Varnished Candles Burn Longer
The heated tallow or wax of a candle runs down the sides and this results in a considerable waste.. this waste can be stopped by coating the new candles with white varnish and laying them aside for a few days to harden… the Varnish will keep the melted tallow or wax from running away and it is used in the wick...
A deep rust on tools may be removed by soaking them in a strong, hot bath of potash and water for a half hour, then dipping them into a solution of 1 part muriatic acid in 2 parts cold water..
On a clothes washing machine--keep the door open a crack to keep that old musty smell from accumulating…when not in use that is..humor
Don't expect your washing machine to work miracles on really dirty clothes--soak extra-dirty clothes for a while in good soap solution and make it easier for the machine to do it's job...
Never wash enameled surface of your range while it is hot, or "crazing and cracking will result…
To extinguish a fire in the chimney, quickly close all the doors and windows in the room to decrease the draft; throw a few handfuls of common salt upon the fire in the range or grate, and the chimney fire will at once be extinguished by the gas evolved by the burning salt...
The fate of information--it can be bought and sold
Salt dissolved in vinegar is better than elbow grease when applied to the battered old pail you bought at the thrift store and never new was brass…
Are your fire extinguishers in good order--do you know how to use them and do other members of your family…
Wood rats--are notorious for invading houses in the woods--anywhere they might be able to pick up easy pickings--they love the idea of not having to work---a brief period of neglect --a rat's nest results…
Renew and repair are an ever present alternative--To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living…. Amiel
Your coffee pot--does the inside look horribly dark in there--use cream of tartar on the inside--sprinkle some inside and I used a brush--became new again---promise you want be disappointed
Hot milk added to potatoes when mashing will keep them from being soggy or heavy…
Ginger cookies mixed with cold coffee instead of milk have a taste that's hard to beat…
In cooking vegetables , cover those that grow under ground, as turnips, onions, etc.; leave uncovered those that grow above ground …
To keep cookies from burning on the bottom turn the baking pan upside down and bake on the bottom of the pan and you will never do do it any other way…
The lid of a teapot should always be left so that the air may get in---this prevents mustiness--the same rule for coffee..the same goes for the door on washing machines--clothes and dishwasher--the air inside is musty so add fresh and when you open the doors there want be an " odor"--that repels thy nose..
Use a little ammonia in the dish water when washing glass wear--it will make it sparkle like cut glass…especially after a memorable evening when you are both in the kitchen together--still having fun-- doing the dishes together…three tablespoons of cider vinegar--finish in sudsy water rinse and wal-la…
Want to remove tarnish from copper pots and pans???
1.) Mix a bottle of vinegar with 3 tablespoons of sat and cover pots and pans in the solution, allowing to stand for a half hour or so--the tarnish can be rub off…
2.) Cut a lemon in half and dip one part in salt..Use the salted half to rub the tarnish off…
3.) Pour Worcestershire sauce on a soft cloth and rub away the tarnish…
What the best detergent for dishes--Truth is that the best and most efficient detergent to use is the cheapest-- Simply add a few drops of vinegar to your dishwater, and your dishes will come as clean as possible…
Keep the kitchen and bathroom smelling great--Stick cloves into an orange until it's a solid mass of cloves. then leave out in whichever room.. the comments will come…
Butcher Block counters--When they become scratched or discolored, give them a light sanding.. Then oil them with a household cooking oil(Other than olive)..Wipe all excess oil with paper a new butcher block…
A teaspoon of sugar to each three cups of water used in cooking peas, carrots, cabbage, turnips, or onions will improve their flavor…
When frying bacon--dust a little flour in your skillet, this will prevent the fat from popping out on your floor or stove unless you're cooking at to high heat…
Your muffin tins tins are excellent for baking apples, stuffed peppers, etc…
If you want to preserve all the vitamin B when making applesauce, do not pare the apples, just core them, slice them and put them on to cook…
If you do not cover spinach when cooking the color will be retained.. A pinch of soda added also helps keep the fresh taste and color…
Set a pail of water inside a freshly painted room and the odor will vanish sooner…
Zip up your gingerbread and molasses cookies by adding a bit of grated orange peel to the batter…
For that extra something in your apple pie, sprinkle the sliced apples with a few drops of lemon juice.. dot with butter…
It's easy as pie to get a flaky crust.. Just before putting the pie in the oven , brush top crust lightly with cold water.. The result will melt in your mouth…
Try adding canned consommé to a pot roast instead of the usual water..the gravy will be delicious…
Good cheap liniment: Break end of egg open…Put the egg in a glass bottle…Fill the shell with turpentine.. Fill the shell with vinegar…Put both in the bottle with egg a shake like heck..It is ready for use…
Molding clay in mouse trap works fine as a bait and lasts a long time too..gums drops work also…
At the first attack of a chigger, let a drop of ammonia touch the affected spot and the cure is immediate…
Wax snow shovel to prevent snow from sticking to it..this makes shoveling much easier…
A common clothes pin, split in half makes 2 ideal and economical pan scrapers which do not rust or scratch enamelware or precious aluminum…
Candles last longer if placed in refrigerator for a few days before using.. they hold their shape better and burn slowly after this treatment…
If your glue becomes hardened in the bottle, just add a tablespoon of vinegar to soften it…
A delicious whipped cream substitute is easily made by adding a sliced banana to the whites of one beaten egg and beating until stiff…The banana will completely dissolve…
When using butter, remember that one stick (one quarter of a pound) is equal to 1/2 cup when measured…
For out door lights at camps,hunting camps etc., soak bricks in kerosene 24 hours or 30 hours..hang with wire tied around brick and light with a match..will burn 3 to 5 hours…
It takes 6 eggs to a quart of milk to make a perfect baked custard…That's a good thing to remember...
Put a layer of marshmallows in bottom of pumpkin pies, then filling , marshmallows will come to the top and make nice topping…
Rub the new wooden salad bowl with olive oil daily for a period of ten days and it will season it delightfully for the salads to come...
An equal quantity of whipped cream added to salad dressing gives a smoother and better tasting product…To stretch your salad dressing or mayonnaise add some pickle juice,gives a good flavor…
Stir a half package of chocolate chips into your seven -minute frosting while it is still hot--It will turn out creamy and taste wonderful…
Place a piece of apple in your brown sugar jar or package and it will keep the sugar from drying out and lumping..Try the same cure for too dry cookies…
Spark up the flavor of ripe olives by soaking them overnight in olive oil to which has been added a very small clove of garlic…
To put attractive scalloped edges on thin cucumber slices, just run the tines of a fork lengthwise over the peeled cucumber, and then slice…
A little oatmeal adds much flavor and richness when used as a thickener for soups..try it.. surprise
It's the people who have the power rather than the people who have the knowledge who get the ultimate say…
Better the devil's you don't know than those that know you…
How hard for real friendships to spring up between two different generations--one could communicate but it was often like two different species signaling to each other across a gulf…
Anything that happens to us is our own responsibility…
Now you tell me if we aren't all seduced at some time or other in some way or other…
Honesty and goodness cast upon all acts of life a light which makes them creditable, for noble conduct makes even ignorance seem worthy…Honore de Balzac
The majority of dramas lie really in the ideas which we make to ourselves about things…Events which seem to us dramatic are nothing more than subjects which our souls convert into tragedy or comedy according to the bent of our characters…Honore de balzac
Left over coffee need not be poured down the drain, Freeze it into coffee ice cubes for your iced coffee or other iced drinks…Same goes for tea you might pour down the sink…
It's easy to make lovely tinted cocoanut. just fill a glass jar half full of shredded cocoanut.. Sprinkle in a few drops of diluted coloring..Cover jar and shake…
Eliminate waste when measuring molasses by greasing the cup lightly…
Stale, dried up cheese turns into a delicious spread when placed into the meat grinder with chunks of raw onion…
In dusting books, wipe the leaf edges away from the binding..Keep the dirt out of the backbone pocket…
Make your own treated dusters this way: Dip 18 inch cheesecloths squares in a solution of 2 cups hot water and 1/4 cup lemon oil. Squeeze out excess liquid and dry...
Rub scissors with butter to cut up marshmallows or run hot water over the scissors…
Put a small piece of white soap in your sewing basket… stick needles and pins i it and they will run through cloth more easily…
Store apples with potatoes…It will keep the potatoes from sprouting…Use 1 part apples to 4 parts potatoes…
When canning Tomatoes put onions and peppers in with them…This is grand with rice or macaroni and it is all ready to use…
French dressing--1 cup salad oil, 6 tablespoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1/4 teaspoon paprika, Olive oil, or corn oil maybe used; also, either vinegar or lemon juice…Mix dry ingredients, add oil and vinegar, and beat until thick or lightly creamy..--May be made in larger quantities and kept in a bottle; shake as used…
Kitchen Bouquet--The "Bouquet " of herbs used for flavoring soups, etc., and often referred to in recipes, consists of the following: A sprig each of parsley, savory, and thyme, a small leaf of sage, and a bay leaf, bunched and tied together. This will season 1 gallon of soup cooked for 1 hour, and many other dishes in comparison…
The aftermath of war can be more dangerous than the war itself…
We humans act short sightedly--we do that which helps immediate situations, often to disastrous effects for future generations…
One would find life so much more enjoyable if one basked in joys without fearing for the future ones…
For there are,indeed, consequences to every choice we make, to everything we do or choose not to do…
Freedom allows each the right to choose the life before him or her, but freedom demands that the person accept the responsibility for those choices, good or bad…
You can give your heart to whomever you want, but you give your life to the one who's best for you and for the ones you love…
You're quite an expert in vagueness have you considered a career in politics…
Political platitudes satisfy for a short time only---people…but sooner or later we must realize we are being fed form without substance---What we must hear from our politicians is the truth,and we and they must believe it and we must hold them accountable…
There are always more questions than answers…
When you start looking for trouble--it starts looking for you…
We each give and we each take--and what we do should be the result of cooperation, not dictation…
The moment became so important silence made it golden, my eyes closed and watered, I felt uplifted, and remembered the first time that it had happened a long time ago…
I know,of course, what most tax payers still have a hard time understanding, Government cannot devise ways and means for giving back more than they can take in….