted the correct cutting tool and went to work she finish in under 6 minutes counting the time she wrapped me in this wild sheet thing and tied it around my neck and charged me $10.oo smackers--which I thought was wonderful--quick--thorough--and no talking except what we said at the beginning--I told I'd be back--and thanks no tip no nothing--I thought I'd go back and ask her to save me a weeks worth of hair to spread around in my garden-- see if what they say about keeping hair there will keep rabbits away-- was true-- or another bit of hog wash--
Let us be of good cheer remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never happen--James Russell Lowell
Woke up to the pitter-patter of rain sliding down my gutters--doesn't bother me like it use to--I wouldn't go to work if it was raining--not a good excuse unless you were a landscaper--carried kids to school bus stop--waited for buses and then drove home--thought about running off the road and wrecking--but changed my mind and decided to live a while longer--no wind at all to day--yesterday wind was up to gust 35 miles an hour-been going through old slides thousands of them all the way from the '50's really something special--on every conceivable topic--like just aim and shoot--at whatever…some shots of the kids are wild--with the kids grown up--the difference in some are astounding--even gives one a kind of pleasure to be looking at them again--erotic or some kind of nostalgia--weird--Looking out my window i can tell my camellias got burned by the last cold spell--a few blooms that were in the early bud formation stage came through and formed nice flowers
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm…Emerson
For sleep,health, and wealth to be truly enjoyed.They must be interrupted…Jean Paul Richter
Sitting here in front of my computer looking outside on March 25 it's sunny and snow is coming down--wind gusts are up to 35 miles an hour and it's not exactly cold but it isn't warm either--52 degrees crazy weather but March is closing and I'm wondering whether it's going to go out like a lion--or simply close peaceably…a friend came over to see if he could help me out--good guy--said he would do some things for me and when says he's going to do something it usual can be counted on--nice to have in a friend…washing clothes made me think up what a women's job it was and then I said what are you talking about--the things I never thought I would do --I've been doing--great scot what a mess I've made of things around here--no help woman's that is what I consider woman's work--how did that happen--if I had been doing more of this kind of work I would have seen how it's nothing but drudgery work--no wonder women's brains are going to mush--over and over day after day--good Gosh--how they do it and for what ---love----come on---repetition--what was it said about it---a family with kids and the woman is turned in to a slave to everyone in it--I don't know--pretty weird--and what thanks--if any thing it's taken for granted--the clothes are where they're supposed to be--the food is on the table-- the rooms are all clean--the babies are had-- the sex is a given--and at what cost--love--again that word--love--what does it cover--what does it uncover--a whole life--a little selfishness--man and his society--paternalism--the father type of head--what have we created--what have we done--in the years we've been the so-called king of all lives--how I wonder all the way back to the beginning and wonder who decided it was going to be that way--how did we become the leader of the pack--who said--why us--what if--Huh--I can't even conceive of it--being any other way--during a relationship how does one know that the other person has reached their own fulfillment and is glad on that final day--and be able to say I've lived my life the way I expected--how does one know they've reached that point--is it self evident--does one know immediately--can one have regrets about his life at the last hour--like the last supper--where does the peace come into it--If you start out a relationship wanting it to end in a certain way such as each one in the entire family--getting exactly the way it supposed to be where each and every one ends up where they can go on with their life and it be nothing but happiness--so that when they reach the end there will peace--and tranquility--is that possible--from day one--I don't think so--in today's world chaos reigns--the day to day experiences does not let one go through life without alterations in ones procedures into their daily existence --obstacles--changes--interferences--have to be confronted--and which way determines our destinies for each and every new experience--picking and choosing--almost like learning to play a musical instrument-- we stride forth into each new encounter grouping forward we hope--in a direction which we hope will lead us into the land of our happiness we're all expecting--
My Grandson asked me the other day how you decided to do what ever it is one decided to do--and I said about anything he said yes sir--I said I'll think about it--and then I told him--what I usually do when I thinking about doing something is I say to myself--where's the meat ? In just about any siuation that'll cover it--in life if you don't do something because it's worth while--your time is wasted--that even includes rest--and relaxation--you can't go down the path of life without some form of direction--if you do-- prepare to meet Mr. Chaos and his right hand man--
I am going your way, so let us go hand in hand. You help me and I'll help you. We shall not be here very long, for soon Death, the kind old nurse, will come and rock us all to sleep. Let us help one another while we may… William Morris
First off before I get started--this "you" must know-- so you want go any further--with me---
Every man and woman is entitled to the dignity of being heard for himself, judged by himself, dealt with according to his or her individual need, and left free to think for himself and act according to his or her uninfluenced conclusions… until you're facing death of someone---loved---this their end--is never gained to the depths needed to reach the bottom of one's soul--where truth, justice and the rightness teach humility and it's consequences--right or wrong--at the end--there are no reprieves…
An important element in any success that a person may have is to be found in his ability to approach every problem that comes down the tube or pipes as a new proposition out of the moment just faced...
A sense of guilt makes a man allergic to direct, honest gazes…
Suggestion seems to be tremendously potent in all lines of human experience...
The order of things had been broken and he was at the mercy of an irresponsibility---
Experience doesn't teach….
Reality doesn't always come up to the ideal but that doesn't make me believe any the less in the ideal...
She went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love…
It was simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming it's value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation as all things should do...
For the words of the white Queen, who remarked to Alice behind the looking glass---"Why, sometimes, I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
A thing maybe found many times and can still be lost…It must be recognized as well as seen…
Only a very few persons ever encounter a ornithological rarity…
In it's torpid state, with it's organs barely functioning, it apparently gave off virtually no odor...
It takes the shadow of imminent disaster to get most of us down on our knees...
Her face reddened as its fading pulse quickened with a new youthfulness...
It's a man's worth, not his appearance that counts....
Man is capable of growing fond of anything, no matter how strange...
Man has no need to disregard what is right...
People with fine voices often have no ears to enjoy their singing...
She was of a conventional disposition and had a genuine dislike of any sort of she grew older her patience decreased and her sensitivity about the matter increased...
Her interest was genuinely aroused and her professional instincts stirred: overcome with an indescribable delight...
You're the kind of man who only has to issue a command when you want something --your wish is my command...
His anger cooled now and his mood was much better; his thinking had greatly relieved his anxieties...
Here at last was the stroke of fortune she had always dreamed of---there was a constant restlessness inside her...
His stride expressed the man's pride and self-confidence and his eyes revealed his honest simplicity...
She moved her head until her eyes met those of a man staring at her with insolent intensity--a desire to look that way again--his eyes pierced her with that same shameless insolence, and the smile that rested on his lips --curious--eyes had met -- a seed of desire had taken root--this night would be remembered forever...
She would welcome whatever his vanity told him, so long as it encourage him...
Deep within her she burned to match her strength with his masculinity, courage, and conceit---she need not feel frustrated she was relieved with her analysis--and had renewed determination--anxieties were lightening...
She could do this so easily but she got no encouragement from her heart...
Our brain at birth is only twenty--three per cent of it's final size...rapid growth continues for a further six years... the total growing process is not finished until about the twenty--third year of our lives...
Genetic assistance---
Your fear has an odor...
Tomorrow is just another name for today...
Killing is not, in fact, a basic part of the primate's way of life...
Trivial lives are demoralizing after a while...
Primate--competitiveness and dominance is the order of " his " day...
Right must have it's way...
"Life cycle of a Flea"
The insect lays it's egg--not on the body of it's victim, but among the debris of it's victim's sleeping quarters.. the eggs take 3 days to hatch into small, crawling maggots... these larve do not feed on blood, but on the waste matter that is accumulating in the dirt of the sleeping quarters...After two weeks they spin a cocoon and pupate...they remain in this dormant condition for about two more weeks before emerging as adults, ready to hop on to a suitable host body...
Cultural developments have given us more and more impressive technological advances, but wherever these clash with our basic biological properties they meet strong resistance...If the organization of our earthier activities--our feeding , our fears, our aggressiveness, our sex, our parental care, had been developed solely by cultural means, there can be little doubt that we would have got it under better control by now, and twisted it this way and that to suit the increasingly extraordinary demands put upon it by our technological advances...Unfortunately our thinking brain is not always in harmony with our feeling brain....
It was like some fearful thing in my mind , for it was a time when everything seemed unsettled and disturbed...
Life is not limitless--Today's jobs are the only possible ones you can do today...
Does thinking bring on anxiety---thought frequently means anxiety...
If a thought has been thought--I can bring it back up--If it's going to be thought, I can stop it...
I can use my time much better working on todays thoughts than by worrying about yesterday's or tomorrow's --besides if I get lost in these things--my todays are worthless...
In living --the difference between good thinking and bad thinking--good thinking leads with causes and effects and creates logical, constructive details; bad thinking gives way to waste of energy, mental distress, and nervous worrying breakdowns--leading to all the wrong conclusions...
Liv--in--g are you living in gore--it's not the King James version--but closer to Dale Carnegie's...
Reading Western stories by Elmore Leonard
The Language of passion by Mario Vargas LLosa
Dynamics of faith by Paul Tillich
Essays on liberty Volume IX
The Phenomenon of man by Teilhard de Chardin (French people)
Each of our acts affects us in far reaching ways---computer--time--obligations--information --knowledge (good--bad) we should act appropriately to circumstances in which we find ourselves--judgement is not of self--it is not appropriate that we perceive it as unfair--it's not--indignation, righteousness, victimization are judgements--assessments of superiority---it is not natural for us to live without reverence, because that separates us from the basic energy of the universe---which is the past and present combination of all souls--the energy pool--which is the essence of our many lives--the rights of fulfilled lives--with wrongs left out....
Don't wash windows until all leaves fall...
It's an irony I've noticed before--it's not unusual for members of minority groups--to be unrepentant racists...
Truth leaves a strain on things...
When horrible things happen to people, you begin to ask the big questions, questions that do not lend themselves to comforting; clichéd answers....
When people are sufficiently desperate, they will risk any means to escape to what they hope is a more tolerable existence...
An embittered man is a man beset by evil temptations...
But I had a head like a dog fight and a mouth like a vacuum cleaner, and worst of all, the feeling of too much society...
"Romanticism is beauty without bounds--the beautiful infinite "....Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825)
Curiosity is the richest, sweetest drug...
At this time of day--almost 2:00 I'm winding down--sitting on the front porch watching what goes out in the front yard at Bird feeders and just meditating, wondering what the rest of the day will bring haven't gone for a ride around the dirt road yet or taken the dog for his walk--yesterday's ADVENTURE WITH MY DAUGHTER'S SEPTIC SYSTEM SEEMS TO HAVE BURNED MOST OF MY ENTHUSIAM out for my daily routine--aches and pains--sort of rule my approach to things now--and when I least expect it I don't want to do anything--sometimes I make myself--calling myself lazy or other names which use to make me get off my duff and do--
I thought exhaustion was a part of everyone 's life--ho-- ho
found a book on Exhaustion: Causes and Treatment--Sam E. Roberts M.D.--interesting ???
He's like a tight wound clock that want run down...
Kids--Time is the rain and the food is the sun and they grow like weeds...
Having eaten nothing since morning, I was hungry and even felt a little weak; but then food could never cure the other feeling which seemed more intense than hunger just now--a feeling of being trapped by conditions and circumstances from which I could not free myself...
Why does a mind keep the body chasing something that is a dream-- a will of the wisp-- a memory --a ghost of a chance--a smile--a face--a thought--with no more behind it than a feeling...
Kids--are like messes--the more you stir them--the worse they stink
But then a body thought a lot of things when out alone at night ; thoughts come to the head without reason, pushing in unwanted, like little lights that lived for a minute then went out...
You see it's more fun to chase after a " Wild Girl " than one that's so easy to catch...
And I could see that he had heard something in my voice and manner that no lie could ever have held...
That's one reason why I've never told it before, I've always felt I'd be called a liar...
Did it ever happen--she asked, and I looked at her, and let the interest strain...
Yet the intimations of his actions, so linked by circumstances, were to bold to overlook completely...
Sitting in front of the fireplace--lights out--a small fire flickering--a slight sound coming from my Bose--singing flowing from the dusty shadows--a weird lyrical strain floating through the quietness--Her effect on me still here-- tears come and go--I seldom try to hold them back anymore--It's like having tasted a wonderful fruit, or when a kid tasting your first candy bar, forgetting the taste, then trying constantly to recapture it, I didn't know exactly what the taste was like; there was nothing to compare it with--Yet I knew it was something different from anything else, it was worth remembering and keep thinking about....
He's a natural born meddler..
I'm making no effort to sugar a persimmon and pass it as a plum to you folks...
It would only confuse you son; and it's a lot more fun for you not to know and have to learn...
I thought how ownership of a dog never came through possession alone but through the dog's association...
You'd best handle the truth more gentle--or you might find a peck of trouble quick...
I was breathing so hard I could hardly catch my breath--I was cold--or shivered like I was--I was so nervous I could hardly stand still--the knife was still out--I kept noticing how he kept feeling the point of it with the tip of his thumb...
Young kids notions have no fences around them, that's sure ,not until they finally learn that notions are pastured off and they could do nothing but look at them...
It is so easy to speak when one has little or nothing to say; but often so difficult when there is much that must be said: and the same paradox is equally true of writing...
We know to what storms of passion even celestial minds can yield...
I think that the only thing one can believe in and pray for is luck...
Mental stocktaking...
I wish you'd learn that caring what other people think is a form of slavery...
We are slaves to our appetites....
Game fish are to valuable to be caught only once...Lee Wulff
I shook my head...I was afraid of a woman's sympathy, even more afraid of her instinct's... I t was easier telling lies to men....
There's so much arrogance in curiosity...
Moreover, as one who lived his boyhood surrounded by the ugliness of a racist society, I have made it a policy never to feel sorry for people who get caught using "nigger" or "Jap" or "Kike" or any other word designed to wound people in their identities....
Some more books to read:::::
Cutting for Stone--Abraham Verghese
Bring up the Bodies--Hillary Mantel
The Killer Angels--Michael Shaara
The Caliph's House--Tahir Shah
The Uncommon Reader--Allen Bennett
Birds Without Wings--Louise de Bernieres
One Summer America 1927--Bill Bryson
Through Black Spruce--Joseph Brooks
Eucalyptus--Murray Bail
Shy An Anthology Editors Naomi Lewis and Alain Fournier
Padra Padrone--Gavino Ledda
A Square of Sky--Janina David
Le Grand Meaulnes-- Alain Fournier
Mukiwa-- Peter Godwin
The Secret River--Kate Grenville
One Day David Nichols
We Need to Talk About Kevin--Lionel Shriver
I make no excuses on what I read--I could find a book any where and I'd be in it--in a minute if things get dull--I'm somewhere I don't want to be--if I'm not at home or at a beach house where outside things are so consuming--I'm bored and you will find me into something computer or reading--why hide what you like--does it come from youth or old age--I've been in both-- and really my experience only adds to the total of every body else's--what in the heck--I'm a little bitty cog in the wheel of the universe--what are we talking about here a speck of dust--a grain of sand--all this experience building up in me all these years means--absolutely nothing--and I've been under the impression it mattered--to the exclusion of every thing and every body else--I've been in charge of what is good and bad in my life from the first minute I was able to think--and i've made my life one big hell--look at me--I am what I've made me--oh my God--the roads I've tried to hoe--the seeds I've tried to sow--from over my shoulder--if a camera had been placed there as I was born--imagination can't even go there--what could it explain--the same as your are now--your own brain was the camera instilled at conception--you can change at any time--just don't do what you don't want to do--you'll have to find the means--the ways--they're out there--and sometimes the paths are what they're supposed to be--if you stay with the idea you're not going to do anything except what you want--your share goes right out the window--and what's more it probably had to go anyway--
To have the past but not the present, that means you're going senile...
Being socially retarded is like being mentally retarded it arouses in others disgust and pity and the desire to torment and reform...
External events have a psychology, a set of motivations.. It is not a random universe...
But you know a man always likes his own wine, and especially an old man...
He also would be considered handsome by some persons --by women chiefly of one type, whose eyes are capable of recognizing what is good in shape and form, but cannot recognize what is good in tone and character...
Women's virtue-- man's greatest invention...
She yielded to an impulse that neither her father nor I could control...
She had felt this rather than realized it, and the feeling was not unpleasant...
A man can find peace in his own solitude...
Better a small lose at first, than a big one at last...
Most dreamers are called mad by people who refuse to dream...
At this moment I'd give my right arm to pour out my past to you and let you judge my future…
I get irritated by this servitude to passing hours--I use to always want to know what time it was--but I also felt infinitely wise--but i was still young --I was capricious and had a lot of unstructured days--wasted time and could have cared less if it was day or night --I wandered and wondered what it was that I was here for --as smoke drifted past my eyes..
"The city"--there are no static surroundings --I guess one could find them --looking out from private places, or gardens or parks--but I imagine there's a certain exhilaration in constant upheaval…
His handclasp was as firm as any politician's his magnificent grin, as always, was a perfect mask…
You are accountable not only for what you know but more importantly for what you don't know…
But I became afraid when I discovered the fear that other people could feel…
Much later I was to learn that growing up meant scheming…
I have as I've grown older , vanished from their hormonal radar…
As eighth graders--girls --are metamorphosing into their adult selves…
In certain backward nations; solutions always wear harsher faces…
What I usually do when I'm with young people--is give thought problems. they have to work out what's happening and why, and what they can do about it…And sometimes I'll make them face ethical dilemmas, too..What's right, what's wrong and in the absence of either, what's best…
She was tall and a little heavy around the hips, and beneath a professional veneer was a puddle of doubts with fickle emotions…the symptoms are recognizable…they showed in the lonely eyes and the way she always would evade looking directly in his eyes…
Then just as the conversation seems doomed to canned chatter…
Adults know how to be polite…they can converse for hours, revealing nothing about their true selves…
The weariness of the evening was real, brought on by the day's physical exertions…
I'm in a kind of tight spot here--I don't know what unresolved psychological conflicts gave rise to all these problems coming due all at once--but hey I'm not going to let myself gouts, here…
The self glorification of the egotist is the mean vanity that leads at last to humiliation…
The price of liberty is eternal housekeeping…
But during the whole time I was exercising my mind in that painful process of thinking of two things at once…
Similarity is inherently pleasing…
It was a trick that manifestly was taught by the heart, not the mind, and it surpassed all words…
I know a great many men go through life without exhibiting their characters either to themselves or to others…
I could not give it away simply because circumstances had arranged matters so cunningly that the act was impossible considering my character…
One of the most steadfast attributes in the character of the ordinary man is his dislike of facing those difficulties of ordinary life which rank under the " unpleasantnesses " especially when the business has to do with problems , minor or major…I usually, dressing the truth in the garment of evasion, even adding frills to them…
Sometimes we all get high-strung after we've found out something's happened and start imaging things…
It was like having reviewed something in your mind so long that to suddenly hear it spoken revealed it to startling to grasp…then it hit all at once…
I drew back, slightly startled realizing that the words revealed a meaning that had never occurred to me…
We usually beat our heads against a brick wall due to some subconscious sense of guilt, of one kind or another…
But just as a man delays throwing away a joint, he had delayed throwing away this new thing he had come across and which pleased his romantic sense, his sex sense, and his sense of being a protector… all this held him , and it's strength consisted in the fact that it was woven out of his own rather complex character…
I am a soul looking for a character --the old Georgia student that i thought was dead a long time and buried beneath solemn interests and worldly wisdom and the blanket of selfish cares had suddenly revived --come alive--my thoughts are for others…
If you have never seen a fight between two government Departments you have never seen a fight worth seeing…A fight not loud and gory but subtle, self-contained and full of rancor...
He was free to stand in the doorway and enjoy man's richest luxury--a blank mind..
Frequently there are several versions of truth…
There are no 'ifs' in history, only in the minds of observers reviewing it, and for all the progress we make , nobody has proved that chance is other than a statistical delusion invented by man…
Truth arrives in as many forms as lies…
What is most familiar is most reassuring…
Knowledge is more important than timetables…
The awareness of living has been entirely lost sight of…
A clumsy truth and a plausible lie could sound almost alike…
Ever notice how uneasy people get if you try to say some of the weird things that happen inside your head…
Most of us are eager fans of the environment until it's maintenance threatens to inconvenience us…
Anger is a common derivative of fear…`
Panic has an odor, a tenor, and a visual quality that imprints on spinal neurons micro--moments before recognitions touches the brain...
She was smart enough to realize that she needed to reinvent her life or slip slowly, inexorably off the edge of sanity…
False hope is a common source of human pain…
Nothing's to much…
Even a short tail can wag impressively when linked to a soul full of delight…
Apathy is a crime against existence…
You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget…
Never allow tragedy or sorrow to have the last thought…
How many wounds would heal if we allowed them to---we revisit them--opening up old wounds--pain does not last forever enthusiasm does reappear if we allow it a chance…
Look at the word "fate" there 's no place for--enthusiasm --add time--and you realize and remember you do have a choice…
Who said anything about guarantees…
If you live up to your responsibilities you don't have to worry about the outcome…
Prejudice is the reason of fools--Voltaire
It's impossible to be prejudiced and terrific at the same time----
Constant criticism crushes out our humanity…
Grudges cause ulcers and other things…
The merely important always loses to the immediately urgent…
Flexibility is a key to survival, success, and financial gain…
There's no real change--without change…
Excessive anxiety doesn't change the corrupts the pleasure of today…
Hope is oxygen for the soul…
Danger from enemies would be from a chance encounter…
That which is familiar is never so exciting as that which is unknown…
People have told me to sell--money in the bank is reassuring than land--to much land--more than I can handle--I'm comfortable here--there's a peaceful lack of urgency in this place, and it's pleasant in it's quite and noiselessness--this was in direct contrast to my feeling for this place when I had to work--it's strange how not having to work to survive has changed my attitude …where I had previously been anxious,depressed, and impatient, I am now more relaxed and expectant…I like this way better…
No wild animal can tell a man from a tree by sight alone if only he stands still…
It's better sometimes to be near the rose than to be the rose…
I think that one of the heaviest crosses humanity has to bear is to have constantly to decide between two or more absolutely trivial conclusions in one's own affairs; but when one is called upon to multiply one's useless perplexities, say ten, life is really a burden...
All his life he had depended upon some one else, with easy going thoughtlessness…
There was an under tone in her utterance which I did not quite comprehend, though it was obvious to others…
I am not impressed with what money procures for people as what it saves them from…
I am a very quiet person, and am almost always at home…
I am also rather unconventional person,making very few claims upon society, and upon whom society makes very few…
I have no yearnings in that direction which are not satisfied with what I have…
We had enough in common to be rather sympathetic, and we differ enough not to be dull, and so we get along very well…
I sometimes get in a state of mind when the only place that seems desirable is some where else…
She had turned her back upon them all and no awful fate had overtaken her; instead , she had taken a firm hold upon life and made of it a fine, even a glittering success; and this is a thing which is not easily forgiven…
In nature,who never loses her perspective or sense of proportion, I find that which helps me keep my own…
His sentimentality frightened me--It was the sentimentality of a man who could give himself the best of reasons for helping people for all the wrong reasons…
One of the unfortunate things about "facts" that are recorded in scientific journals is that once they have appeared in print it is difficult to eliminate them and they are quoted again and again for many years…
Partly because those who do "pure science"for the shear love of discovery never know what consequences may follow from new knowledge…
Money is one of the ways our society uses to focus attention on issues,,but money has its own problems..
The truth is all groups have their vulnerabilities…
Nobody should underestimate the complexity of a process…
People choose their scientific evidence to fit their preferences…
Get some Geological Survey maps of your area…the larger bookstores carry them,and they are convenient for ready reference when tacked on some out of the way wall…Get a group together and cut off the margins--then at a glance you can see every hill, and stream in your area…including roads…
More books; I don't tell you about books because I want you to read them--they're interesting to me because--I love books--they are what interest me when I have nothing physical to do--as I get older I'm glad I started collecting books back when--I've got books of all kinds--not just this and that--but it doesn't really matter the subjects cause the idea of reading anything appeals to me at different times and I never get the feeling that I'm wasting my time when I read something someone else has written--it's like we're having conversation--about something they know something about and I don't so let's have at it--if I get bored when reading I put what I'm reading down mark where I stopped and maybe that book will be moved--I have different locations all over my place of residence and eventually we'll meet again--just possibly as old friends do--in that other place and possibly we'll be in better spirits and can appreciate each other better--if not--well-- another time and another place---
Margaret Atwood--Surfacing
Brian Aldiss--The Dark Light-Years
Treasure Bits--Rose Porter
The 2003 Book lover's Calendar
Care and feeding of a Place in the Country Dale Warren
Charles Paul May--A Book of Insects
The Complete Book of Solitaire and Patience Games
Tony's Scrap Book--Anthony Wons
Square-Knot Book--P.C. Herwig Co. #3 1971
Black Elk Speaks--John G. Neihardt
Castle Richmond--Anthony Trollope
The Prince--Niccolo Machiavelli
Xala--Sembene Ousmane
Working With Dreams--Montague Ullman and Nan Zimmerman
The Life of Spinoza--Joseph Ratner
Satan's Rock--Carl D. Burton
The Stranger Within--Cyril H. Powell
I kid you not--I read anything--I'm not bored--I'm not unhappy--as I look out my windows I see nothing but woods, trees,earth, sky peeking through the trees, I've got it made--and later on I'll go have a milkshake vanilla with cream and a cherry on top--thank you very much…
Isn't truth a desire man spends his lifetime seeking, just as a dog seeks the coarse weed that makes him vomit…
Eyes --Use drops sparingly--Drops designed to get the red out have an agent in them that works to constrict your blood vessels…They take the redness out by shrinking the blood vessels--your eyes look whiter--rebound effect--after a while--redness comes back with vengeance--use artificial tears they moisten--
The ignorant marvels at the exceptional:
the wise man marvels at the common. (G.D. Boardman)
Christmas cheer walks a lonely road--always trying to keep up with the Jones and what there kids are getting--the credit cards go be-zonkand life gets more hectic--cause your way over due--as far as your spending is concerned and only because you have this weakness that your credits so strong--but in today's time you can over due it..and get yourself in a hell of a mess--(Been there--done that) and it has something to do with manhood--getting in financial trouble--is a way out of any relationship--the way to stay in any relationship is to discuss everything even the most minute--when you are not meeting the demands made upon you it's to late--and you should both know it before it happens and at the same time--
How is it that we only talk about things which seem to mean so little--and then when things go wrong--we seem to wonder where and when it began…like we were not in a relationship at all we were just standing around---like some by stander--and couldn't believe it happened--I not talking about keeping things hidden from each other--if you're into that kind of thing you shouldn't have gotten married in the first place even if you got yourself in a mess like pregnancy---and I'm talking about both parties here---for relationships to be so important and it mean something that can effect your whole life--and someone else's maybe there should be a whole educational course from day one---I know that this seems unimportant to those whose family has always stayed together--but I went through 5 divorces with my mother and I think there should have been a point when she wasn't allowed to do what she did anymore--how I don't know--she had the feeling without a man she wasn't a women---my interpretation of what happened…there was no discussion--only she just felt the need--or that she couldn't handle what went on--in a man's world and she wanted someone else to handle it…who knows…all I remember are the messes that followed--the complications and my mother was always poor--before and even more after…
It's early..Son went to work at 4:30 and I got up at the same come out on the porch to type and see if I could come up with anything worth while--to think about--dogs are barking at something out side I hear the outside dogs going nuts---so naturally the inside dogs are reacting.. Sammy just stopped--inside dog..she's headed back to bed--with Owen…
I've got some really nice slides--Greg(works with me) was upstairs and found some old slides and we set everything up so I could run them but I found it was faster using a light table cause I can look at more of them at a time…and I do have a lot of them…cases, boxes, and just laying out and about…
I'm having someone help me with cleaning the house--My one true hope is that they don't steal me blind--it's not that I care what they steal it's just that they hurt themselves so much by the stealing--I know where everything is --I mean by gosh I've lived over forty years and things haven't been moved so where they are or were stand out-like a sore thumb if they aren't there and I have to tell the person that I don't need them any more--I know they need the work and the money and most have children so what do I do--I feel sorry for them and let them do what I could do myself--It's not the few things they steal--that hurt me--It's that somebody that I was trying to help and had never done any harm to hated me enough to come into an atmosphere like my home and take from me something that must mean a lot to me or it wouldn't be there--stealing has never done anybody any good--it's only a temporary solution--to an otherwise stupid problem…one asked me have you never had to steal anything--I had to look away--I am not saying do as I have done--I am not an example for any man to follow--I am and have not been perfect--but for the time I have left in my life--I am not going to put up with things that enter my life that displease me….or have lies told to my face--especially by someone that was given a good reputation…
Well did I sleep good last night woke up at 6:30 and had I realized I was going to sleep that good I would have celebrated before I went to sleep--if that's possible --any way the dog wanted out and I guess I'm on her wave length or her feelings because I seem to sense her waking up and wanting out--sometimes I'm a little annoyed with her but can't stay that way long--not at Sammy--
Another dog has been let out--I was going out to get some dog food in town and at the top of my drive
a dog was sitting by the mailbox --some type of hunting dog mixed with a pit bull--sort of--but totally friendly wanting some form of affection--all I had to do was roll down my window--and it jumped up on the side of the car and wanted in or petting--a whole bunch of scars around it's mouth--all down one side of it's body--my heart went out to her--I went on into town which is about 30 minutes away--when I came back it was still beside the mailbox--I stopped again-- and it followed me down the drive and up to the house--I wondered what kind of reception it was going to get from the other dogs--which was instantaneous almost an instant explosion--the new interloper was charged by Bo-Bo, Sammy, Little Bit, and Mazzy, all headed straight for this new dog--of course she took off like a bat out hell--and they were all in pursuit--I mentioned it to my son as I came in the house and his immediate reaction--was going to the phone and calling dog control--thank heavens they weren't opening on Saturday--so here it is Sunday and I'm still thinking about the dog--all I want to do-- is show it-- some form of tenderness you can tell it's had it rough--cold and hungry--I keep thinking it might be able to come up to the house--wonder when the other dogs will let it--I keep hoping the other dogs will et their guard down and start playing or initiating some friendship--we'll see
Obstacles are those you see when you take your eyes off the goal…
You'll never feather your nest on a wild goose chase…
Some people are know by their deeds…Others are known by their mortgages…
The most promising young man is the one who does more than he promises…
Among the footprints on the sands of time, some people leave only the marks of a heel…
Silence is the best substitute for Brains…
The best way to get rid of a noise in your car is to et her drive…
If it's true women dress to express themselves, some have very little to say…
Words of wisdom you'd better heed---Don't plant more than your wife can weed…
Laugh and the world laughs with you ..Snore, and you sleep alone…
A dog has so many friends because he wags his tail instead of his tongue…
A smart husband hides his money in his clothes that need mending…
Perfection may never be reached, but it's worth reaching for…
Well-- here goes a tale--A man has a daughter--the daughter marries " her " divorced husbands brother--after a trail of several years of the marriage the man--let's say his name is Tony--becomes involved with drugs,stealing and robbing instead of working--he gets caught--and talks an old couple into going on his bond--he gives them a real sob story how he's been wronged--and the law is persecuting him and the man a Vietnam Vet decides to help and gives his title for his land--the dates for the court day comes up and the man goes over and checks with Tony to make sure he's going to show up and tell him when the date for the court day is --Tony tells the man he's not going to jail--no matter what--the man knowing he'll lose his land if Tony doesn't show raises his voice Tony threatens to bust the man in the nose--the man decides he better go home and get some back-up--by the time he gets back Tony has left and the man realizes he made one big mistake--now Tony becomes a fugitive this other man's daughter is his only savior to help find Tony--he goes over to her house and meets her Father--who totally knows all about Tony and his lying ways--he sympathizes with the Vietnam Vet and tells him that he nor his daughter knows anything of Tony's where a bouts--and if he did he would certainly tell the police--the man older man was in some kind of shock--and started coming over to this other man's house--wanting to make a statement of some kind or at least let these people know that he was really hurting--and was scared to death that he was going to lose his property if they wouldn't tell him where Tony was--
Understanding--in chaos--turbulence galore--a vacuum--maybe not as powerful as a black hole--but doing it's natural best--home day--rain--a time to sit by the window--and yes I'm going to say it--glorification--has it's place on earth--the brighter new green leaves at birth--the grays and green as backgrounds--and people--no wonder--there's still a place called home--make it--comfortable--windows--when I talking woods--they make your house bigger--with view….the inside --the outside--they work together--nature is in control--and you're not on hold--you're amplified--connected like a plug--you become an observer--meander through the woods with your eyes--trunk to trunk--green to gray's--backgrounds--leading to the sky-- up under the trees --the temperament of the day is gray or good old blue--I've got this native crabapple--outside my window peeking thru a dogwood at me--it getting ready to express itself--in all it's glory--a show girl--a dancing bear--man in all his glory--a beautiful day--coming--and it was all brought to you by the "Woods Department"--been thinking about a fire in the fireplace--not just today it creeps up on me--I've been putting it off -- aches and pains--before and a long time after--draw up their ugly slowness--careful--slow down--use your brain more--make one trip--straight lines--military school--chaos is not something to play around with--it's probably-the next to the most popular thing out there that affects us on a minute to minute basis--it's dynamic--*++Every so often two people meet they will approach each other closely enough that their interaction must be handled separately--marriage--relationship--whatever--everything is geared to infinity--simplistic--natural--and damn shore ain't no rush--we reach out next infinity every second--Infinity Energy--there are black holes in every thing comprehensible--you just don't think about them cause they're not important until it's to late--you're gone--notice--all logical steps in the business world--all logical steps in the natural way of doing things in a financial matter--introduction to new ways of doing business--truthfully--honestly--hand to hand--or eye to eye--open door policy but don't bring me any bull--tending to business-if you can help--let's have at it--Galactic orbits are part of the charging system for the whole of the universe--you know-- like just our system--but it: all so is, a very minor part in a but a very big player--in adding up electrical charging system--gives us our atmosphere--to allow us to meander in what we do--turbulence-chaotic--aggressive--force--power--the power company--The Tempest--Shakespeare--Behold I have done myself wrong--I should be hard at work--at the computer--not letting me wonder down these paths of infinity--as I walk out the door--I'm amazed by April--there's just been a two day rain--mostly rained all night--and the freshness if it could be bottled--I'd take a good long drink--not cold enough to make one suffer--but just enough--to make one think in terms of fire wood--a cup of coffee--maybe a little key Lime Pie--thick crust- and away we go--infinite memories--shows worth watching--I'm always interested in simple little things like missing insects--year to year--what shows up: what doesn't, is the part that worries me most--bees Honey variety- less and less--even to the point where I wonder-- if I've seen any--even my pollen plants--grown for them--seem undisturbed--April can fool you--it'd like one of the teases of the year--looks ideal for the long run--weather forecaster--say O.K.--then with in hours you're looking at a stay home day--cloudy, windy,and intermittent showers all the way to "down pours"-- the hills hide what's coming--and occasionally I need exercise--a fast pace walk to get out of the rain-- can-- only help what I have left--infinity of that moments thought--or why have it--